[00:46:30] yeah but I'm not sure Hohmann transfer on an aligned plane is the best option. Actually it not always is, sometimes e.g. bi-elliptic transfer is better. [00:47:07] perhaps matching planes would be better done at closest approach / orbit intersection [00:47:16] or some other time [00:47:50] i.e. up at the SOI edge for a bi-elliptic transfer or something. I don't know ;-) [00:49:31] and circularizing the orbit before Hohmann transfer is almost certainly not optimal [03:56:42] Looking for cylindrical cargo nose cone from some mod... I forgot which. [04:58:32] hello all [05:00:19] how compatible are mods built for 1.4 in the 1.5.1 build? [05:00:44] depends on the mod [05:05:21] figures. what about EVE? i never noticed a difference, but i did install a lot of mods at once. definitely doesn't look like i thought. do i need to configure it first? [05:06:28] hmm. i'm thinking i probably didn't install it correctly after all. will try again. is there a list of good mods for 1.5.1 like there is on the subreddit for 1.2 anywhere? [05:50:55] eh crs-16 moved [07:37:59] how is the threading business going? [07:40:01] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:40:28] Many are afrayed that danger looms close. [07:40:45] my expereiment worked [07:41:11] afrayed? [07:41:55] ah [07:42:05] not that kind of thread [07:42:40] and not afraid of pthread_join either [07:43:49] you need to maximize your catch misses. [07:44:43] got to catch them all [07:45:09] it was about screw threads [07:47:50] gotta cache them all* [07:47:58] hehe [07:48:08] gotta spin pop and lock them threads [07:48:19] lest they start racing. [07:50:30] thread racing must be a technical sport [07:59:20] https://66.media.tumblr.com/e04c840bb8928b2715703df4fb857db3/tumblr_pj6wkuZN2Q1rljd14_540.jpg [07:59:59] hehe [08:00:17] i wouldnt know, only read ksp stuff there [08:05:42] my guy has done some progress on the pcb https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/485427078964183070/519245546532241488/Screenshot_20181203-131559.jpg [08:06:44] wires [09:21:39] hehe latest tweet from insight upcoming tasks are: extend arm and take pics of deck [09:21:50] user comments: we are going to get deck pics from mars [11:07:45] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429717171002933269/519469483790958614/unknown.png [11:25:01] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj4524AAZdE [11:25:01] YouTube - Watch This Guy Build a Massive Solar System in the Desert | Short Film Showcase [11:25:25] I'm pretty sure I've seen this already. But it's still astonishing [11:52:20] i watched this several times already [11:52:31] but only now i realize, why are they moving in the wrong direction? :) [11:56:07] :D [11:56:23] technically it is not wrong [11:56:35] it is just usually depicted from the other side [11:56:47] as earth north being up [11:57:18] well, up and down are weird concepts in space... :D [11:57:48] then orbiting in the positive direction [11:58:51] is there any convetion for "up" in space? Like the if more planets are orbiting in one direction than the others, than this is "forward" and there's an "up"? [11:59:29] but none of the planets orbit in the wrong direction, aside from some single asteroid [11:59:30] *then [11:59:45] but what about other systems? [12:04:49] have to google that, there might be a few oddbals [14:03:02] hehe the crs-16 launch was delayed because of moldy rat food [14:04:32] spacex tweeted because of part replacement [14:09:03] https://66.media.tumblr.com/6bf09a280121645a2765cb4052dbb121/tumblr_inline_pj6y6uTiBZ1rq230o_540.png [14:10:49] lol [14:20:30] high tech cardboard thing https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/485427078964183070/519517587424411648/DSC_0248.JPG [14:20:42] hehe [14:20:44] what is this [14:20:48] clutter [14:20:55] the mockup for the antenna tracker [14:21:00] oh [14:21:00] it isnt done yet [15:02:43] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:23:04] snow plowing is for the weak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KuvUXnlc6Q [16:23:04] YouTube - Cody Used Fire [16:26:52] that won't be healthy for the pavement [16:28:10] i think the melting snow protects it [16:28:12] also, if you don't dry it, the water will freeze over and it will be even more slippery than before [16:28:18] that was my concernt [16:28:20] -t [16:30:41] uhm, steam says one game had an update of "928 bytes" [16:30:48] hehe [16:30:52] config file [16:31:29] i went for two days without games [16:31:36] it is time to find something [16:32:20] and i managed a Civ6 victory other than culture/tourism for once... [16:33:05] the problem is i would rather play civ1 than the newer ones [16:33:40] but i dont have it [16:33:58] pretty sure you can get that on gog [16:34:03] no [16:34:25] i tried to get into freeciv once, but i can't stand that... [16:34:45] i think i like the Civ4 mechanics the most [16:35:06] but Civ5/6 is fine, it's just a completely different game [16:35:11] not comparable really [16:35:48] I played ridiculous amounts of civ5, but I never really got into 6 [16:36:14] maybe I should give it another shot with the expansion [16:36:17] or when the second one comes out [16:36:35] i don't have the expansion [16:36:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v erio' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:37:21] i tried to get into Beyond Earth but something isn't clicking right with that [16:37:26] and i can't put my finger on it [18:13:55] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:47:14] something is going to happen. what? something wonderful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvUUYaPaEao [18:47:14] YouTube - Arianespace Flight VA246 GSAT-11 and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (EN) [18:47:34] i wanted to kick david bowman at that moment [19:06:18] and meanwhile scott [19:07:41] Sons and daughters of Kerbin: History is written by the VTR-9B Victor BattleMechs. [19:07:48] and he men tioned the moldy food [19:08:19] have to keep those astronaut mice well fed [19:08:52] You mean astromice. [19:08:59] biker mice from mars [19:11:00] Those are Cosmorats. [19:13:08] Moustronauts [19:13:28] o/ [19:13:36] reds said rat food. scott said food for mice, i am now not sure which one [19:14:02] Hi, UmbralRaptor :-) [19:14:41] Mice are typically used on space borne experiments. If it's rats, then you should be worried that there might be Skaven infiltrators. [19:16:35] ah spaceflight now headline says rodent, but later clarifies 40 mice [19:16:53] so wait they send up the mice too? [19:21:38] yes they do [19:21:54] so some sotwaway could make it to space on the dragon [19:32:12] would be little point in sending rodent food if you didn't have any rodents to feed [19:32:28] they could already be there [19:32:36] say in the soyuz [19:33:16] is it legal to send living animals in spacecraft not licensed for humans? [19:33:27] it seems so [19:38:18] since that strut problem the dragon can abort and land anyway [19:39:03] you're saying "that strut problem" as if i were supposed to know about that [19:39:20] when the upper stage disintegrated on elon's birthday [19:39:32] and the capsule fell down and got destroyed [19:39:37] even though it can land [19:39:43] but there was no emergency program for this [19:40:16] i don't know elon's birthday either [19:40:32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX_CRS-7 [19:44:52] and still no deck pics from insight [19:44:56] maybe tomorrow [19:49:00] if this weren't an overly exaggerated "family friendly" chat i would make a joke here about a letter being off [19:49:19] meanwhile the ariane stream started [19:49:42] you dont have to, the replies to the tweet already did [19:49:52] at least implied [19:50:18] since when is the prerequisite of a joke that nobody else did it already? [19:50:33] there wouldn't really be any jokes in that case [19:51:51] hehe they cant seem to get this stream working [19:51:59] test audio and image [19:53:18] finally [19:54:28] you mean something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHlnXGqcoP0 [19:54:28] YouTube - Testbild ZDF (1983) [19:54:37] yes [19:54:50] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvUUYaPaEao [19:54:50] YouTube - Arianespace Flight VA246 GSAT-11 and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (EN) [19:54:53] it came back :) [19:55:12] they still have around half an hour to fix it [19:55:40] it's an extremely annoying sound [19:55:45] 1 khz [19:55:57] yes [19:56:19] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4AmLcBLZWY [19:56:20] YouTube - Dumb & Dumber (2/6) Movie CLIP - The Most Annoying Sound in the World (1994) HD [19:58:43] that guy is extremely ungrateful for being helped in the middle of nowhere :p [19:59:02] actualy an improv [19:59:06] you can see the smile on their faces [20:06:28] Hmm, looks like I lost 2% reputation (92->90) for crashing that fuel tank I recovered from Kerbin orbit. [20:06:58] failed contracts may have that kind of effect [20:07:19] -10 rep. I doubt I get from 90 to 92 with +10. [20:07:41] mr darcy :) [20:08:41] Darsie is my boy scout nick. It is derived from Hindi for tailor and Darsie (english spelling darzee ) is a male tailor bird in the Rikki Tikki Tavi tale of the "Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mongoose/rtt.html [20:11:48] where is my real stream [20:13:40] You get that when you turn off your computer. [20:13:51] hehe [20:13:57] :) [20:14:36] 20 minutes remaining and nothing. usually there is some random talk before the launch [20:14:54] lame [20:20:55] whats this 100 second countdown for [20:21:06] for start of stream i guess [20:21:30] still 15 minutes [20:23:28] finally [20:38:52] lol I missed it [20:39:01] hehe [20:39:11] strangely it launched at around 3 seconds [20:39:18] weird [20:40:07] normally ignition is at minus and liftoff is at zero [20:41:08] weee flying [20:41:10] said the fairing [20:41:18] while flapping happily [20:46:31] wow that first stage burns for a long time [20:47:01] lovely kerbal style imagery [20:49:37] That clip [20:49:56] ISRO is definitely using camels to transport the parts for their rockets across the country [20:50:02] lol [20:58:50] hehe the youtube stream blacked out [20:59:05] that upper stage is still burning [21:06:57] https://i.imgur.com/X1wAJAb.jpg [21:10:38] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/519621517147897876/FB_IMG_1543772715172.jpg [21:28:55] I could print cheese with my 3d printer [21:29:21] cheese? [21:30:12] yes [21:30:31] edible? [21:30:42] it heats it up and prints it? [21:30:45] yes [21:30:47] lol [21:30:52] with some of the cheese strings things [21:31:10] why would you do t hat [21:31:17] I want to [21:34:20] Mmhh, who doesn't love the smell of cheese heated to 250 degrees when changing filaments in your nozzle [21:34:38] well it couldporbably print at like 70° [21:34:58] But you wouldn't be able to change filament at 70° [21:36:10] no but I can remove the filament before [21:36:19] and clean the nozzle at the same time [21:37:38] Fluburtur, where do you get / how do you make cheese filament? [21:37:49] idk [21:37:56] I could make it myself too probably [21:38:06] melting cheese into a filament extruder [21:38:12] gwgw [21:38:13] hehe [21:38:20] so first you make an extruder [21:38:28] then you use the product in the printer [21:38:47] Someone save me from those mad people [21:40:59] somehow he could combine the printed cheese with his rocket [21:41:04] that would be mad [21:41:12] maybe printed cheese rocket [21:43:28] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o raptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:43:32] Cheessile [21:46:45] Action: darsie broke another tank. [21:47:00] should have landed on water. [21:48:09] To increas air drag. [21:59:50] use more chutes? [22:17:09] someone needs to make a heated cheese filament [22:17:09] mhm [22:17:29] You can't feed cheese by pushing cheese filament. [22:17:36] wat [22:17:51] It's liquid. [22:18:04] fluid [22:19:09] You need a different feeding system. [23:57:44] darsie, meant cheesewire lol