[00:30:59] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:49:19] All right, I've got an autopilot program I wrote back before kOS had its GUI capabilities... [00:49:33] I think I'm gonna add GUI functionality to it. [00:53:08] Does kOS have an RPM interface? [00:56:58] I don't know, what's an RPM interface? [01:05:54] Rasterprop motor [01:06:09] Adds functional MFDs to IVA [01:10:54] Good question. I don't know. [01:11:57] All right, I'm making progress on that GUI... https://i.imgur.com/UgnWUJG.jpg [01:12:36] I have a little box that says "AILE RON ELE VAT OR PITC H THR OTT LE". [01:20:09] https://78.media.tumblr.com/aa5d773429b3fa1d78f3f90381265af9/tumblr_ovf8m3RsNl1v42ugpo1_540.jpg [01:21:27] Today in weird planets: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/wasp-18b-has-smothering-stratosphere-without-water [01:52:58] whoa [01:53:09] NASA just used voyager main thruster [01:53:14] after 37 years [01:53:16] and it worked [01:53:22] https://www.geekwire.com/2017/nasa-turns-voyagers-dormant-thrusters-first-time-37-years-work/ [01:53:53] Ever notice how clickbait titles love to use just even though its been a while now [01:54:08] I guess geek wire didnt. But a different outlet did [01:54:21] ah ok lol [01:54:34] But its pretty cool [01:54:40] Thats a long 20hours [01:56:13] apparently it's because attitude control trrusters is getting degraded [01:56:38] they are trying to extend mission another 2 to 3 years. :( so pretty soon it will stop working [01:57:55] It'll run out of juice before it runs out of thrusters. [02:04:11] big moon tomorrow apparebtly [02:42:51] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Judge_Dedd' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:51:17] Note to self: before attempting launch, check whether or not controls are working. [02:59:06] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAvNgRAAVig [02:59:06] YouTube - KSP - Kraken Tower [03:32:49] Holy swear word, a surface sample from Minmus is worth 150 science? [03:40:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [03:42:25] yeah it's a lot [03:42:37] I did one minmus landing and return and got ~8500 science from it [03:42:45] that was with visits to every biome [03:43:28] the game's pretty generous with science so that you can turn it into money in career mode and also not take ten million flights to do anything on hard difficulties [03:43:58] I have enough science to get any Tier 7 technology. \o/ [03:44:27] Except for Nuclear Propulsion. [03:45:24] What I'm really looking forward to, though, is Advanced Science Tech, which is Tier 8. [03:47:51] Lemme just get Advanced Construction (T5), Specialized Construction (T6), and Actuators (T6). [03:50:12] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [04:00:46] tawny: I've got science->money but admin won't let me do rep->money :-( [04:02:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [04:12:46] It just now occurs to me to wonder... [04:13:00] Why would I ever use one of the larger versions of the Clamp-O-Tron instead of just using the Junior for everything? [04:42:08] Supernovy: o/ [04:42:15] yo [04:42:42] Supernovy: PM [04:59:24] Warrigal_, the bigger ones seem to have a sturdier connection, and also aesthetic value [05:00:03] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dozeman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [05:17:52] So I'd like to use KER to plan my Minmus launch so that I do it right when Minmus is at the same latitude as the Space Center. [05:18:29] Which, conveniently, is very close to the equator. [05:20:24] Do I want to pay attention to... the intercept angle? [05:52:48] Oh man. SarcasticRover responded to Elon. [05:57:40] so... with the falcon heavy [05:57:56] are they going to land all three parts of the first stage on barges [05:58:07] do they do them at separate locations or [06:13:17] I'm beginning to feel like the maneuver node interface just might be terrible... [06:13:32] All right, so, all I want to do is modify a maneuver node. [06:14:11] When I click on the maneuver node to expand it, it immediately brings up the "delete", "previous pass", and "next pass" buttons. [06:14:15] this is why there are like eight mods for improving maneuver nodes [06:14:23] but yeah it's not great [06:14:31] The "previous" and "next" buttons are disabled; the only button that's enabled is the "delete" button. [06:14:48] I don't want to delete the node, of course; I want to make the handles appear so I can modify the node. [06:16:02] As far as I can tell, there's no way to make that happen. [06:16:07] This is the first time this has ever happened to me. [06:16:49] Ohhhhhhh, I think I know why. No pilots on board. [06:17:41] hahaha [06:17:49] and no probe cores either? [06:20:54] Nope. [06:40:19] pizza coming through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z74OwRy8o9I [06:40:19] YouTube - Pizza Night! [06:46:04] plane design is a little unusual... yet .. it flies so well... [06:59:56] Whelp. My rescue mission was kind of successful? [07:00:07] I had a pilot stranded in orbit. [07:00:17] So I sent up a second pilot to rendezvous with the first pilot. [07:00:55] Now... I suppose either one of the two pilots would probably be able to get home... [07:03:11] Warrigal_: send a rescue mission to the rescue mission [07:03:25] Warrigal_: or consider this a start of the deep space habitat [07:34:11] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:36:01] Ohhhhhh, I'm a dummy. [07:36:10] Really the only pilot I care about getting home is the 2-star pilot. [07:36:14] The other pilot is disposable. [07:36:34] So, I just thought of the perfect solution. Rescue the 2-star pilot and then euthanize the other one. [07:36:59] Of course, I thought of that solution *immediately* after I made it impossible by using up all my fuel. [07:39:06] get out and push [07:42:46] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [08:02:08] All right, I've made my decision as to how to resolve this situation. [08:04:58] Ronbas' capsule has been renamed to "Ronbas Station". [08:06:08] I have a very detailed and meaningful plan for Ronbas Station. [08:06:10] Namely: [08:06:21] Ronbas Station shall remain in orbit until such time as Ronbas Station is no longer in orbit. [08:07:44] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [08:08:54] Literally get out and push. [08:08:57] You can do that. [08:25:12] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:23:27] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [09:23:27] : where can i learn proper rocket design? Trying to make a proper mun lander but I don't get enough delta-v, but if i add more fuel it becomes to high CoM or too wide at the head of the rocket [09:29:33] one sec [09:32:01] too high CoM? [09:32:43] how is that a problem [09:32:47] that helps to keep ti stable [09:32:56] i mean for the landing module [09:33:00] where it will tip over [09:33:05] https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/531767541212121091/DEF81C66369631B74BC9AC46312EA7119E414331/ more or less, this. Reliant on bottom, terrier on top. [09:33:16] Change the payload to whatever as long as it's under 3 or so tons. [09:33:48] dv varies harshly by payload but it's around 6km/s to 11km/s [09:34:07] I may have a swivel on there and heavy nosecones, parachuts for the boosters etc. [09:34:24] https://imgur.com/a/DS8xP [09:34:24] https://i.imgur.com/HIdPMw4.jpg [09:34:43] this is where i'm at [09:36:49] I have no idea what is going on there. [09:36:57] Remove all the batteries for starters. [09:37:02] Horribly drag. [09:37:02] i have life support modules and storage containers for science stuff [09:37:13] where else would i put the batteries? [09:37:28] Capsule has electric charge [09:37:45] it's not enough with life support on [09:37:47] Engine regens it. I don't think you plan to go past sub-orbital hops without solar panels. [09:37:49] oh. [09:37:54] kerbalism [09:38:02] I have no idea what that is. [09:38:18] I've used USI Life Support and TAC Life Support. [09:38:28] Stuff works for an hour with no power. [09:38:59] You should have solar panels as one of your first things anyway. [09:39:23] yeah but for the dark side [09:40:15] Put your batteries inside payload storage. [09:40:27] They are huge sources of drag and have to be countered by lots of fins. [09:40:39] They also slow the rocket down a ton. [09:41:22] It's well worth the weight to have them inside a service module than hanging off the outside. [09:41:34] And if you have fairings, you could use those. [09:41:54] fairings almost always increase dV due to reduced drag. [09:42:27] You playing career or science? [09:43:31] HotSpicySausage: i think the problem is not enough batteries [09:44:05] career [09:45:29] ..... I don't have KER installed. [09:45:39] Well, so much for getting good dV readouts. [09:45:49] I'm rawdogging it. [09:48:02] Nope, this is impossible to design it correctly. I have to ensure that TWR of core stage is less than 1 during takeoff so the boosters pick up the slack till fuel burns off and I can't do that with stock tools. [09:48:41] Ok, what is that mod that lets you autostrut all to root? [09:48:56] editor extensions [09:50:14] Basically stow all your batteries you can inside the service bays or use less amounts of fuel cells to cut drag and weight. [09:50:34] fuel cells are going to eat LFO but should be ok for short hauls. [09:51:52] I do think KSP would benefit from adding hydrogen as an additional propelling that had lower density tanks but higher ISP and was required for fuel cells. [09:52:07] Then a water storage tanks and you could turn water to HO [09:57:09] there must be some mod that does that [09:59:02] Huh... thought I went too steep an ascent. Tipped over to 45 degrees at 5km and had to mash my core stage early to keep from tipping over and dying but I'm at a super steep and firey ascent and in constant fear of both explosive overheating and falling back into the planet so I know I'm doing it right. [09:59:35] The most effecient ascents have you in constant fear of exploding and falling back into the planet at the same time and you redline your nosecone. [09:59:51] You can get into orbit with 3km/s dV expended. [10:00:25] if the image you posted is your rocket, you might have some large aerodynamic issues [10:03:25] I'm making an updated version. [10:04:29] http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1219966838 There you go. Good rocket. [10:04:59] Not sure if I can get more dV out of firing the reliant from the ground or throttling back the SRBs. [10:05:32] It could benefit from fiddling but works fine as it is using just SRBs to get into the air and firing up the second stage about 30 sec before SRB burnout. [10:05:49] I can't add another fuel tank without making it wobbly [10:05:58] wobbly rockets are bad juju [10:07:54] Yeah, ton of ISP lost from firing the liquid from the surface. [10:07:57] autostrutting the solid boosters? [10:08:02] always [10:08:11] editor extentions, autostrut all to root [10:09:01] you dont need extensions for that [10:09:16] for 2 click strut all to root, you do. [10:09:21] and since it is connecting the center of mass it doesnt help as much as a real strut would [10:09:30] I never have issues. [10:09:45] It's like struts don't exist anymore. [10:09:53] yes, you need 2 click in stock too [10:09:56] The rockets are just stable. [10:10:07] Where is 2 click for literally every part to root? [10:10:23] I can strut 5000 parts to root in 2 clicks. [10:10:28] you should probably just use a 2.5m rocket instead of 1.25m and four boosters [10:10:43] This was lower tech and cheaper. [10:10:47] HotSpicySausage, you can always use part clipping to shove batteries inside a fuel tank [10:10:49] Can increment to it. [10:11:19] part clipping? [10:11:24] Thumpers, FL-T400 etc [10:12:14] tawny, how? [10:12:16] press 2 in the editor to bring up adjustment controls, use those to move the batteries into a fuel tank [10:13:35] Blaank: use join reinforcements [10:13:51] KJR is almost stock at this point and can create really funky noodle rockets. [10:13:57] But it's been a few years. [10:14:12] I've seen my stacks go slinky and not break. [10:17:07] Do antenna put mass on their root part or themself? [10:31:33] Anyway, the one i linked works and second one with 2.5m parts works and is cheaper. [10:31:50] skipper + jumbo is a good first stage for small ships. [10:32:09] can easily kick a terrier + FL-T800 into orbit. [10:39:46] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [10:57:04] https://youtu.be/uqMTmfdLOG0?t=843 planet sneaks up on Scott Manley [10:57:05] YouTube - 3 Part Rocket Challenge - Grand Tour - Part 2 - Duna & Dres [11:04:19] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrZC8oJXmSw [11:04:20] YouTube - Q&A: Measuring a Black Holes Spin and more. Featuring Andy Weir Author of the Martian [11:29:01] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNEuzhr7zQU [11:29:01] YouTube - Dog of Song [12:39:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:41:17] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [13:41:17] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v erio' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:11:48] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:15:53] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Judge_Dedd' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:04:30] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:04:02] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [16:04:02] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:48:22] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [18:48:22] Regarding the Falcon 9 booster specifically, what benefits do cold gas thrusters have over more traditional UDMH/NTO thrusters? Less damage in case of trouble? [18:49:31] no, they are probably safer and simpler [18:49:34] lower isp [18:50:36] Well, yeah, the lower ISP is what is confusing me. I mean, IIRC we are talking about ~90 s vs. ~180 s? [18:59:10] There you go. Google something about thrusters and receive ads for solid rocket boosters [18:59:23] lol [18:59:27] bipropellant RCS thrusters can break 300 s, IIRC [18:59:31] (Did not even know such stuff is advertised via Google) [18:59:40] ATKPlayer [19:00:16] UmbralRaptor: I googled cold gas thrusters, Wikipedia says Nitrogen ISP cannot go beyond 76 s [19:00:32] So we are talking about a 4.5 + times difference [19:01:13] which doesnt matter because it needs to do only really small changes [19:01:57] Depends on how much your attitude control engines overlap with main propulsion. [19:02:08] Action: UmbralRaptor stares at Dawn. [19:02:44] "Cold gas thrusters are mostly useful for vernier engines, and are employed chiefly for simplicity and reliability." [19:07:47] Thank you, kOS. Script effectively used the payload as a crushable soft-landing structure, Schiaparelli style. Except upside down. [19:09:52] hehe [19:10:22] Did a burning bit of debris roll for a bit? [19:10:40] (impact site photos indicate that this actually happened!) [19:12:16] Actually the top bit of the payload just exploded, and the rest bounced around some more, loosing a thruster here or there, but landed mostly intact [19:12:49] It was a KRASH test so I simply restarted it with bugfixes, but it was funny anyway [19:16:36] hahaha https://xkcd.com/1923/ [19:26:16] http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3029 [19:27:13] os this taby's star? [19:27:27] yeah [19:27:32] it's pretty interesting [19:35:49] Althego: At some point it becomes tempting to use meV for temperature. [19:36:06] hehe [19:36:26] molecule speeds? [19:38:11] Yeah [19:38:17] ish [19:48:29] a [19:49:23] hi? [19:49:52] Action: UmbralRaptor pokes Guest05569 with an SRB. [19:50:09] with the long one? [19:50:45] Some random Delta II era GEM. [20:52:29] Is there an elegant (in-game) way to attach key-value pairs to vessel parts or stages? [20:53:20] For instance, tagging first and second stages as "booster" and a third stage as "lander" would help when writing scripts to handle trips to the Mun. [20:53:57] Use the "booster" stages for Kerbin->Mun, ditch them before landing, use the "lander" stages for landing and return, ditch them before landing on Kerbin. [20:56:21] What do you mean by tagging? kOS tags? [20:57:50] I usually just tag all relevant parts with the stage name, their function, any sort of specific info and individual number, in this order and skipping stuff if not applicable. (ex. s1-tank-radial-1). This way I can access them with SHIP:PARTSTAGGEDPATTERN() with varying degrees of detail [21:01:53] By tagging I mean any kind of key-value pair attached. I'm a fan of kRPC over kOS for what it's worth. [21:03:44] No idea about kRPC, and fairly positive there is no stock way to attach any data to a part. kOS adds a new module, named kOSNameTag, IIRC, and it allows you to individually name parts. I'd imagine kRPC does a similar thing, but never used it. In fact, you may just go ahead and install both, kOS for the name tags, and kRPC for scripting. [21:04:36] Anyway, I've got to go now. See you tomorrow! [21:18:40] Thanks! [21:20:43] Anyone use FAR? [21:20:58] My rocket keeps flipping over and I think it's because of the fairings adding drag [21:33:30] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:35:30] HotSpicySausage: i like hotsauce. [21:35:37] I got a few thats very hot. [21:35:42] lol [21:42:22] Can we get a master list of top 10 best KSP players? [21:42:34] I eagerly await your metric [21:44:30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EWKbHt7Vxs [21:44:30] YouTube - To Eeloo And Back With A 3.6 Ton Rocket! - KSP [21:49:14] Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Hello there fellow carbon based bipeds? Isn't it a fine day to metabolize oxygen for energy? Why, I can even fill oxygen filling my respiratory system right now! Why don't we go meet up later and absorb nutrients through our multiple organ digestive tracts? [21:49:39] I almost forgot to mention that I am mostly made up of water by mass, just like you other humans! [21:50:56] By the way, do you other humans digest ammonia for nutrition or is that chemically incompatible with us? [21:51:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:52:12] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:52:18] Evening, Gentlemen. [21:53:43] Good evening fellow carbon based biped! Say, do you also sense particulate matter in the air with your olfactory organs? [21:54:55] What else would I do with them? [21:55:30] Normalize the temperature and humidity of the air entering your respiratory system? [21:56:12] Action: Scolar_Visari writes down notes on human physiology. "Go on fellow human, I am listening with my complicated system of auditory organs!" [21:56:23] "Einstein's relativity has been disproved both logically and experimentally. The most obvious fact disproving relativity is the absolute time shown by the universally synchronized clocks on the GPS satellites." [21:56:36] Action: Scolar_Visari thinks quoted person does not understand how GPS satellites work. [21:56:44] w........what [21:56:53] You mean the clocks that adjust based on how fast they are traveling? [21:57:08] And have to factor time dilation into their calculations? [21:57:18] I said the same thing twice [21:57:23] And the position in a gravity well also changes their performance? ABSURD! [21:57:50] I guess ones closer to the moon get thrown off vs those away from the moon. [21:59:14] I think it's more clocks on the earth vs. clocks millions of kilometres above it [21:59:52] So GPS receivers would work on the near side, but they'd need to adjust the math for being outside the sphere? [22:01:19] distance doesn't change time passing but speed does. The sats are in orbit. Geostationary ones are moving much faster than the surface. [22:01:47] I think being on the leading edge of the earth orbit around the sun vs the trailing edge also changes velocity and I don't know how much. [22:02:36] doesn't change velocity relative to the surface [22:02:45] Mathuin: Adjustments for gravitational time dilation are rather minimal in the case of terrestrial GPS. That would change if you need a GPS system for, ah, navigating a neutron star's surface I guess? [22:03:07] Which is the important measurement for Relativity. The hint is in the name. [22:03:43] Relatively speaking, neutron stars are whack. [22:04:18] Action: Arcanitor whacks Scolar_Visari with a rod of neutron degenerate matter [22:04:54] what's holding the rod together, huh? [22:05:04] Action: Scolar_Visari claps their grasping appendages in animated amusement as Arcaniator's rod of neutronium promptly explodes after leaving the stable context of its resident star. [22:05:25] Silly carbon based biped, neutronium is likely not metastable! This may or may not be a good thing. [22:06:03] mybe chuck a rubber band around it. that might work. [22:06:14] Action: Scolar_Visari also begins to ponder how one would lift up a rod of neutronium in the first place, given its enormous density. [22:08:29] Remember: A mere nanoliter of neutronium has a mass of 1100 metric tons. [22:10:22] If they were stable, however, they'd make excellent material for paper weights. [22:10:23] Scolar_Visari: I'm not worried about relativity, I'm worried about trigonometry. [22:11:05] Psht, just move to a one dimensional universe if that's the case. [22:11:57] the thing i don't get about the navball is how are you even able to see if your rocket is pointed at the maneuver vector when the other vector markers are covering the maneuver vector marker? [22:12:37] I have often thought it would be nice to disable certain vector markers. [22:12:45] Not enough to actually make it go, mind you. [22:13:15] What . . . What is this . . . Bad Cop Bon Cop 2 . . . THEY MADE A SEQUEL AND NO ONE TOLD ME!? [22:13:39] Ermagawdermagawdermagawd! [22:14:16] Oh and they're both on Netflix! I know what I'm watching back-to-back tonight! [22:19:11] And you know what this one is about? They go to America! Oh jokes about hockey, the inferiority of Canadian beer and the lack of universal healthcare aplenty1 [22:20:56] And I only had to wait ten years for a sequel to the best (and perhaps, only) bilingual Canadian buddy cop comedy! [22:26:33] You could say I'm a big fan of the Canasploitation sub-sub-sub-genre. [22:29:50] Action: Scolar_Visari goes off to watch Canada save the World! [22:31:51] aaaa [22:32:10] a aaa [22:32:27] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [22:32:27] dedw [22:32:29] wqe [22:32:30] ?? [22:45:37] & [22:49:14] :( [22:51:25] Supernovy: Hello. [22:51:33] UmbralRaptor: Stop the triple dotting! [22:51:35] hyvää iltaa Kalpa [22:51:53] hyvää has quadruple dots above it [22:52:02] That is silly as well [22:52:30] HotSpicySausage: You can turn off all of them except pro, retro, and manoeuvre by switching to surface mode temporarily. [22:52:50] Kalpa:&&& [22:52:55] yeah pro and retro is in the way though [22:53:00] that's the problem @Supernovy [22:53:36] UmbralRaptor: Triple triple dots? Surely this is madness [22:54:18] I should get some sleep. [22:54:27] Alarm clock is in less than 3 hours now. [22:54:31] a screenshot would help [22:55:10] Problem is I'm currently experiencing an episode of BPPV, already emptied my stomach once, and now am afraid to go back to bed. [22:56:07] I just found out you can actually jump to different directions when on ladders [22:56:08] wtf [22:56:17] Shift + (W/S/A/D) + Space Jump to different directions when on ladders [22:56:29] when in EVA [22:59:43] Oh yeah, forgot about that. The Kerbal even looks different directions when on the ladder [23:04:50] omg [23:04:59] my rocket tipped on my landing [23:05:03] D: [23:05:09] no quick load [23:18:52] how often do kerbals get spawned/generated? [23:26:12] you can set that when you create a save [23:26:44] also, I should get around to build the falken one day [23:26:51] I have all the tools and skills needed for that [23:36:06] why do so many paradox-soundtracks have 7/4 or 7/8 timing? [23:36:36] like in both eu4 and stellaris [23:37:58] it's really fun to write music in those signatures [23:39:33] yeah, but before that i have maybe ever heard 2 songs using that...