[00:12:07] Hey, are there restrictions on when flag missions can spawn that aren't indicated in the contracts spec file? I set up bases on Mun and Minmus with the intent of farming flag contracts, and haven't seen one since (after a year or so of game time). [00:22:08] "flag missions"? [00:24:21] Contracts to "plant flag on the Mun" or whatnot. [00:27:29] I don't think I've ever gotten one for a place I've been. [00:30:16] I'm pretty sure I have, but I might be wrong. [00:52:07] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Technicalfool' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:04:38] you do get flag missions for places you have been [01:04:56] I think there might be restrictions on there being kerbals on the surface [01:05:16] (so if you have a base, you are much less likely to get a flag mission, if at all) [01:06:12] taniwha: Bah. :-( I suppose I'll have to think about bringing those kerbals home, then. Flags are lucrative when I'm landing for science anyway. [01:06:40] I did get contracts while in orbit of the body, though :) [01:09:21] ehs: however, tourist contracts tend to be very lucrative [01:28:17] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:16:21] Action: Oracle989 realizes his second-fallback name is not rules-compliant [02:18:44] We can't talk about flat-earth here? [02:18:46] ABSURD! [02:18:55] You spheroid shills! [02:21:22] Our heads are round too, unlike you flatheads. :P [02:22:57] If Earth is round, how did they land on the moon? It'd be spinning around it, they wouldn't know if they needed to go up or down [02:22:58] Dug [02:23:00] Duh* [02:26:26] There are flat Earth supporters all around the globe [04:30:14] Actually, I landed smack in the middle of one of the frozen lakes on Minmus....and it would be an AMAZING tool to debunk a flat globe. I'ma make a video of it. [04:36:54] Everyone knows the Moon landing was filmed on Mars. [06:47:20] Howdy [07:14:55] Action: BadRocketsCo pokes TheKosmonaut [07:15:51] BadRocketsCo: sup [07:18:25] TheKosmonaut: Lightest orbital vehicle https://imgur.com/a/Z2Xe1 [07:18:28] Did this thing [07:19:55] 6x AJ11 in the first stage [07:22:52] Nice [07:22:56] Sounds expensive [07:23:12] Rokker: ^ a member of the glorious RO player base [07:23:41] It cost like 800 funds. [07:23:51] Cheaper than launching a Vanguard [07:26:13]  [08:10:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [10:45:31] parts of my order has started arriving [10:45:49] a timing belt and tiny needles [10:46:25] building a dirty bomb? [10:46:53] that was not the plan initially but I will have some timing belt left when im done with it [10:47:00] so I guess I could? [10:47:19] I know a nuclear power plant not too far guess I could go there and borrow some used fuel [11:43:55] >return ore from mun contract, i decide to make a base with drill and icru and then top stage returns to kerbin with ore and the base stands as refuelling station [11:44:12] >costs just like the mission reward [11:44:42] so, starting rocket was stable, flight was ok - for my manual piloting and such [11:44:59] but there were some issues which revealed themselfs later [11:45:39] at first, on the orbit i found that tanks were full of ore from the very start, which was made into fuel in flight [11:45:50] well ok, dv was enough [11:46:45] then turned out that because of unfortunate setup landing legs were not able to unfold, so landed sideways, but one of two drills works, so base idea scrapped, only return for the mission [11:47:07] then the ore lander hits water and tanks are destroyed [11:47:09] damn [15:12:04] hi [15:17:46] good morning [15:17:51] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Technicalfool' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:18:27] ve2dmn: s/good // [15:19:03] UmbralRaptop: same, but I try and tell myself that it will get better soon [15:19:26] Action: ve2dmn is plagged with dark thoughts [15:20:00] It's a property of mornings. [15:22:15] Action: ve2dmn click-right on morning, select properties, edit coffee amount, save [15:27:12] unrelated, but I know how you guys LOVE homeopathy... So I was happy when I saw that is a lawsuit against a product called 'Oscillococcinum' [15:27:40] the report came with this handy picture https://images.radio-canada.ca/q_auto,w_635/v1/ici-info/16x9/oscillococcinum-lafacture-comparaison-prix-sucre.jpg [15:27:50] (sorry, acticle only in french) [15:37:43] Full article for.... Fluburtur only... I guess http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1086555/oscillococcinum-granules-homeopathiques-sante-canada-inefficace-homologation-action-collective [15:38:58] nice [15:43:57] I just hope the chemist and doctors involved in this story aren't going to get nasty letters [15:46:04] ve2dmn, that homeopatic stuff has been around for quite some time and noone minded [15:48:26] Gasher: worse. they try to get rid of it in Phamarcies, but the big chains argued that it's a Billion-dollar market and they want a piece of it [15:49:51] i [15:50:09] (Happenned in Ontario) [15:50:26] * then i'd have recommended that pharmaceutic companies to finally try to take a share of a market of confectionary [15:51:02] They do... [15:51:14] in this case 'Pharmacies' is the drug stores [15:52:22] em, i feel that it is cultural thing, here you can only buy those stuff like cough sweets and no much more [15:52:22] They currently sell Easter chocolates in the next aisle [15:52:28] lol [15:52:38] yeah, seems to be cultural [15:53:08] It's just that the drug are in a seperate, clearly defined, section [15:53:39] i see, but here they havn't yet mutated into that [15:54:07] at most there would be mineral water [15:54:19] Right now, it's like it's a drug store, with a convinient store stuck together [15:54:23] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:54:28] The biggest section being the cosmetics [15:54:34] ahhh [15:54:42] right, i saw that in europe [15:55:10] there are some drugstores like that here, but it's not that pronounced - medicine is what is sold the most [15:56:00] The local drugstores are also massive compared to a drug-only drugstore [16:00:14] but yeah, I should find the original Ontario commission that looked into this issue. There are a few interesting exchanges in there... [16:01:59] like "You tell me that you know it doesn't work and you still want to sell it?" -- "Yes. We know it doesn't work, but there is a market for this and we want to regulate it so people buy quality placebo and not poison on the streets" [16:03:20] lol [16:03:36] sounds like they are actually selling some hard drugs [16:06:11] I mean... we do plenty of 'placebo'-like things. [16:06:26] what are we talking about, US pharmacies? yeah, they're like little convenience stores with a dispensary attached [16:06:37] As long as it's not pure poison, someone will try to sell it [16:06:46] Arcan: Canadiana, but same [16:08:20] all of the drugs that may only be taken by the prescription of a doctor are in their own area (what i am calling a dispensary although i do not know if that is the right word for it) [16:08:55] the rest of the building is a store, with an emphasis on common remedies (like cough syrups etc) and first aid supplies but you can buy food and cosmetics as well [16:38:13] Arcan: same, except our sells maple syrup this time of year [16:38:49] that falls under "food", ve2dmn [16:39:06] yes. yes it does. [16:39:11] although you're unlikely to find real maple syrup here outside of a real grocery store [16:39:33] For comparison, how much is it? [16:39:40] most "maple syrup" is maple flavored sugar syrup [16:42:50] Arcan: commonly refered to as 'pole syrup' localy [16:43:34] or corn syrup if you're really cheap [16:43:53] ve2dmn: real maple syrup is expensive here, but i don't know how expensive [16:44:01] pole, as in telephone pole, not as in polish [16:44:07] i think probably around $10/qt [16:44:14] qt? [16:44:17] quart [16:44:35] a liter and a quart are very roughly equal [16:44:37] very roughly [16:44:52] 50ml difference I think [16:44:55] Close enough [16:45:33] at 10$/qt, it's probably the clear stuff [16:45:34] so yeah for real maple syrup i think we pay around $10 a litre in FL [16:45:43] probably closer to $15 [16:45:45] USD, not CAD [16:45:58] it isn't really clear [16:46:13] see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_syrup#/media/File:Syrup_grades_large.JPG [16:48:35] https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-activate-south-texas-launch-site-late-2018/ [16:48:40] tomorrow launch? [16:48:51] ve2dmn: the kind my family buys is the darkest in the image [16:48:53] grade B [16:49:16] darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows [16:49:35] Althego: dragon slayer? [16:49:48] the full name [16:49:57] usually called dragon slave [16:50:15] what? [16:50:19] Anime [16:51:21] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9BhNRSf2kE [16:51:21] YouTube - Slayers OST I Excellent - Heroic Action Needed part 1 (HQ) [16:52:40] next launch seems to be still in 12.5 hours [16:52:55] just before i arrive to the office [16:52:59] that is the Falcon 9 launch at cape canaveral? [16:53:05] yes [16:53:18] i will most likely be in bed [16:53:23] Althego: a night launch? [16:53:25] nonetheless i will try to stay up for it [16:55:57] Howdy [16:59:30] yo [17:06:19] Fluburtur: how's your project doing? [17:06:39] which one? [17:08:28] hehe [17:08:40] the rocket plane? [17:08:55] im waiting to get my 3d printer to make rocket nozzle molds [17:12:30] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [17:13:16] Fluburtur: ah, I see! [18:06:48] Wonder what the SOI of a golf ball is...heh....looking at one I have. [18:07:52] does it have any? [18:08:00] at least not around earth [18:12:16] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:12:58] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:14:03] SOI = a*(m_secondary/m_primary)^0.4, so& [18:15:44] Min diameter is 42.67 mm, max mass is 45.93 grams. [18:16:15] but doesnt the soi of such a small object fall inside the object? [18:17:03] ;wa 2.1335e-2/(45.93e-3/5.98e24)^0.4 [18:17:05] UmbralRaptop: (2.1335×10^(-2))/((45.93×10^(-3))/(5.98×10^24))^0.4: 5.95572... × 10^8 [18:17:13] lol [18:17:18] that is longer [18:17:53] Yes, if you're within 600,000 km of Earth's center of mass. [18:19:28] So Draconiator should make sure his golf balls are held together by something other than gravity if he wants to compete in terrestrial games. [18:27:56] what is the SOI of sagittarius *a ? [18:28:33] a* [18:28:43] ... ^ that [18:32:57] 3.6 million solar masses... [18:33:08] hehe [18:33:21] That is a lot of matter [18:33:29] lost matter [18:33:38] forever [18:33:42] not really [18:33:55] after a while it will evaporate [18:34:09] and finally nothing visible will remain in the universe [18:34:18] even white dwarves will cool down [18:34:32] the universe will be cold and dark [18:34:33] so asad [18:34:45] and without matter [18:34:58] And nothing else matters [18:36:03] another sad thing that earth will be inhabitable in a few hundred million years [18:36:14] despite life being here for billions of years [18:36:33] *uninhabitable [18:36:39] ? [18:36:48] wait is this like the inflammable insanity? [18:36:59] unless we manage to move it further away in the orbit... [18:37:09] ... highly, highly unlikely [18:37:41] and the scary thing, i am really scared of methane hydrates warming up and releasing methane into the atmosphere [18:37:47] we are really close to that [18:37:55] I heard about that :/ [18:38:16] that would maybe kill half of the species [18:38:27] Is this the great filter or the fermi paradox? [18:38:31] Althego: Russian tundra? [18:38:43] mrcus: not just Russian [18:38:54] also bees are dying [18:38:54] Well, most of it is there, right? And Canada? [18:39:02] without bees we will not have food [18:39:33] Also read that increasing sea temperatures might cause methane releases from the seafloor [18:39:50] mrcus: doubtful, but not impossible [18:40:06] My worst nightmare. Not only will the climate shit itself, but it will smell like fart [18:40:08] (cuz there is tonnes of the stuff on the sea bed) [18:40:50] inb4 mods shut down this conversation because somehow climate change is "politics" ;) [18:41:06] hah you sad the word previously [18:41:16] what you shouldnt [18:41:18] even before politics [18:41:31] Ah, Russia? [18:41:37] no, sh*t [18:41:44] aaaaaah [18:42:01] i keep forgetting that it's one of the seven dirty words [18:42:08] in the mean time, look at this galaxy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seyfert_galaxy#/media/File:ESO_Centaurus_A_LABOCA.jpg [18:42:24] Seyfert galaxy Centaurus A [18:42:35] The norwegian equivalent is not a curse word :P [18:42:50] you can use crap i tihink [18:43:27] mrcus: it deffers not only by language, but by culture, too [18:43:32] differs* [18:43:52] Yep. [18:44:47] hi :) [18:45:53] him [18:46:44] wlm: welcome [18:47:23] Action: UmbralRaptop thwaps mrcus with the language rule. [18:47:42] :'( [18:47:44] And what Althego said. [18:47:49] Freedom of speech! [18:48:09] This is not a public space. [18:48:09] mrcus: never question the power of the mods [18:48:47] FoS doesn't exist in cyberspace. Everywhere you are is "owned" by someone, and they have the right to dictate what behavior is appropriate. Bah. [18:48:47] But your argument that this is not a public space completely breaks down my freedom of speech argument [18:48:56] So I choose to completely ignore it [18:48:59] ;) [18:49:06] mrf [18:49:25] Anyway, yay for seyfert galaxies. [18:49:38] I didn't know this was a thing... I have no words: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAC9N6JB7732 [18:49:58] Anyone knows a amazing planet pack that works with Kopernicus 1.3.1-6 and KSP 1.3.1? [18:50:40] ve2dmn: selfie stick minus the stick? [18:50:58] I guess for some kinds of vlogging? [18:50:58] basically [18:51:06] or even: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAC9N6JB8465 [18:51:23] Guys! I have a question [18:51:48] GurrenLagannCWP: I'm sorry. I can't help you, I've never used Kopernicus [18:52:16] DAMMIT! I dont know how to make planets in Kopernicus [18:52:27] Me neither, I've only got it beacuse one of my graphics mods uses it to add rings around Jool [18:52:58] GurrenLagannCWP: The very first hit I get when googling "make planets for Kopernicus" brings up a tutorial on making planets on the KSP wiki, using Kopernicus [18:53:27] But its a old one [18:53:40] copper nicus :) [18:53:47] GurrenLagannCWP: Did you ask in the Kopernicus thread? [18:53:47] Ah well. I never seem to leave Kerbin's SOI. Good luck. [18:54:04] Mathuin: Just burn straight up for long enough [18:54:27] 5-6k dV should do it, TWR at sea level around 1.4ish [18:56:32] I dont have a forum account, just a reddit [18:59:33] mrcus: lately I spend more time working on kOS code than actually flying rockets. [18:59:51] ^ [19:00:14] And we lost folks to Factorio and Stellaris 2.0 [19:01:14] can you fly spaceships in newtonian mechanics in those? [19:02:49] no [19:03:00] then they are of no interest to me :) [19:03:26] you mean... my GPS kOS system is not going to work in KSP??? dammit [19:06:43] Can you make a planet for me? [19:06:58] https://youtu.be/tyTz_-EQOXE?t=10 [19:07:10] Because OPM wont work for me [19:07:23] one punch man doesnt work for anyone :) [19:08:28] I MEAN OUTER PLANETS MOD [19:08:44] i know [19:08:58] Ok then [19:09:25] But please make a planet pack for me? [19:09:32] cant [19:09:48] at best i could make a fully functional inertial navigation system [19:10:32] I tried to make a planet 9 analogue using the wiki code, IT DID NOT SPAWN [19:11:00] GurrenLagannCWP: isn't there good planet pack you could look into? [19:11:25] None working on Kopernicus 1.3.1-6 [19:11:35] And KSP 1.3.1 [19:11:37] weird... [19:12:09] The most recent version [19:12:56] even https://github.com/Kopernicus/KopernicusExamples/tree/master/KopernicusExamples ? [19:15:06] Havent tried [19:15:36] cuz if thoses don't work, then the mod is probably incompatible or installed incorrectly... [19:16:20] AKA: something is borknen [19:17:54] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:18:07] Evening, Gentlemen. [19:18:50] Supernovy: good môrnïng [19:30:23] No, not working [19:32:24] ve2dmn: Nope, rip [19:32:35] sad [19:32:40] very sad [19:33:36] So, what's wrong with my Kopernicus? [19:34:10] no idea, sadly [19:34:28] how did you install it? [19:34:31] I had installed in the gamedata [19:34:40] manually? [19:34:48] manually [19:35:35] Via Github [19:35:52] is that the only mod you have? [19:36:47] Hyperedit, CustomAsteroids and BetterTimeWarp [19:37:25] you could try installing via CKAN... [19:37:38] WAIT THERE IS 1.3.1-7 [19:37:40] Action: Ezriilc winks [19:37:40] ...but that would require uninstall all mods first [19:38:03] lol the flute guy rocks... or rather metals [19:39:32] Ezriilc: still own Hyperedit? [19:39:46] Yep! [19:39:53] I'm here to help if anyone needs anything. [19:40:08] I need to tell you it's an awesome mod [19:40:17] (even if I don't use it anymore) [19:40:34] no, sir sic vs flat earth again... heh i guess i have to watch it but i almsot fall asleep [19:42:05] Kopernicus 1.3.1-7 - "Might Work Now - Edition" [19:42:05] but godless engineer does better idiot commenter impressions [19:42:18] (lately also in the flat earth business) [19:43:15] Althego: The earth is not a sphere!!! [19:43:22] earth chan is not flat [19:43:23] it's an oblate spheroid [19:43:30] a bit pear shaped [19:44:25] pumpkin shaped [19:44:26] as ndt said, and flat earthers still ridicule that statement, although it is technically true, even if he explained it right after that it is a only a tiny fraction change from a sphere [19:44:53] Althego: we are starting to need that precision... so it's relevant [19:45:07] in fact i dont even understand how coordinates are possible on earth [19:45:24] lol [19:45:33] you know it would hard enough with a sphere [19:45:39] but earth has this stupid shape [19:45:43] and if you want coordinates [19:45:45] it seems to be trivial with a sphere [19:45:46] Althego: they are approximations based on a US reference point [19:45:50] If it says "Might Work Now - Edition" , it shall work [19:45:51] those have to be also silly shaped [19:46:09] GurrenLagannCWP: keep me posted. I'm curious [19:46:09] well plus magnetic compass deviation... [19:46:15] ok, they are actually models, wgs-84, it is approcimately correct [19:46:15] and local deviation [19:46:29] who needs magnetic compass anyway [19:46:42] Gasher: magnetic deviation is why Montreal street going from North to South are East-West named... [19:46:46] i love me some gyrocompass [19:46:51] ve2dmn, lol [19:46:56] we have KMA here [19:47:04] yes in canada you can have something like 20 degrees difference [19:47:07] It's even in the Wikipedia article... [19:47:08] in the european part of the country [19:47:35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursk_Magnetic_Anomaly [19:49:00] ve2dmm: BOOM, not working [19:49:19] prboom [19:50:45] Gasher there is a -14.40 magnetic deviation here... [19:50:59] ve2dmn: BOOM, not working [19:51:05] rip [19:51:30] GurrenLagannCWP: maybe try CKAN? Do a new, seperate install of KSP with that? [19:52:06] ok [19:52:50] Gasher: the planning for the city was done in this orientation: http://www.johomaps.com/na/canada/quebec/montreal/montreal2.jpg [19:53:14] but the true orientation is this: http://www.johomaps.com/na/canada/quebec/montreal/montreal1.jpg [19:54:07] lol [19:54:23] they should have looked at the sun [19:55:00] they looked at a compass, saw N-E-E instead of N-N-E and decided it was W-E orientation [19:55:02] why have the rotated one? [19:55:12] who navigates in a city with a magnetic compass? [19:55:25] no one... [19:55:38] I'm moslty talking of 400 years ago [19:55:47] i remember using the one where the river is north-south [19:56:48] now it is somewhat nostalgic [19:57:17] but i like it better now that i dont have to travel randomly and can work only 8 hours a day [19:57:25] for marginally less pay [19:57:53] i never used CKAN [19:58:10] Althego: if you ever visit, I'll provide the maple syrup [19:58:29] i never went even close to maple syrup [19:58:51] it is very good [19:59:05] my uncle that lives in montreal brings some when he comes [19:59:06] people brought some maple tasting cookies (from store) and i didnt like them very much, so i never tried maple syrup [19:59:10] Fluburtur: it is maple season [19:59:29] canada has a national maple syrup reserve, and i find that really funny [19:59:40] Althego: only 1 province... [19:59:49] ...but we make 70% of the world's production [20:00:35] "Canadian exports of maple syrup in 2016 were C$ 487 million (about US$ 360 million)" [20:01:04] How much of this stuff do you guys really drink?! [20:01:23] you don't 'drink' maple syrup... [20:01:25] what, who would drink that? [20:01:33] it is like drinking honey [20:01:37] ^ [20:01:55] Sons and daughters of Kerbin: The Kerbals were not the first. They did not create the Mk1 Command Pod. They did not forge the LV-T30 engines. They merely found them by the side of the road. [20:02:05] hehe [20:02:10] they dont even have roads, man [20:02:22] where we are going, we dont need any roads [20:02:53] Althego: They have exactly *one* road. It's not that long and it doesn't go anywhere in particular, but it exists. [20:03:00] the only thing somewhat road like is the runway, but that doesnt lead anywhere [20:03:11] hehe it took me long to type it [20:03:12] Action: Scolar_Visari once again ninjas Althego. [20:03:15] but i woke up at 4 [20:03:21] I NEVER WOKE UP AT ALL [20:03:39] Sorry, must've left my Mr. Torgue filter on. [20:03:45] no, not woke, i dont even want to know what woke means [20:04:14] Well, you see, when Morpheus offered you the red pill . . . [20:04:54] APlayer: but, yeah, we export tree blood at the rate of millions of litre per year [20:05:38] ve2dmn: Is there some context for that statement? Otherwise, I'd swear trees don't bleed. [20:05:38] are the vegans protesting? [20:05:48] maple syrup [20:05:58] they have bodily fluids [20:06:11] Scolar_Visari: they don't bleed... we MAKE them bleed [20:06:26] it is like chuck norris [20:06:32] kicks the trees and they bleed [20:06:43] ve2dmn: Those may not be trees. [20:06:54] Scolar_Visari: what did you think maple syrup was? [20:07:07] ve2dmn: Sap. Not blood. Unless the trees suffer from Mega Diabetes. [20:07:45] i wonder why nobody utilizes honeydew :) at least ants eat it [20:08:13] SpaceX South Texas Launch Site at Boca Chica Village on track for 2018 activation https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-activate-south-texas-launch-site-late-2018/ [20:08:23] Althego: Something about it coming from the butts of aphids? [20:08:33] ve2dmn: Sorry, took me longer than expected to find this particular gif: https://imgur.com/gallery/MvBoN [20:08:33] https://i.imgur.com/zbv44tQ.gifv [20:08:38] but is is lo of sugar [20:08:43] linked the same article hoours ago [20:09:01] but yes, they should have their own launch complex [20:09:12] Althego: Aphids are rather tiny. [20:09:27] APlayer: that's a 'tourist' bottle [20:09:30] but they pump the sugary thing out of the tree the natural way :) [20:10:03] Althego: Psht. Natural-shmatural. [20:10:05] no wait, he does drink it lol [20:10:11] ve2dmn: So, locals buy it in barrels? [20:10:19] You know what's also natural: Eating animals that are so raw they're still struggling. [20:10:19] close. Cans [20:10:24] LOL [20:10:28] ve2dmn: Like, beer keg cans? [20:10:35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_syrup#/media/File:Can_of_Quebec_Maple_Syrup.JPG [20:10:36] But with delicious syrup instead of alcohol? [20:11:04] Hahah [20:11:08] Oh, and here I was thinking Canadians used syrup on everything like Romans with their fermented fish guts. [20:11:32] Action: Scolar_Visari still wonders if there's anyone who actually makes Garum. [20:11:49] eh [20:12:17] Scolar_Visari: we do have Maple-based alcohol, but it's not cheap [20:12:17] must be like soy sauce for japanese [20:12:21] Fermented fish *sauce* is a staple in some Asian cusines. [20:12:35] Althego: Stronger flavor and more like a paste. [20:12:50] i mean they probably put it into everything [20:12:57] I'm . . . unsure as to how the Romans originally found out how to make garum without dying from food poisoning. [20:13:05] hehe [20:13:09] simple [20:13:26] they tried until the people survived, the ones who died never had the opportunity to share the reciope [20:13:34] I'm testing with Exoplanets outside Kerbol and Gameslinx's planet overhoul [20:13:36] evolution! [20:13:42] Althego: Culinary Selection. [20:14:07] Scolar_Visari: they still used lead in the food... [20:14:15] Thankfully, we still have some decent literature on the subject of Roman cookery so it's possible to make garum today. The same can't be said with another popular flavoring. [20:14:23] ve2dmn: Lead, in trace amounts, was used as a flavoring for wine. [20:14:29] yes [20:15:06] and it hurt them [20:15:08] Unlike modern Barbarians, the Romans tended to drink wine with herbs, spices and other assorted flavorings. Lead was just one of many and probably the most unfortunate. [20:15:26] Althego: Eh, beats arsenic laden makeup? [20:16:24] Action: Scolar_Visari also recalls mercury being used in the production of felts and the slow, horrifying death that accompanied flint nappers. [20:16:41] or Uranium-laced bath to cure colds [20:17:00] Mmmm, uranium. [20:17:30] Plutonium-238 Conditioner will also add a glow to your hair. Literally. [20:18:28] Though, prior to those pesky laws against unsafe working conditions, it hardly mattered if the materials were toxic given that you had just as much a chance of dying from a horrifying mechanical accident. [20:20:26] Scolar_Visari: The building I'm in is full of Asbestos in the walls [20:20:29] "What's this young Oliver? Lost a hand to the flying shuttle did you? Well, that's coming out of your paycheck." [20:20:44] ve2dmn: So long as you don't have occassion to flake it off and inhale it, you're fine. [20:21:12] Asbestos fibers are our friends. They insulate us from danger! [20:21:16] Scolar_Visari: because of that, any sort of work in the building cost a fortune [20:21:39] The entire university campus is like that [20:21:54] ve2dmn: Hard to sell facilities like that too. [20:22:26] It was the 1960-1970s and the thing was cheap... so they used it everywhere [20:23:43] Dorms, main building, gym, labs, etc... [20:24:28] luckely most of it is behind a solid wall of concrete, because that was also the 'thing' to use in thoses days. [20:27:51] ve2dmn: Cheap and effective. Who cared if it ran the risk of giving a few people a horrifying disease!? [20:28:16] Action: Scolar_Visari coughs up a lung in the manner of a sea cucumber. [20:28:24] hehe [20:30:14] I've found a nice rendering of the Boca Chica launch facility http://i.imgur.com/Yq3wO3H.png [20:30:28] We were the biggest producer in North America. We even have a city named 'Asbestos' [20:30:29] hehe [20:31:30] ve2dmn: Was it renamed Mesotheliomapolis? [20:31:53] nope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbestos,_Quebec [20:32:35] "At various times since the decline of asbestos mining, residents and politicians in the area have proposed changing the town's name due to its negative connotations." [20:33:12] Action: Scolar_Visari will write a tasteful latter to the city of Asbestos to rename itself Mesotheliomapolis. [20:33:47] what is that [20:34:29] Althego: It's a cancer that can be caused by asbestos. [20:34:40] Scolar_Visari: make it in french. They can't speak english [20:34:40] eh [20:34:51] time extender fuel level is zero. thread state changed to sleep [20:34:56] ve2dmn: Can't? Or won't? [20:35:12] Scolar_Visari: in that case, can't [20:35:37] Alright then . . . Mésothéliomeville [20:35:48] That sounds more festive. It'll be great for the tourist sector. [20:36:18] It's almost a ghost town [20:37:41] Perfect! It'll be refashioned into a living museum. [20:38:32] Though perhaps I should start with Coalcity and Mercurytown first? [20:39:29] The Mercurytown fisheries sponsors the local bass fishing competition. Sounds legit. [20:40:38] I really shouldn't joke... I can't fish out of the local rivers because they are contaminated with dioxin. [20:41:04] "Should I be concerned about the silvery eyes on the fish?" "Oh, no! Absolutely not! Perfectly safe for human consumption." [20:41:38] KrazyKrl: sad. Our are mostly contamined by DHMO [20:41:48] PPM actually stands for "Percent, per mercury" [20:43:00] Nonsense! It's actually Parts Per Meh. [20:43:14] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:43:35] It's "Party per Meth-head" [20:43:53] Puddin' Pops per Massacre? [20:43:53] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:45:18] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders opening up Radiumville if Coalcity and Mercurytown are successful. [20:45:41] Radium paintbrush shaped lollipops will be all the rage! [20:46:09] there's a few cities named 'Hell'... so I guess named don't matter that much [20:46:12] Totallynotbuiltonancientburialgroundsburg? [20:46:33] ve2dmn: That'll be the location of an afterlife themepark. [20:46:53] Mr. Bones Wild Ride Memorial Park. [20:47:12] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:47:35] I mean, who HASN'T looked at a Hieronymus Bosch triptych and thought, "gee, that'd make one swell roller coaster ride!" [20:49:31] Of course, I can't guarantee patrons will retain any of their sanity after getting off. If they get off at all. [20:49:54] Sanity is relative. [20:49:55] Action: Scolar_Visari could probably do this in Planet Coaster. [20:50:48] KrazyKrl: Yeah, but I think, "so unspeakably terrifying that I clawed my own eyes out" is at least one or two standard deviations from the norm. [20:50:52] And the ammount of sanity that is apparent in an object is actually inverse to the velocity apparent to you. [20:54:54] As a reminder to those who doubt the validity of radiometric dating: Significant alterations to the decay rate of a given sample are guaranteed to destroy it or require alterations the Universe's source code. [20:57:34] Action: Scolar_Visari goes off to find the secret of gravity hidden in the assembly language. [20:59:32] You COULD... but wouldn't it be easier to detect something SO HARD that it creates a black hole? [21:07:00] I still doubt that Radiometry will help me find a mate [21:20:12] Action: UmbralRaptor eyes the microwave radiometers attached to Jupiter's wife. [21:32:04] ...I never really considered Juno's name before, but *frick* I love space poets. [21:47:55] SnoopJeDi: guess who Ganymede is [21:48:44] Zeus, you crazy [21:53:29] I want to say that we've finally found enough moons to make the naming scheme run out. [21:57:05] if we find a quasi-moon do we name it Hercules or Achilles ? [21:58:21] (because if it's a quasi-moon, it's probably gonna come from the asteroids... either the trojan camp or...) [21:58:38] ve2dmn: well& https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/588_Achilles [21:59:45] I know... but... [22:00:01] And TIL that 'Plutino' is a thing [22:00:25] Plutino, twotino, cubewano [22:02:03] is it Pluto, Charon or the pair that is in a 2:3 resonance with Neptune? [22:02:35] The pair. [22:03:58] And if Pluto has a quasi-moon, I guess it would mean that, it too, is in a 3:2 resonance [22:04:56] I guess this image explains it best: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuiper_belt#/media/File:TheKuiperBelt_classes-en.svg [22:09:20] It still blows my mind that was have ACTUAL high-def picture of Pluto and that the thing thing actually worked [22:13:50] I wonder if New Horizon will survive the Y2038 bug [22:13:52] A 700 kg grand piano zipping past a dwarf planet at 14 km/s [22:14:51] "cubewano" lmao [22:16:51] SnoopJeDi: it sounds like penguin poop [22:17:04] cubeguano [22:18:10] time to head home, sit back and lose all my evening on Mario Odessey, Stellaris and/or KSP [22:19:08] Then miss the midnight launch while I contemplate 'what the hell am I doing with my life' while trying to fall asleep [22:19:19] (Being an adult is hard) [22:19:50] mrcus kicked from #kspofficial by TheKosmonaut: check your PM [22:33:33] ve2dmn, a really trippy, fun thing to also do is download a mars map for VR. [22:33:55] it's not 3D, just a lot of stitched photos as you go along, but it's crazy to think you're virtually walking on the surface of mars. [22:42:47] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [22:46:17] hmmmm....I wonder if it's possible to do mid-air refueling in KSP....I mean it would be but might be insanely hard, you'd probably have to use Mechjeb. [23:02:45] btw, i am going to be getting into KSP again.. but with mods. any recommendations for mods? [23:04:38] KER, Mechjeb, Navyfish Docking thing [23:13:42] thank [23:38:21] StCypher: VR? [23:48:22] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net