[06:52:29] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:06:49] Hey [13:07:51] . [13:08:48] Can anyone recommend a good modpack? [13:09:46] Hi BigJeb [13:09:57] I like dated quicksaves, KER, EER. [13:11:11] Not really modpacks. The KSP community and add-on publishing rules make modpacks very difficult to legally make and maintain. There are, however, plenty of very popular mods and planet packs out there [13:11:21] :C [13:11:35] Is there a comprehensive tech tree mod? [13:11:58] Hmm. I think there's one called "Better progression" or something like that [13:11:58] I want to do a modded campaign. [13:12:02] KER, KAC, MechJeb. SSPXR for station parts [13:12:47] BigJeb, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/90530-18x-community-tech-tree-november-16/ [13:12:54] every modded KSP installation is different ;) [13:12:58] Could be something for you? [13:13:01] (it's a support nightmare) [13:13:03] Yey Deddly [13:13:29] Time to mod the living fuck out of my game [13:13:46] BigJeb, please no bad language in this channel [13:13:47] Does RSS/RO/RP work? [13:14:08] linuxgurugamer uses some 200-ish mods. I recently skipped through one of his twitch streams [13:14:12] on linux [13:14:26] darsie: still no Kopernicus for 1.8 [13:14:56] packbart: RP0/1 is only up to 1.3.1, so I'm not aiming for 1.8. [13:15:47] in that case, the OS is "Unity" for all that matters to mods [13:16:16] But RSS leaves me with the Kerbal solar system. [13:17:23] Which KSP version does RSS/RO/RP work with? [13:18:00] What'd a decent up to date solar system mod? [13:18:44] BigJeb, you mean like a planet pack? [13:18:50] Ye [13:19:29] At the moment, there aren't any up-to-date ones. The reason for that is they all rely on Kopernicus, and it hasn't yet been fixed for 1.8 [13:19:39] They are working on it, though [13:19:47] There are so many... JNSQ is the newest kid, I think [13:20:25] (Thread Of The Month: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/184880-17x-jnsq-086-13-nov-2019/ ) [13:20:26] Outer Planets is a popular one [13:20:52] Dang [13:21:14] Wish there was at least, like, a list of must have up-to-date mods [13:21:32] BigJeb, in general, if you want all the best mods, you're likely to be major version behind the latest KSP release [13:21:42] :C [13:21:44] it all depends on what you want to do, what you are used to doing and what you expect from KSP ;) [13:22:02] But of course, there's nothing stopping you installing 1.7 [13:22:18] apart from Kopernicus, everything I like to use works with 1.8 [13:22:40] Action: packbart only has a "small" amount of mods (~20) [13:22:56] The lower version number is stopping me from installing it [13:23:08] Gotta have all the best upd stuff [13:23:14] then go with 1.8 [13:23:30] and play in the stock system until Kopernicus gets an update [13:23:37] BigJeb, Oh, one important thing: are you using the Steam version? If you are, make sure you are modding a copy of the KSP folder, not the Steam one. Otherwise, next time KSP updates, it will mess up all your mods [13:23:56] Thanks [13:23:59] ah, well, I ignored that so far ;) [13:26:05] Hey, rp1 made it to 1.7.3. Gonna try with that. :) [13:26:10] Any mods ya'll like that add new mechanics? [13:27:17] hehe surviving mars breakthrough technology: soylent green [13:28:33] BigJeb, you might like this one https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/142594-18-kerbal-attachment-system-kas-v15-incompatible-with-ksp-17/ [13:29:18] Neat [13:29:20] Goes together with this one: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149848-18-kerbal-inventory-system-kis-v123-incompatible-with-ksp-17/ [13:30:17] Anything else i might want? [13:30:59] If I were you, I'd check that what you already have will load without any problems :) [13:31:15] But Rastor Prop Monitor is really cool. [13:32:35] Says development stopped though [13:32:54] Oh really? That's a shame. That one was a gem [13:33:56] there's a moar performant replacement mod (MAS). doesn't seem to have quite the same support as RPM, yet [13:33:56] I remember there being a mod that added new launch points [13:34:18] that could be Kerbal Constructs or any mod that depends on it [13:34:20] Like bases and stuff [13:34:45] Seems to be it, neat ty' [13:35:42] Extraplanetary Launchpads [13:37:14] 1.7 :c [13:37:58] Yeah. Mixed reports of whether or not it works in 1.8. Best to avoid that one for now [13:38:11] Man kethane is 1.7 too [13:38:14] :C [13:40:38] I didn't even know Kethane was still in development. I haven't heard anything about that mod since ISRU was included in stock [13:41:32] I haven't played since like 2013 or so [13:41:37] Maybe a bit later [13:41:45] Buncha new stuff [13:41:49] Well, welcome back :) [13:42:33] Do you have all the DLC? [13:43:07] Yup [13:43:17] Cool [13:43:45] Are there any 1.8 mods that let you build stuff outside of the editor? Like setting up some sort of factory in space [13:46:58] I think we're back to Extraplanetary Launchpads for that [13:47:51] or Ground Construction / Global Construction [13:48:13] https://github.com/allista/GroundConstruction [13:49:17] Dang [13:49:44] GC should work with 1.8 [13:54:02] Is Interstellar Extended Interstellar Extended any good? [13:56:44] If you want FTL, yes. It's an attempt to make FTL possible not not OP [13:57:07] Not OP because it takes a lot of work to develop the technology [13:58:15] ...attempt to make FTL possible 4_but_ 1not OP [13:59:05] stop saying op [13:59:08] reeee [14:00:11] Does "O" and "P" ping you? [14:00:41] Like museum does? [14:01:01] opers gonna op [14:03:14] Can you retroactively add mods to a campaign? [14:04:04] yes, that's easier than removing a mod from a running game [14:06:27] Man Community tech tree doesn't seem to be supporting many mods right now [14:09:41] BigJeb, it says "Any mod that does not support the CTT will still work just fine, it will just not take advantage of new tech nodes that are added" [14:10:06] A lot of mods have their own entries in the tech tree, so you should be fine [14:16:10] Hope his entire system didn't go down because of all those mods... [14:38:53] Deddly: op pings me cause I'm an op in some channels so I have it as a ping word [14:39:21] Ah, that makes sense [14:48:18] Deddly, museum also pings him [14:48:40] This is true :D [14:51:00] museum [14:51:21] museum https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YA8ELI9n/20191202_095254.jpg [15:03:18] Aaw that is beautiful [15:05:12] Deddly: museum https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YxKq2YmR/20191110_115832.jpg [15:05:23] different museum, but still a museum [15:06:03] You're making me jealous [15:27:15] Deddly: come to DC for the museums! [15:27:52] Yeah, one day I will have to [15:38:45] UmbralRaptop: I still think dayton has a better museum [15:39:25] hm [16:28:49] Rokker: You still have to come to Duxford sometime [16:29:13] There are no TSR-2s outside England :P [16:31:59] FLHerne: theres a reason for that [16:39:12] Rokker: Yeah, too damn cool for the government to build it :-/ [16:41:26] (I may be biased here, my grandfather worked on the avionics and my mother said once that watching the first test flight was one of the earliest things she remembered) [16:41:32] But it's a beautiful plane [16:44:28] FLHerne: wrong [17:33:16] Hello. Is there an RSS channel? [17:40:00] blink [18:21:45] funny hat. https://i.imgur.com/fhsGNFS.png [18:21:49] ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169664-173-grannus-expansion-pack-v110-1-dec-2019/&do=findComment&comment=3712397 ) [18:37:17] https://twitter.com/SARA_Obs/status/1201535922984169474 [18:37:17] Interstellar comet Borisov, 38 minutes' worth of stacked R images, 27 November. 1-meter Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (… https://t.co/rUBX5Ei8Lv [18:39:43] ... waiting for Kopernicus, so thenI can play with Snarkiverse, and hopefully work around the frame reference rotation issue [20:42:48] How can I make KCT/Kerbal Alarm clock not ask me to close a window upon alarm? [20:49:03] make it not show a message dialog upon alarm? [21:09:34] yes [21:28:36] Silk: 0.067 kg/m2; Nylon: 0.0565 kg/m2; Kevlar 0.072 kg/m2. Shouldn't silk be lightest? [22:14:13] kubi: just recompile and try [22:28:05] if that would be that simple :) [22:44:50] two weeks ago i did, and it was that simple [22:45:02] a few small bugs, but nothing game-breaking [23:26:46] Post-war rocketry testing gives me upgrades to the A4 and RD100, but I don't have these engines. Where are they? [23:27:14] I hoped it would include the engines.