[00:11:07] Busy playing sorry. :-) [00:14:08] ... just woke up >_< [00:16:50] JCB: don't feel bad, I woke up around 13:30 [00:23:57] mind you, I crashed around 9am.. its now almost 430pm [00:24:05] im about to make a rocket copter launch into space [00:25:56] JCB: I went to bed at 1:00, woke up at 7:30. went back to bed at 8:00 for a 'quick nap' while I had a rocket doing a burn in KSP... woke up at 13:00 [00:26:40] I had only meant to nap for a short bit.. couldn't get rest, little pet brat was being restless. [00:26:57] I brought him over to share a pillow and he just curled up by my head [00:29:09] ITS WORKING! [00:31:03] transitbiker: it's a dancing ballerina? [00:31:18] its a huge rocket copter ... balerina [00:37:27] transitbiker: turn off sas. it's figthing the rotation [00:38:07] fanks :D [00:38:37] it's spin stabilised anyway... [00:52:32] rocket copter... [00:52:42] blade tip rockets sorta thing? [00:52:52] can you see the stream video? [00:53:05] oh missed sorry [00:53:12] https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live LIVE KSP (its back up!) [00:53:40] ya got it.. [01:33:50] mmm... [01:35:16] keep racking in my head the idea to do some video content but keep wondering if it be worth it... it'll likely start off rather slow, quiet.. gotta some ideas I wanna do. [02:03:55] any case.. gotta run [02:23:19] kinda curious about the copyright status of mods that name spacex and create replicas of their rockets [02:23:33] is it ok as long as you don't charge? [02:27:52] Copyright is probably ok, Trademark is probably not [02:35:43] https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162949-kerbalized-spacex-wip/ [02:36:57] seems dodgy to me [02:48:35] You might still be able to get away with it unless you get a cease and desist [02:54:46] yeah [02:55:41] Plus I have seen other mods that add Space X stuff. I don't know if they ever got such a notice. [02:55:52] i'd be a bit more subtle at least. hijacking the logo is really bad practise. [02:56:14] spacex probably doesnt care lol [02:56:23] They probably don't. [02:56:42] but a nasty company could get you in trouble. [02:56:55] Or their lawyers have bigger issues to deal with [02:56:56] gotta be careful out in these woods [02:57:04] haha yeah [02:57:48] im not sure why musk doesnt have a mass team of developers making spacex video games about colonising mars on his rockets [02:58:13] One thing is that if a company does not defend their trademark, they can lose the ability to defend it elsewhere [02:58:15] i reckon that would get more people interested than sending his tesla [02:58:30] So they might C&D to prevent their competitors being allowed to mess with their brand [02:58:46] ok that makes sense. [03:00:03] i always thought you needed approval to use someones logo on your own creation [03:00:13] I mean, I would personally try it and see. Maybe they don't care. If they do, the icons could just be changed ... [03:00:19] Action: darsie wants to build a barge and land a first stage on it. [03:00:45] i might just send them an email and see what happens haha [03:01:05] maybe he hasnt thought about it, though thats unlikely. im curious though. [03:03:19] That's trademark. If you don't protect your trademark, you risk losing it. [03:03:48] So always assume they will fight trademarks, but not copies [03:04:05] I mean, you could also argue fair use, maybe [03:04:29] That's Copyright, not trademarks [03:04:34] Different things [03:04:42] Trademarks have fair use as well [03:05:50] Like why Pepsi could say "Pepsi beats Coke in taste tests" and showing a can of Coke. That's a fair use of the trademark, and they don't need Coke's approval. [03:08:04] I doubt this fall under Nominative use, but I'm not a lawyer. I'm just a guy with a browser and google [03:08:21] Yeah, the actual logos might be the issue here [03:08:38] Take those out, and note that it isn't official and you've got a way better argument [03:08:55] The logo are THE thing that fall under trademark law [03:09:16] Well, yes, but you can still call it "Kerbalized SpaceX" [03:09:33] That's a lot more arguably fair use [03:09:59] Yes, but since you can lose your trademark if you don't defend it, trademark lawyers are agressive by default [03:10:18] I'm not disagreeing with you there [03:11:10] https://spectreattack.com/ "effectively every processor since 1995 (except Intel Itanium and Intel Atom before 2013)" that's not good [03:11:20] And it cost a lot of $ to prove you are right, even if it is fair use [03:11:40] I'd just say, at the same time, it probably would be OK, for, say, me to make a costume and dress up as a Falcon 9 for Halloween and post pictures publicly online. [03:11:47] True [03:11:59] Epi: isn't that from a month ago? [03:12:56] no idea, just saw news about it now [03:13:02] I don't have the deep pockets of large coporations, neither the time to spend in court... so I tend to preach caution in legal cases [03:13:49] yeah [03:14:08] Ah, there are cases where the courts have said it is OK in artistic expression so long and there is no implied endorsement [03:15:18] Epi: yeah, it's CVE-2017 numbers from a few weeks ago [03:17:22] Also, if the person changes the icons to not be the exact logos, but merely suggest them, or does something like calling it "Space Y" or something like that, then that is much more clearly fair use. [03:18:30] Again, I am not a lawyer. These things are possible. Consult your doctor before faire use. [03:18:53] And, of course, it doesn't matter if they think it is fair use and just ignore it [03:19:44] There's also this: https://venturebeat.com/2015/01/06/spacex-tesla-founder-elon-musk-loves-kerbal-space-program-mass-effect-and-civilization/ [03:21:01] I can see them being a bit more liberal with it if the CEO loves the game [03:21:12] It COULD matter. If someone else uses the name and logo later on, say, toys. They can argue that SpaceX nothing in this case and... [03:22:12] ... *sigh* [03:22:16] forget it [03:22:39] Yeah, I'm mostly just presenting counterpoints to you ve2dmn [03:22:52] true [03:22:53] I am not a lawyer either [03:23:31] the spaceY idea is safest, i think that kind of thing happens a lot [03:23:47] everyone knows who you mean, but you're not actually saying it outright [03:24:36] Oneiros: I'd probably, if you talk to him, at least have him put something up that says explicitly that he is not associated with or endorsed by Space X [03:25:15] ok. i posted a response and he said he put the mod on elon's twitter feed and didn't get a cease and decist [03:25:35] i pm'd him as well. if he responds, i'll say what you said [03:26:00] the other option i guess would be to become associated and endorsed by spacex [03:26:23] He need a clear 'OK'. otherwise he faces legal remification, which could cost a lot of time, energy and/or money [03:26:49] That's a prototype motor for the landing barge: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot102.png [03:28:48] ok i'll let him know, thanks for the input guys [03:31:12] Beware of lawyers. Beware. Or prepare to meet your DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM [03:39:49] agreed lol [03:47:15] someone just called me the biggest nerd for working on kOS code [03:47:28] I somehow felt proud :D [03:50:09] haha nice [03:50:34] i loved the sound of kos but it looked way too codey for me. i need visual interfaces :p [03:54:16] I'm still trying to visualise how I'm going to make an auto-docking algorithm.... [03:54:51] I see a lot of vectors in my future [03:55:57] I see dead pointers [03:56:11] https://media.8ch.net/file_store/c78dd7f613568a6e413ab77305e70f3da4ecca481d31175af6ce6086f02a8c42.gif [05:26:28] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [05:41:15] A concept landing barge: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot103.png [05:55:58] How do you like it? [07:00:33] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:08:45] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:14:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [10:42:11] https://i.imgur.com/CB3LMcD.png [10:42:23] crap, didn't see the foul word, sorry. [10:53:47] great picture! https://futurism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Observable_universe_logarithmic_illustration.png [10:54:20] log scale, centered on sun to edge of universe [11:07:30] https://imgur.com/gallery/6CER4 [13:10:36] Good morning [13:31:52] I apparently slept threw and earthquake [13:33:47] force? [13:34:23] 4.7 [13:34:39] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v phroa' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:35:04] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o TheKosmonaut' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:35:32] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v Hikaru' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:35:50] 4.7 is nothing [13:36:43] Yeah, strongest I've been in was a 5.6 [13:36:51] You could really feel that [13:37:55] I've been in 6.?, but I was 6 [13:41:13] But yeah, 4.7 isn't too bad. Might knock a few things off a store shelf, or something [13:41:25] but like no real damage [13:46:12] it also depends on the type of soil and how high you are [13:46:37] Last time I felt 6.0, it was nothing, but my neighboor freaked out [13:47:08] Turn out, my house was built on rockbend, while his was a ex-riverbend [13:47:20] rockbed* riverbed* [13:51:46] Yeah, the largest one I've been near was the 6.0 in Napa a few years back, which I also slept through. A 6.0 can actually do some real damage. [13:55:10] HA! found the bug with my kOS script [13:55:21] was using MIN() instead of MAX() [13:56:19] That ... could make a difference [13:58:12] It was a protection against divide by 0 [13:58:53] Oh, that might not work so well [13:59:57] works now, yay! [14:05:07] I now have a working launch script again. Now to do the math being a rendez-vous [14:05:15] behind* [14:07:35] speaking of kOS [14:07:36] hello friends [14:07:47] oh hey.. sounds like I logged in at the right time [14:07:57] I had a bug [14:08:01] was using MIN() instead of MAX() [14:08:21] those do often return different values yes :P [14:10:31] I was trying to prevent 'divide by zero' issues... [14:11:02] link the code segment again? [14:15:32] https://github.com/ve2dmn/kOS-Script/blob/master/Burn_Function.ks#L17-L37 [14:16:33] line 30 was the issue [14:17:03] I was up until 2AM trying to think out to write a rendez-vous script [14:18:10] The Acending and dexcending nodes are not accessible via kOS... I'll have to the math manually [14:21:13] I also found out that if you are running out of space, you can use the 'compile' experimental feature now [14:21:51] it makes speudo binary files [14:24:11] I had 2 weeks off and I was planning on trying various things involving computer games because the plan was to rest 100%, and I've done almost nothing but ksp [14:24:31] 2 weeks off? I can only imagine :P [14:24:42] although this year I am planning on doing another cruise [14:25:10] I work for the university. The thing is closed between Dec23 and Jan3 [14:25:30] so I took 2 days of vacations and it gives me 2 weeks off :D [14:29:18] anyway, I'm reading this now, trying to understand the math: https://github.com/ElWanderer/kOS_scripts/blob/master/scripts/lib_orbit_match.ks [14:45:24] so I made this last night, but I kinda wish I had a good tank option to pack another 200kg of fuel on it to increase the fuel safety margins for a land and return to orbit on Mun https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/132478131490521089/398302131620413441/unknown.png?width=862&height=617 [14:46:39] toroidals and oscars are too big, I want some tiny tanks :P [14:48:34] nice dude [14:50:29] I don't understand... why can't I deployt the expendable habitat.... [14:50:42] material kits [14:50:59] and probably a kerbal, right? [14:51:07] it's not overtly displayed, but I believe if you look at the KSPedia page on it it shows the cost [14:51:08] yes [14:51:19] EVA kerbal + material kits required for all USI inflatables [14:51:56] guess I'll use a different strategy then [14:52:02] what I find infuriating with the system though is if you deflate and reinflate, you gotta pay that mat cost again [14:52:37] like I can understand not making it totally free (sorta, I mean really, who sends something to orbit that needs additional stuff to work) [14:52:57] but making it so you have to have literal TONS of extra stuff on hand every time you want to inflate seems odd [14:55:45] The contract say to send a base with 5 kerbal capacity, a docking port and an antenna [14:56:31] So I'm gonna send a Duna pinoneer module with kerbal habitats on top, and Kontronction docking ports on the sides [14:56:49] I just need to figure out a landing system [14:58:20] skycrane is literally designed for those :P [14:58:39] I use the USI skycrane for pretty much any Duna module or kontainer [14:58:43] I know, but I have stuff on the top :/ [14:58:51] so? :) [14:59:15] put the skycrane on top of the stuff, and stick inflatable LFO tanks on the docking ports on the side [14:59:27] drop the LFO tanks when you're landed [14:59:51] or if you want to use the skycrane as a permanent battery when you're done, stick it in the middle of the stack [15:00:01] will have to get rid of my current antenna... but it could work [15:00:19] you can stick the skycrane between the Duna and the habs [15:00:34] don't have to mess with your ant [15:02:06] I just hope it wont burn the trusts on the sides [15:02:19] it extends out pretty far [15:02:52] rotate it 45 degrees if you have stuff on the nodes [15:02:58] http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561197994451548/ [15:03:26] rotate the crane 45 degrees, done. [15:03:33] how? [15:03:47] with the rotate tool [15:03:59] third button next to the inventory panel on the left [15:05:08] I never use that.... I always forget it exist :D [15:05:17] https://i.imgur.com/S82ZjYu.png [15:05:40] tada.. now your thrusters don't hit the trusses ;) [15:05:52] and you NEVER use the rotate tool? How do you survive? lol [15:06:32] never rotate or translate... [15:06:35] use the USI inflatable fuel tanks on your 2 docking ports [15:06:47] then you can just decouple them and/or disassemble for material kits [15:06:48] It wasnt there before and I learn to live without it [15:07:02] it's been there a looooong time [15:07:04] since at least 1.0.3 [15:07:42] you could even put the inflatable tanks on your trusses if you autostrut the trusses to grandparent part so they don't sag [15:08:09] and the great thing with those is they'll shrink as the fuel is used up [15:08:22] I love using them on base landing modules for that reason [15:08:29] don't have to put a giant freakin tank on there [15:09:15] what body are you landing on? Mun? [15:09:48] the dv you currently have is enough to go from LKO to the Munar surface heh [15:12:30] If I am creating a mod, is there a fast way to rebind a dll into the game while it is running? [15:12:42] for testing without restarting the game? [15:12:45] not that I know of [15:13:16] best practice is to make a stripped down version of the game so you can load really fast [15:13:31] like you can even go in and delete a lot of the squad parts so there's less stuff to load [15:13:46] ok [15:14:23] I did already make a stripped version of the game with just Squad and ModuleManager in the game data directory [15:14:32] removing some of the parts sounds good [15:15:27] yeah since everything is loaded when game launches you can't really change anything and have it effect the game without relaunching, unless it's like stuff that's loaded from a cfg file [15:19:09] well, testing proved ok with the heating... so I guess it's time to launch this thing to the Mun [15:21:20] it's 49.7 seconds till loading screen ... I think that is acceptable [15:21:47] a main menu [15:25:58] madmerlyn: I find it annoying that I can see a hole in the top of the 'MKS Duna' module [15:26:18] IVA or soemthing? [15:26:32] no. the model [15:28:38] I've never noticed before [15:28:52] see: my stream [15:31:10] oh honey... that lifter. [15:31:39] it's a copy-pasta. not gonna use it [15:32:08] moar boosters annoys me so bad lol [15:32:31] "well my payload is entirely not aerodynamic, so the solution is obviously to blast it to space with 10 TWR on a 5 kiloton rocket [15:32:32] it's a sign I had too low TWR [15:32:44] like, 1.4 [15:33:46] but even with the truss, this is a tiny hole at the top... [15:33:48] ...annoying [15:34:57] just talking about that airgap because of the cargo racks on top? [15:35:10] you can use the offset tool to eliminate that [15:35:25] yeah, I'm looking for something to put on top [15:35:36] people on discord been spamming really awful screenshots using the KS3P crap [15:35:55] never use the offset tool much, but this is the right occassion [15:35:55] KS3P? [15:35:57] KS3P puts so many bad post processing FX on the screen, incliding a dirt filter that is just abhorrent [15:36:04] stands for KSP Post Processing [15:36:17] Instagram for KSP? [15:36:17] I made this image to make fun of all the bad screenshots people were putting https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/132478131490521089/398310735643672596/unknown.png [15:36:22] pretty much [15:36:45] I cannot understand this generation I guess [15:36:59] hehe [15:37:06] I am now officially old [15:37:10] be happy it is not a screenshot from a phone with the headers [15:39:22] oh I can make it look like a phone screenshot pretty easily :P [15:54:23] I understand the selfies... but the filters gets over my head [16:05:13] Filters would be way more fun if they were UBVRI, or the like. [16:06:33] now I just need to find a nice flat area in the Far Eastside crater near the Mun Equator [16:07:30] anywhere away from a crater wall tends to be flat there IIRC [16:08:27] but ScanSat tells me that's where the water and ore is [16:08:58] on the edges? heh [16:09:20] for my Mun base (which isn't finished) I put autonomous drills for resources away from my primary base [16:09:27] though I plan on building the base on the water [16:10:19] I'll try to find a spot via the scan zoom thingy [16:16:15] hmm if I want to create a mod with localization in mind - how to name the string variables - is using #autoLOC_ as prefix like #autoLOC_MODNAME_STRINGNAME a good idea or even necessary or is it just important that the #VARNAME is defined in a Localization{] node? [16:26:08] madmerlyn: there's a nice-enough flat area around 0N 140W on the mun [16:26:40] I really need to start working on my precision landing kOS script so I can normalize my base landings :P [16:26:56] I don't even have a landing scrip yet :D [16:28:10] I've got the one that streamer (Marcus House) made, but I think it could use a lot of modification [16:28:27] I havent watch the videos yet [16:28:38] it's very purpose designed to do exactly what he did on the stream and doesn't have a lot of room for alternative usage in its current format [16:29:22] I understood that, but the concept and idea might help me get started enough [16:34:00] ok, 0N, 150W looks like a much better spot. [16:34:04] I'm gonna go for that [16:34:59] maybe trajectories could give me the info I need to land properly... [16:35:53] Data! https://twitter.com/elakdawalla/status/948941714667945985 [16:35:54] Cassini is gone, but the mission continues. It's Cassini data release day -- data from Jan, Feb, Mar 2017 now avail& https://t.co/W2mQA9w1wd [16:40:18] madmerlyn: landed [16:40:25] nice [16:40:57] plenty of water, ore and other stuff [16:42:01] slope of about 5degree, which is fine [16:46:54] USI tethers make slopes NBD [16:47:15] yup [16:47:45] and btw, I now have tourists wanting to visit that thign [16:49:14] so tourism + makes them want to see stuff you make or something? [16:49:24] basically [16:51:11] I just wish I could rid of the 'take tourist over mountain X' [16:51:35] cuz while it's easy at the start with small planes, I see no reason to do it now [16:51:52] does it not have a configuration option? [16:53:07] nightingale usually does things correctly, so it probably does [16:59:06] TIL that nightingale is from Canada [17:01:35] also, no config file, but the contracts are well commented [17:01:47] the locations are defined here: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractPack-Tourism/blob/master/GameData/ContractPacks/Tourism/SubOrbital.cfg [17:17:57] ouch.. this radio and plasma wave science package pretty big [17:18:39] Action: JCB sees the dates, "oh... from 1997 till now.. no wonder" [17:27:52] Hah! [17:28:22] 2.5x kerbol system [17:28:50] rescue contracts are not scaled, so most of the kerbin rescues are within the athmosphere :( [17:29:07] at least at their Pe [17:30:38] oops... [17:30:49] so .. soon as you get into physics range, kerbals start burning up? [17:31:24] that is... figuring orbital speed inside atmos.. [17:50:21] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:06:08] eesh... 3.6gigs so far [18:09:56] file size unknown... kind of worried now about putting more strain on the connection.. though download sorta going slow (1meg/s) [18:12:17] why would downloading something strain the connection? It's working as designed. (Unless you're doing silly stuff like overclocking your router, which even at 1MB/sec wouldn't be much of an issue.) [18:13:32] just sometimes I wonder how precarious this connection is [18:23:46] NASA PDS *should* be fine, [18:24:20] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Badie' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:24:30] pds? [18:28:39] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:28:56] Evening, Gentlemen. [18:29:20] Supernovy: good morning [18:29:21] Althego: Planetary Data System [18:29:50] Wait, it's not evening in Kiwiland. [18:30:40] UmbralRaptor: nope: https://time.is/Wellington [18:34:54] ... 5.3gigs... [18:35:42] then again, is all of plasma and radio wave science from Cassini.. and considering it had been up there for so long.. [18:40:02] Action: UmbralRaptor felt silly for downloading 3.6 GiB of synthetic spectra. (gzipped FITS tables) [18:40:38] Oh, right. JCB: you know how to deal with FITS files, right? [18:44:25] UmbralRaptor ungh... no? don't even know what a FITS is.. [18:45:37] Flexible Image Transport System. Python has libraries that can read it. (check scipy and/or astropy) [18:45:41] I haven't even the chance to get into the zip file, see whats all in there.. I suspect most of the packet's mass is just raw data. Preview of whats there through readme.txt does show some software (example code).. [18:46:29] I'm also partial to TOPCAT for tables. [18:47:13] I've seen some c code samples.. [18:47:49] beyond that.. I think when I have time, I may have to dig through whats all there, figure it out on the fly. I'm mostly going in a bit blind here. [18:47:56] That's probably good? This is a field where FORTRAN is alive and well. [18:49:56] At least it's not COBOL [18:50:13] I'm mostly curious of the radio science... sort of stems from my interest in radio in general. [18:50:37] fortran is not so bad [18:50:57] Althego: no. It has good bases [18:51:38] I just hope I don't have to code my own spreadsheet [18:56:22] Althego: fixed byte tables are hugely annoying compared with CSVs. At least for my porpoises. [18:56:51] side note: I know a lot of people send kerbals solo on, sometimes, centuries long missions... I believe NASA had their reasons for not sending any more single crewed missions to orbit? [18:56:56] (FORTRAN has tables like that because of the punch card legacy) [18:58:30] UmbralRaptor's porpoises: An intimate look at the field of Applied Computer Sciences in Marine Biology [18:59:05] Uhm [18:59:14] hehe [18:59:24] i bet huge tables are annoying for people too [18:59:28] UmbralRaptor Don't suppose the HP 2645A and its 80 column wide screen ring any bell? [19:00:44] UmbralRaptor: it pains me to know that a lot of finance still works that way [19:01:28] but they only need double-digit precision on the monetary values, so it's not all lost [19:01:53] JCB: Some sort of terminal? [19:06:36] ya.. from youtuber CuriousMarc. Showed up in my recommended the other day. He made a comment in the video of how the screen was specially made so they could have 80characters wide to match the punch cards and not have squished characters [19:08:13] they were seeing about changing the character sets on the boards, even though HP one one board decided to go with a 9bit word set for the character graphics, rather than the usual 8.. [19:09:03] er... >even though HP at one time, with their hardware boards, decided....> [19:09:03] JCB: that was a trick question in my exams: How long is a 'word' [19:09:55] 'word' we talk'n binary terms or aphabet? [19:10:11] binary [19:11:30] it's like asking how long is a cat. That's silly. a cat is a fluid [19:11:40] hehe [19:11:46] naw... ferret is more fluid [19:11:51] word some length [19:11:58] well.. more like string but whatever. [19:11:59] a word is 16 bits [19:12:05] pretty sure cat is actually an abstraction, representing pure evil [19:12:33] except when it is not [19:12:43] gotta love... bit, nibble, byte, word.. [19:13:02] or... 1 4 8 16 [19:13:12] madmerlyn: careful now, you place if the Cat-Dog continum reveals a lot about your character [19:13:43] our ancestors chose to co-habitate with dogs. Cats just showed up and refused to go away. [19:14:07] Althego: no. WORD is uint16_t, DWORD is uint32_t, and QWORD is uint64_t [19:14:31] oren: too narrow a definition [19:14:33] in some system [19:14:40] a machine word can be any size [19:14:47] but usually now 64 bits [19:15:09] reading up on a few other older computer systems.. even the apollo's AGC, been some usual word lengths. [19:15:22] ah yes that was something.. 15 or 14 bit? [19:15:34] sometimes they would also include checksums which add an extra bit [19:15:52] belive it was because people still questioned the reliability [19:16:21] madmerlyn: like I said. It reveal a lot about your character (inclusing topic unallowed here) [19:16:27] one of the most idiotic things is the are the double precision arithmetic operations on the ti 980, which used 31 bits... actually 32 bits, but 2 sign bits [19:17:40] Althego: I used to think the most idiotic thing was the 48 byte frame in ATM networks [19:17:43] well, you could either include the sign with the word, or end up having to use another word to define it... [19:17:53] segment offset addresssing in x86 [19:17:55] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asynchronous_Transfer_Mode [19:18:04] use 32 bits to address 20 bits in the stupidest way ever [19:18:31] some wanted 32, others wanted 64, so the standard of 48 was chosen to incovience everyone at once [19:18:43] i sure hope soon x86 dies out and everything transitions to arm [19:18:57] hahahaha [19:19:02] I have wondered how non-true numbers were dealt with in binary.. as well as signs [19:19:03] Nothing ever dies in technology [19:19:14] non true number? [19:19:16] ARM isn't superior in every way though [19:19:28] yes, but a lot cleaner architecture [19:19:28] 1 3 5 6 true numbers [19:19:35] 1.3 3.5 6.3 non-true [19:19:41] basically fractionals [19:19:44] whole numbers? [19:19:46] IEEE floating point [19:19:49] natural numbers? [19:19:53] it is easy, there is no 1.3 [19:20:01] neother there is 3.5 [19:20:06] because these are in decimal [19:20:23] you can look up ieee 754 [19:20:39] floating opint numbers are just sort of numbers [19:21:59] Exceptions to Floating points are Mathematica, Mathlab, Maple or some other sort of math related software where you can store fractions as a list of intergers [19:22:15] arbitrary precision computing exists [19:22:22] lot slowwer [19:22:31] yes. A LOT [19:23:03] well there's also analog computers [19:23:47] store values using a continuous range of voltages/currents rather than using bits [19:23:49] rarely used today [19:23:59] one problem is reproducability [19:26:49] ok, after getting that asteroid around Kerbin, I'm now rolling in $ thanks to Tourism Plus... [19:26:58] mechanical, analog, digital.. wonder if organic going ot be next. [19:27:04] Tourist are paying A LOT to see that asteroid up close [19:27:42] v32dmn rich kerbins.. [19:28:12] though I'm curious, did it throw a contract for you to bring it by or just seen that you had one in orbit and generated the contracts? [19:28:31] no. It depend on your reputation [19:28:50] Since I am using ART, that asteroid was a LOT of pain to get into orbit [19:29:58] It's still not in the orbit I want it too, much I have to fill up my liquid fuel tanks to get, at most, 56m/s out 3 of LV-N that have to burn for 30min [19:30:12] -much +but [19:30:57] It was 6k tonnes. It's now down to around 4.5k tonnes after all the mining I had to do [19:31:24] And that is the class A asteroid in ART [19:31:40] tourtist town over a mining facility.. kerbals must be really bored [19:31:44] the class E is more like 60 Million tonnes [19:32:21] JCB: But it's shiny and looks like a purple space gem [19:32:46] just trying to figure out how the contract part figured things out. I know in stock game, if you already have a station in orbit, sometimes it would ask you to 'upgrade' [19:33:21] check it out: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractPack-Tourism/blob/master/GameData/ContractPacks/Tourism/ [19:33:49] a few things I was hoping to do today.. freg'n NASA file now reaching 10gigs.. [19:34:01] Hah! [19:34:03] the asteroid one is https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractPack-Tourism/blob/master/GameData/ContractPacks/Tourism/Asteroid.cfg [19:34:42] Ayr least you didn't try to mirror SDSS. (~120 TiB last I checked) [19:36:30] how much is 1 LOC these days? [19:38:31] SDSS? [19:39:58] oh the digital sky thing [19:40:39] stupid google keeps trying to send me info on a local school. [19:41:46] ve2dmn: one line of code? [19:43:22] 1 library of congress [19:44:12] we talk'n volumes or budget? [19:44:26] *sigh* I'm too old it seems [19:45:26] data wise.. they saying nearly 15TB.. [19:45:33] budget wise.. close to 6billion [19:46:00] I like ARM because the instruction format is simple, but they added thumb and so on so it's less simple every year [19:46:11] though I feeling I missed something.. [19:47:00] back in the old days, 1 LOC was a measure of datasize [19:47:25] one that was growing with time of course, but represented a large amount of data [19:48:12] mm... sadly the meaning behind LOC may have gotten burried behind so many interpitations... [19:48:41] one that keeps coming up is 'Line of Code'... [19:49:16] https://blogs.loc.gov/thesignal/2011/07/transferring-libraries-of-congress-of-data/ [19:49:33] "You may have noticed that the data stored by the Library of Congress has become a popular, if unusual, unit of measurement for capacity" [19:50:01] oh.. /that/... [19:50:10] then I guess you saw the reference the made to twitter? [19:50:37] in order to back up all of Twitter, you needed something like 20 LOCs [19:50:43] It was a joke in tech circles long before Reddit, twitter or any of these networks were a thing. [19:51:10] I can probably find posts on Slashdot from 2001 with that reference :) [19:53:10] quote from 2012, from blogs.loc.gov I found: Twitter needed just 20 terabytes to back up every tweet that's ever existed& that's about twice the estimated size of the print collection of the Library of Congress. [19:54:37] there was talk about backing up every single tweet.. but was subsequently dropped... [20:48:31] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:06:39] so quiet today [21:06:59] theres an easy way to fix that [21:07:07] back to work for most of the people [21:07:28] just 'accidentally' paste part of your terminal and everyone will comment on it [21:11:11] `sudo rm -rf /home` [21:11:14] nuuuu [21:11:59] HIB4A-256PB-ZPOJE-S5FVO-NBIJ8 [21:14:54] that worked a bit [21:15:50] good luck finding what that is :D [21:16:09] you know `sudo rm -rf /home` could be a really bad way to describe being homeless [21:16:32] hahaha [21:34:36] that looks like windows serial number [21:35:55] pip install catterplot [21:36:22] (I'm not sure if catterplot is in pip) [21:36:28] catter plot [21:36:47] a plot in the shape of set of cats? [21:37:38] https://github.com/eteq/catterplotpy [21:38:56] I hate the proliferation of installers [21:39:59] "Great there's a new vulnerability in library X", "Ok, well it's in 6546 Virtualenv, so you have ti run pip 65479 times on 5737 machines" [21:40:43] ew [21:40:58] I don't think I'd go with a deployment scheme that required manually running pip [21:41:15] it's not 'manually' run... [21:42:27] I don't have 5737 machines to deal with, but still seems like a rather awful process even if the pip command happens through a script [21:42:46] Containers in Containers in containers... [21:42:52] but on the other hand, you have python on 5737 machines? :D [21:43:41] no. I have Virtualenv inside of Docker images in Virtual machines [21:44:28] I get the feeling modern developpers are just lazy [21:46:21] "It works on *my* machine, so I'll just clone my machine on the server. Done." [21:47:33] yeah docker is darn handy, but I kinda don't like the situation it creates [21:47:54] Docker has it's own networking. [21:47:59] it's so often used when it really isn't necessary or should even be used [21:48:25] that fact caused us a lot of headaches in the past [21:48:51] I made a docker container for my app! ok.. what's wrong with just running it on the server? Well.. it's sandboxed.. yeah so is the jail I installed all the other linux apps in. [21:49:49] It's useful, but it add a layer of complexity which is not always worth it [21:50:09] My silver lining is that I can force the devs to use a Docker image with nothing in it. [21:52:22] Nothing. A kernel with busybox and that's it. [21:53:01] You want to re-invent the system? ok, but you do it from barebones. [21:53:33] Action: ve2dmn goes back to pushing asteroids [21:56:07] Rolf: it's acutally a game key for a dead competition to Steam [21:56:26] ah ok heh [21:56:55] (with 1 character changed to protect the inoncents) [21:57:18] so you can still access games or is those vaporized also? [21:57:57] no clue. I've since uninstalled the client [22:01:16] which reminds me... I still have extra Humble Bundle keys [22:02:16] oh yis? like what [22:12:58] TIS-100 ? [22:14:22] TIS 100 is a good game [22:14:43] I should finish it [22:25:36] TIS-100 is most pleasing. [22:44:15] :3 [22:50:29] Relative inclination: 0.000000 [22:50:32] Finally! [23:15:34] I had a google sheet some time ago of thos extra keys... I should update it [23:18:29] hehe, can anyone guess what my wallpaper is? https://i.gyazo.com/58ada0f7e6da106853428f8dec52e026.jpg [23:21:03] Draconiator: I'm more interested by the FirestormOS link on your desktop [23:21:17] Also, Spore? really? [23:22:16] I bought the Galatic box set, played through 2-3 times and felt bad about my purchase [23:22:26] The DVD extra was more interesting [23:26:15] "FirestormOS" link...not sure why the OS is on there. https://i.gyazo.com/4ae59a84225de666e73c40042893916a.png [23:26:26] Drac, is it a drainpipe in a sink? [23:27:21] LEGION GOT IT. [23:27:34] I love taking snaps like that. [23:28:21] and i love easy questions. :p [23:29:13] thought it was a wheelhub at first though, then i noticed that it was too bright for that [23:47:12] I'm seeing what looks like either cloud bugs or auroras. It's pretty at least. Not sure which of the zillion mods I have is causing it. Anyone have any guesses? [23:51:45] Ionized bugs showing line emission spectra as they undergo recombination. [23:54:57] Always recombine your bugs, kids. [23:57:10] https://i.imgur.com/OEYY6KV.png