[02:49:23] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:52:13] https://i.redd.it/8ntcbvh4hl821.png [03:20:37] everyone knows that usb plugs are 4-dimensional [03:21:01] you try to put it in, doesn't work. you turn it 180°, doesn't work, you turn it again 180°, works [03:21:09] that can only be possible in 4 dimensions [08:42:44] i don't know guys i just look on the symbol on the top and it works [09:07:34] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk8mFXt9eSA [09:07:35] YouTube - Does the Floor Feel Your Weight in Indoor Skydiving? The Bernoulli's Ball Experiment on a Scale! [09:07:55] hehe comment: I wanted to say that this vid is super cool. Next time stop talking about blowing balls though...˙ [09:21:41] it's funny that this guy has almost 2 million subscribers, but no studio [09:22:09] no it is funny that he is this creepy, and has a popular youtube channel (with actually good content) and a wife [09:26:50] he's not creepy [09:26:55] just a normal dude [09:29:51] i dont know why i feel uncomfortable looking at his face. that strange grin instead of smile and his eyes, something is not rigth [09:30:15] oh, John Young is dead [09:31:06] which means it is about time humans go out into space again [09:31:08] alt's link to vudeo? [09:32:03] this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk8mFXt9eSA [09:32:04] YouTube - Does the Floor Feel Your Weight in Indoor Skydiving? The Bernoulli's Ball Experiment on a Scale! [09:33:06] hmm mouth is bit odd, forced smiling [09:34:18] maybe that is why i find the eyes strange too. supposedly you cant fake a true smile, because certain muscles around the eyes move too [09:57:25] maybe dunno [10:28:50] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [11:45:04] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [12:57:32] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cc/Shuttle_Carrier_Aircraft_interior_bulkhead.jpg/1280px-Shuttle_Carrier_Aircraft_interior_bulkhead.jpg [13:01:05] hehe [13:01:29] what is that huge spider [13:03:03] its on lens I think lol [13:03:12] hehe [13:07:11] Where? [13:07:32] in the picture :) [13:08:39] I bet that spider was really there, but made out of paper or something similar [13:08:48] yes, probably [13:13:03] likely [13:15:57] noticed cables on the roof... how does it go through aft bulkhead? [13:17:41] althego rolf pic from wiki.. spider is just stuffed toy sorta thing sitting on the bulkhead. At least according to picture description. [13:17:42] Oh, I only saw a part of the picture because it was zoomed in [13:17:48] Now I see the spider [13:18:03] lol ok [13:19:01] ah.. quote from wiki on aft bulkhead: The aft end of the interior of NASA's Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. The aft pressure bulkhead is the white circular component, and its web-like structure led a NASA technician with a sense of humor to add a large stuffed spider to the decor. [13:19:38] Cables may be going through the bulkhead via built-in connector [13:19:53] Or sealed with a resin or something [13:20:51] it has to endure less than 1 bar pressure, cant be all that tricky [13:22:00] Or possibly through pivot type mechanic transfe [13:22:00] "Just leave a hole in there, and also make a hole at the front so that the dynamic pressure offsets the loss of air" [13:22:10] lol [13:22:48] uhh... a little confused on this though: Aft pressure bulkheads can either be curved, which reduces the amount of metal needed at the cost of reducing the usable space in the airliner, or flat, which gives more internal space but also more weight. [13:23:12] logical [13:23:17] you cant use the curved space [13:23:24] curved... woudln't that actually /add/ space inside, not reduce it? Its not like the curve is going into the cabin space. [13:23:38] no, because there is the external part of the plane [13:23:58] that is getting smaller diameter at towards the tail [13:24:12] you cant really put anything there [13:24:24] Perhaps "usable space in the airliner" refers to the unpressurized part past the bulkhead? [13:25:12] Because of course the diameter is shrinking, but you still could come up with stuff to put there, I bet [13:25:18] well outside the cabin space but inside aircraft skin.. sure makes sense [13:25:24] Never say no to free space [13:29:09] we have a whoel universe full of free space [13:39:40] ah... they use a rubber thing, squeezes the cable, grease to help keep cable sliding and air passing through. [13:39:49] regarding the control cables through pressure bulkhead [14:21:36] Why should the cable slide? [14:53:11] when I run ckan, it doent show that eve is compatible w/ksp 6.1. Why? [14:53:26] I just want to add clouds [14:57:29] Guest50904: Assuming you wanted to say that EVE is compatible with KSP 1.6 (otherwise that is likely a typo of the author of EVE), and you are running 1.6, that is not a problem. If you are running a version older than 1.6, there is likely to be an old EVE release compatible with your game [15:01:39] I guess the better question is: what is the best way to get clouds on ksp 1.6? I saw that Astronomer's Visual Pack [v3.74] existed and used EVE. AVP says it's compatible w/1.6 as noted here https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160878-ksp-16-astronomers-visual-pack-v374-warpspeed/& However, ckan doesnt show that version and not [15:01:39] hing by warpspeed. WHy? [15:03:11] do I need to add another metadata repo to ckan? [15:07:28] Perhaps it was simply not added to CKAN. I suggest you try installing it manually, EVE/AVP is not problematic in that regard, IIRC [17:28:17] I think the space station is the most expensive phone charger [18:04:11] 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 [18:04:32] 1eeeoeoeoe1eoeoeeoep [18:05:51] lol [18:07:00] is that dotless i [18:16:36] 'LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I' (U+0131) [18:16:38] it is [18:19:59] jkddkckvkvlvvvovv_v  [18:20:09] let me guess, cat [18:20:30] llfflflff [18:21:38] kkf1oflf [18:22:07] hheyeyee1e [18:23:09] i.hihihihihhihhih,,h,h,hü,h,hühh [18:23:22] not funny anymore [18:23:46] hhiihphihhhüüühihihhühhüühühüühühühü,hühühühüühühhühhühühühühüühühühhühühühühüüüühüühüüühühüühühühühühhüühühühühüühühühüühüühühh [18:24:51] öēvv_vvl__v_vi_viviiv [18:27:21] ifig__.g_gigiggiggiggggggüiggigügüg [18:27:59] ēlgpogpgpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp_g_ggggühühühühühüühühühhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [18:50:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/531539816932704257/20190106190100_1.jpg [18:51:45] lol [18:51:51] what is that, bullet fallin? [18:52:03] for some reason it was frozen there [18:52:28] freeze, don't move! [18:53:15] ohlphhüih-hhüh [18:53:19] _h_hüh,hühüühüh [18:53:20] h [18:53:22] hhhühüühh [18:53:36] is that a language from northern europe [18:53:49] looks like when Robbaz speaks danish [18:54:05] maybe turkish [18:54:09] or something [18:54:50] but doesnt seem to be an actual language [18:56:06] punk dino https://66.media.tumblr.com/9a131235fb63b7254683a601b116071a/tumblr_inline_p3jvx92wZq1rx3jxn_540.png [18:56:14] ehehe [18:56:22] or dragon with 3 heads? [18:57:31] apparently the babies of that specie have wing claws [18:57:51] i know of 1 such bird [19:28:25] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:02:33] & I would have kicked them if pinged [20:03:49] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:20:57] zurich airport worst airport [20:24:55] Have you tried turning it off and on again? [20:27:06] i guess you havent been to dortmund :) [20:53:38] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:24:00] im still not over how much I hate how model rockets work [21:24:33] ? [21:24:37] they just fart off for like half a second, they could just replace the "rocket engine" with a bomb because of how fast it burns [21:25:06] real rockets burn for longer with a rather low acceleration really, depends on the rocket [21:26:05] Sounding rockets are pretty close. [21:26:31] yeah but they still burn for a bit longer time [21:46:12] i'm assuming that is because "toy rockets" are meant to never reach any significant height? [21:46:29] probably [21:50:42] isnt it illegal in most countries for hobbyist to make guided rockets with more than just basic stabilisation? [21:51:01] because I could make a gps guided rocket rather easily, if my rocket engines would work [21:52:38] https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1082000215425593345 :D [21:52:38] <elonmusk> https://t.co/Vl6pIb1q9b [21:53:42] spacex, the only space company that puts "good looking" before "practical" [22:06:26] Isn't that why GPS receivers have limits on altitude and velocity? [22:08:53] yeah, the one I have can do max 50km of altitude and 500m/s [22:14:00] otoh, I wouldn't expect hobbyists to build ICBMs in their backyard [22:22:01] Fluburtur: except in Denmark. [22:22:09] So we should all move to Denmark and build rockets! [22:22:38] Fluburtur: also the gangway is practical and good looking! [22:22:46] well, I think they have some authorisations [22:23:38] iirc you just have to show some insurance stuff, tell them when you want to launch and then go for it [22:24:16] also there is a Germany group building guided rockets (and launching them in Denmark...) [22:24:25] Backyard Scientists? [22:24:55] im more of a crazy engineer [22:26:07] https://ptscientists.com Part time scientists! [22:26:39] at least I think that's them [22:29:49] hmm... so.... [22:30:11] there a list of mods you can view, without loading ckan? [22:33:16] Hmm.. sunday, so guessing people still pretty dozy..? [22:45:17] a while back they had to offer modified GPS for people that wanted to release stratosphere balloons [22:47:02] anyway, since it's 3 kings day and all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVWSxX1FgAg [22:47:02] YouTube - "Die Heiligen 3 Könige / Mercedesstern" - bullyparade - TV Comedyshow / 1998 [23:35:19] Action: UmbralRaptop isn't sure what January 6th has to do with 3 kings. Was there a revolution, or something?