[00:00:54] wonder how bad this is https://www.banggood.com/HD-Glasses-Hidden-Camera-Covert-Eyewear-Cam-Video-Recorder-DVR-Camcorder-p-1179629.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN [00:07:19] Fluburtur: it's HD! [00:07:39] blurry 720p! yeah! [00:25:11] Fluburtur: check out the reviews. It clearly says "BOM PRODUTO" [00:27:44] yeah I guess [00:27:53] I wanted camera glasses actually [00:27:58] dunno why but it could be fun [00:34:05] launch in 30min [00:34:16] link? [00:35:05] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:37:19] http://www.spacex.com/webcast [00:37:29] or just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PWu3BRxn60 [00:37:29] YouTube - ZUMA Mission [00:37:41] thanks [00:38:15] time to do more of that kOS math [00:40:43] ... and not get ditracted by the big SpaceX logo on my TV [00:45:55] TheKosmonaut: why thank you [00:46:03] Woo [00:46:06] That's very considerate [00:46:17] ve2dmn: nobody ever reads the topic anyway :( [00:46:26] I could link to a Saturn V launch and nobody would notice. [00:47:15] yeah the topic is mostly there for private jokes [00:49:23] I use it as reference for rules and ”V map [00:49:32] Although the map is also on my wall [00:49:41] I got a pi calculator [00:49:50] I told it to calculate a billion digits [00:49:55] should take about an hour [00:50:46] I froze an old 486 with that type of caculation [00:51:17] 30min later, though, I had several million digits of Pi in Maple(tm) [00:52:06] Fluburtur: Lemme know what number the 778,931,257th decimal point is [00:52:23] I'll tell you in about an hour [00:52:28] unlessmy computer has melted [00:52:37] RIP [00:52:50] My money is on '1' [00:52:57] [Prez F to eay respek} [00:54:18] interesting. Several websites with millions of digits of Pi, but no with more [00:54:36] proof that we live in a simalution [00:55:12] Fluburtur: I froze WolframAlpha with http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=778931257th+digit+of+pi [00:56:02] well so far my computer has only calculated about 1/10th of the required one billion [00:56:46] my, my that promotion video.... [00:57:02] spacex launch in 3 minutes [00:57:05] facebook live launch https://www.facebook.com/SpaceX/videos/10160360242935131/ [00:57:39] Facebook is launching too? [00:57:43] Space X launching in a few minutes BTW [00:58:20] Draconiator: that's the main topic beside the 778,931,257th digit of pi [00:58:27] forklift is awesome, definitely recommend KIS though ve2dmn [00:58:38] got my modules all upright and in position :D [00:58:43] nice [00:58:53] http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=the+1000000th+digit+of+pi works [00:58:58] but not more digits [00:59:08] T-1min [00:59:51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PWu3BRxn60 [00:59:52] YouTube - ZUMA Mission [00:59:55] oh shiiieeet [01:00:09] Launch! [01:00:21] nice green flame at ignition [01:00:26] goosbumps intensified [01:02:30] nice tracking [01:08:13] alright, fueling base is assembled, the ship I dropped my forklift in has been put back upright, even though it'll never fly again [01:08:18] wew [01:08:22] good landing [01:08:28] another landing by the book [01:08:34] and perfect video link [01:08:38] ye [01:08:42] whhhhew yeah' [01:08:48] the falcon has landed [01:09:07] They are REALLY getting good at those. [01:09:29] drac I was thinking aout a thing [01:09:36] Draconiator: 1 more data point [01:09:59] instead of doing a turn by turn thing on our collab warfare we could try doing a fully scripted serie [01:10:15] this way we don't have to trust ksp into not blowing up stuff [01:10:16] My eyes hurt from that landing burn flares [01:10:16] here I am, still messing up calculations for reentry deceleration on ksp + kos [01:10:19] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:10:32] and those fgts do it in rl [01:10:38] gotta step up my game here [01:10:48] esspapier: I still mess up burns for assending node! [01:11:07] you mean circularization burns? [01:11:08] what's fgts mean? [01:11:18] please don't kick me :/ [01:11:41] O_O [01:12:12] esspapier: they also have software and large crew [01:12:12] we dont [01:12:22] firing up the 3 additional drills :D [01:12:27] oh well [01:13:37] still, picking a landing spot and actually landing there... without atmosphere it kinda works, because you can overshoot and simply decelerate a couple kilometers above ground [01:13:44] but with atmosphere, no chance yet [01:15:05] calculating how much drag is on your vessel, my head hurts just writing down the graphs I tried to make [01:15:19] lol [01:19:10] Anyone ever skydived from a retrograde orbit successfully? [01:20:07] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:23:32] Somewhat off-topic, but while playing Elite I ran into a ship called the Skye Orion [01:23:51] call scott then [01:24:17] I never played Elite [01:24:26] yet... someone gifted it to me :/ [01:24:28] I know Kickstarter backers got to name NPC ships. I wonder if Scott named that one? [01:25:21] https://78.media.tumblr.com/c05560c9551ced7b83164e84c2af0ac3/tumblr_inline_p0ca7tGqMR1sa6e96_500.jpg [01:25:42] also the pi calculator that I told to calculate one billion digits did over half the job so far [01:26:58] https://a.uguu.se/av6FhI4QBPWQ.png [01:28:51] jeans: I backed the wrong game [01:29:12] kinda sad they made it online only [01:29:19] a single player game at that [01:30:19] Weird... my code works now... [01:30:25] It didn't work this morning... [01:30:34] I DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING [01:32:00] ve2dmn: SC? [01:32:11] yeah [01:32:23] I backed it, then completely forgot about it [01:32:28] Ah [01:32:44] I mean, it's not done yet so you haven't missed much. =D [01:32:53] When I realised I could have gotten a Mercenary-level ID card, it was 3 months too late [01:33:54] I've been burned before... but now I'm looking to back things like https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1049608286/embark-3d-dwarf-fortress-meets-the-sims [01:35:27] so not sure why my most recent landing with my script parked me 2.5km away from my target [01:35:32] I did get a few goos things from Kickstarter. The DVD "Antartica: A Year on Ice" was really good [01:36:10] managed to manually fly it to about 350m away, but still too far to get fuel without me putting a truck down, which will be my next mission so I can land craft *anywhere* near the refinery to get refueled [01:39:34] I found the bug [01:39:54] it was a True Anomaly vs Mean Anomaly thing [01:42:09] Which means that the angles shown on KER in the 'Angle to Rel. AN' are a Mean Anomaly difference [01:42:47] either that are I am completely lost in my math and just stuble on the right numbers by chance [01:49:11] what makes the engines the most expensive part of a rocket? [01:49:30] is it the complex development and testing required? [01:49:33] Oneiros: It's hard to build [01:50:06] ok cool [01:50:40] It requires specific materials that can survive the heat [01:50:55] plus the shape is made to maximize trust... [01:51:07] and all sort of fuel control mechanism [01:53:33] ya. in a video a spacex exec said the rockets are about 80-90% of the cost of the rocket [01:53:42] *engines i mean [01:53:58] but in ksp they dont cost much at all [01:56:14] Kerbals are really good at engine design. [01:56:26] that's part of why Rocket Labs is 3D printing their engines :P [01:56:57] Electron test launch 2 is soon, like 48 hours or so [01:57:09] in NZ? [01:57:13] yes [01:57:28] I guess it's perfect for Polar launches [01:58:10] oh looks like the Electron launch is red status, got pushed back [01:58:22] ETA is about 6d [01:58:47] Electron is supposed to be launching small payloads at the moon once its done with testing [01:58:57] it's not showing up on http://nextrocket.space/ [01:59:07] it just says 'this month' [01:59:09] Moon Express is contracting RL to put 250kg payloads on the moon with the Electron [01:59:19] I'm just going by what this launch bot in Discord said [01:59:55] looks like China is getting ready to launch a bunch of stuff too? [02:05:22] ho wow. 2 team for the Lunar Xprize are sharing space on the same launch vehicule... [02:05:26] ...not a bad idea [02:05:44] both payloads are going to the same place anyway [02:06:18] PSLV? [02:07:21] Team Indus & Team Hakuto (GLXP) on PSLV XL [02:09:03] someone should tell Elon Musk to put a single Kerbal Bubblehead on the dashboard of his Tesla Falcon9H launch :D [02:10:19] lol [02:10:32] he needs to get into using video games for promotion more imo [02:10:59] that will get people more excited about mars, if they can play spacex games [02:11:13] UmbralRaptor: there is difenitly something I don't unstand about Orbital Mechanic and the difference between Mean Anomaly and True Anomaly... [02:14:06] ho well... I'll just push this kOS code to github for now and focus on something else. It works. I'm just not sure how. [02:14:30] ve2dmn: Mean Anomaly is where the craft would be on an µ = 0 orbit (ie: same semimajor axis but circular) [02:14:54] True anomaly is where the craft actually is in its orbit. [02:15:18] Thoses angles are from the center of gravity, right? [02:15:52] (and PE=> MA=TA=0, I Guess) [02:18:23] let's see how much cheaper I can get my forklift delivered if I launch it in Excalibur's cargo bay [02:18:39] Angles from whatever reference direction you choose, periapsis is convenient. [02:19:18] It seems to be the case in KSP that PE is MA=0 [02:20:23] I seem to get either 3D vectors or position or MA info and I have a hard time converting between the 2... [02:20:32] "calculated 1 billion digits of pi in 1:29:31" [02:20:44] Fluburtur: so... what was that digit? [02:20:57] And what was the last digit? [02:21:32] dunno [02:21:37] I need to find the file [02:22:01] I think I need to run the calculation again [02:22:10] but I can give you the 20000 first digits [02:22:29] meh. There are websites for that [02:23:03] Launch was cool. [02:23:03] I will run the program again tomorrow [02:23:18] They followed the first stage the whole way since the second stage payload was a spysat. [02:23:20] I didn't unpack the program before launching it so it couldn't create a txt file [02:24:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:25:44] or I could tell it to calculate like 10 billions so I can come back tomorrow and it will be done [02:27:17] I need to find a crappy laptop and have it run that kind of stuff all the time [03:02:19] uhm, usually that means it was unpacked to some temp dir automatically, and that file would be created there [03:21:02] Action: darsie found out how to skydive properly. Move the Kerbal with the left mousebutton. [03:24:58] that never really worked for me [03:25:47] would be better if you could steer that axis with a button like the others with wasdqe [03:26:37] also, i can never remember which button of hjklin steers which direction [03:26:49] when moving with thrusters [04:06:44] Are they the same as vi? [04:07:52] Also, someone said something to me earlier today IRL about RemoteTech, and I'm wondering how hard it would be to program a launch and gravity turn such that the circularization occurred directly over KSC. [04:10:52] Mathuin, that seems difficult, given that you are launching from KSC. [04:11:17] Right, it'd have to be a loooong sloooow turn to go all the way around the world. [04:14:01] Cool nuclear engine: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist.php#lpntr [04:26:54] neato [04:37:52] Hrm, kOS has no case statement, looks like if/else hell is the one true way. [04:46:56] Higher altitudes have slower orbital speeds, so it takes less dV to change inclination at high altitudes right? [04:50:08] I never thought of that [04:50:12] yes (probably) [04:51:39] either way, the most you'll ever need for an inclination change is 2x your current orbital velocity (180 degrees) [04:53:42] higher orbit, lower speed, bigger effect when you burn to do a plane change. [04:53:42] Mathuin: ya [04:53:56] same is true with changing orbital height as well [04:54:36] less gravity interfering up there [04:55:00] I thought oberth effect makes the dV requirement go down if you do the burn at low altitude [04:55:23] like not for inclination [04:55:38] but for prograde burn to boost your apo [04:55:53] ya [04:56:02] same dV anywhere other than at peri = worse [04:57:13] easiest to raise periapsis at apoapsis, and vice versa [04:57:19] bi-eliptical transfers come to mind [04:57:44] do u guys use principia [04:57:59] I don't even play KSP these days [04:58:03] ${work} has me busy :( [04:58:13] aw ok [04:58:46] maybe you can make enough money and buy a rocket instead :P [05:01:08] hiring payload space to launch a cubesat is more likely [05:01:38] wow, that sounds awesome [05:01:54] its always getting cheaper i guess [06:10:19] hmm.. [06:10:30] was mulling over something... while reading up on gemini mission stuff.. [06:11:34] they send all that hardware up.. gemini 3 mission only lasted 4 hours, 3 orbits. I understand it was to test things out.. [07:22:51] I switched to a Kerbal in orbit and it inherited a maneuver node from the rocket I controlled before. [07:23:19] Can't delete the node with the Kerbal, control locked. [07:24:09] Hmm, or is that normal to show nodes of targets? [07:27:35] possibly [07:28:14] fuh.. ok now i hate myself... trying to record a mission.. being too much of a perfectionist.. :\ [07:37:31] Is the right way to break out of a kOS script mid-stream still to wrap the code with `set once to false. until once { set once to true. if bad-thing { break. } ... }.` ? [08:03:08] ve2dmn: new launch script extracts the target body from the ship name and the best altitude by traversing the ship for scanners. [08:03:36] Slap a SCANsat scanner on the craft, name it 'SCANsat Minmus Probe', and 'run mission_scansat.' :-) [08:26:43] o/ [08:28:51] hi [08:29:15] Action: Oneiros presses Mod9000's buttons [08:29:37] that's what you get for being a robot [08:43:12] who here is good with DV figures? [08:44:49] Action: Oneiros points at Mod9000 [08:45:13] do you mean this? https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_sheet [08:47:18] I'm using one of the delta V map things... [08:47:42] nothing bad.. just.. curiosu about something. Says 1170dv required from 80km kerbin orbit, to 14km mun orbit.. right? [08:48:02] then return, no aero breaking, says the same... [08:48:38] mind you... I reached mun with a 180x46km orbit... [08:48:41] Aerobraking is possible it claims returning from Mun. [08:48:47] On my map that is. [08:49:16] That being said, I've never noticed the return trip dv numbers matching the outgoing ones. Always easier to come home, so far for me. [08:49:26] I know but this mission simulation run, I can't use aero.. i want to return to kerbin circular orbit [08:50:05] ya.. I used 1110dv out to mun.. and 1100 return, back into an 80x80 kerbin orbit [08:51:19] mind you.. whats throwing me a bit is I'm doing DV remaining calcs by hand with a dv calculator.. it keeps telling me I have less than actual [08:51:50] hense why the dry run.. [08:52:00] I always aerobrake after a mun trip [08:54:55] u can even aerobrake on EVA, though the suit heats up pretty quick. once i got stranded and had to use aerobraking and jetpack fuel to circularise a LKO [08:55:22] ok.. made safe retro brake.. [08:55:29] though fuel came pretty low.. [08:56:19] undock.. do some figuring see how much DV was actually left [09:05:49] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:07:51] 22 fuel left over, giving 432 dv.... [09:08:06] huh... [09:08:49] oh wait... [09:09:16] lol whoops... [09:09:39] pulled up vessel info panel too quickly, gave me zip.. and a big '?' icon for it ;P [09:11:48] ah ok.. thats much better, 173 DV left... I forgot to add the weight of the commandpod+service section.. [09:13:54] hmm... wonder if thast why I pulled fuel from the service section way back when I first started this project. Gave a little extra DV in the long run since it was just dead weight in there... [09:14:51] egh... a few other things trying to figure out. Probably should crash for now. Don't suppose anyone's got a work sheet for writing down stuff, preformances, fuel, dv during a mission? [12:21:11] ok time to run the pi calculation again [12:23:43] why [12:23:46] pie [12:23:53] because I can [12:24:03] it is either a cpu stress test [12:24:04] I told the thing to calculate one billion digits [12:24:16] and it isn't very hard on the cpu either [12:24:18] or some kind of nerd stuff [12:24:26] nerd stuff [12:24:49] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSQyPdYz4f4 [12:24:49] YouTube - Wintergrips - Takyon Machine (music instrument using a very angry man) [13:04:21] that's pretty cheap https://culturehustle.com/collections/powders [13:05:41] I should paint a plane with that https://culturehustle.com/products/black-v1-0-beta-the-world-s-mattest-flattest-blackest-art-material [13:05:45] and crash instantly [13:11:00] Fluburtur: the story behind that is amazing - grep, ctrl+F, or otherwise note the [ " Anish Kapoor" ] reference on that page you just linked [13:11:11] yeah I know about that [13:11:15] because you made a reference to painting a plane tho -- yeah [13:11:20] I figured you probably knew :) [13:13:11] also, wintergaten <3 [13:13:15] wait that is a different song [13:13:19] artist? [13:13:23] O.o [13:13:51] oh dear what have you just linked [13:13:59] good stuff [13:14:14] right uh... [13:14:24] grr [13:14:29] that is a ruined version [13:14:33] Action: kuzetsa makes angerface [13:16:02] "music insturment usinv a very angry man" isn't even right - he's one of the sweetest people EVER [13:16:34] it's just difficult to crank that thing (physically exhausting) so it's being rebuilt - almost done, in fact [13:16:48] total redesign :/ [13:17:34] yeah I know [13:17:43] no video from wintergatan in a few weeks too [13:17:51] probably busy with his new house [13:17:53] nod [13:18:16] I'm yelling at the internet because someone picked a horrible caption for that video [13:18:24] err, title [13:18:34] O.o [13:18:38] it's probably because of the voice he used for the "cover" [13:19:13] it strikes me more as parody [13:19:20] yeah [13:20:20] oh neat - I think I just figured out the secret behind why he wore headphones [13:21:35] it's effectively a mechanical sequencer - there are pickups all over that thing, so even if some of the insturments are "muted", there are faint mechanical sounds for the timing info which he could've heard clearly on the headphones - important because it allows him to pull the levers to enable/disable tracks at the right time [13:21:48] pickups like microphone/sound pickups [13:22:13] channels? (not insturments... hmm) [13:22:59] anyway - the sequencer commands for each note precede (phase offset) the note itself [13:23:19] so the mute/unmute command (err, lever flip) has to occur ahead of the note [13:23:25] also most of the instruments don't do much sound [13:23:28] like the drums or bass [13:23:41] yeah, the pickups for those are a hack [13:23:47] a brilliant one [13:24:45] the idea that there's a pickup for the sequencer wheel tho - I never really thought about it it almost certainly doesn't get included with the output mix [13:25:06] s/it it/it; it [13:25:31] just woke up - must remedy the brain fog with the coffeetron3000 [13:26:28] he has marks on the sequencer too [13:26:33] so he can look at those too [13:26:38] he said something about that once [13:27:35] oh yeah [13:27:44] visual cues. makes sense [13:28:02] "draw a line on it which lines up if you crank at the right speed" heh [13:44:50] so the thing finished calculating 1 billion digits of pi [13:45:04] to my surprise the text file is only 1.81mb [13:46:47] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ACHAthoUdbPJGG_zXUieT7j9gBp6wADy/view?usp=sharing [13:46:51] there it is [13:46:56] millibits? [13:47:49] prefer mebibyte ;) [13:53:36] some stuka just tried to zoom me [13:53:41] I have a la 5fn [13:57:23] https://78.media.tumblr.com/ff8232212df19297b77446c7ad2d9992/tumblr_n0a72uIzRC1qewacoo2_540.jpg [14:00:02] Good Morning [14:00:44] yo [14:00:51] both motors of my plane are working now [14:00:59] guess the ESC got wet [14:01:05] time for hot glue waterproofing then [14:04:35] also for some reason wd40 doesn't malt that kind of foam [14:04:40] melt* [14:16:18] morning chaps. [14:16:41] hello [14:18:35] I'm putting my forklift on Kerbalx tonight after make a few modifications to it to bring the mod requirements down to just Konstruction and KIS [14:19:07] first actually useful forklift design I've seen that doesn't require making the parts in situ with EPL [14:20:52] wish RD still hung around so I could ask if he made any "flat pack" forklifts heh [14:21:42] did the math, using a conventional disposable rocket (R9 Titan series) to put forklift on the Mun I spent just under 13k funds per ton of payload to munar surface [14:22:06] launching another one inside my Excalibur plane brought the cost per ton of payload to Munar surface down to 6.8k [14:23:37] think I might go back to formula and try to build my landing script from scratch though, last landing was 2.5km off [14:24:59] madmerlyn: All my kOS stuff will be on the backburner for now... back to work it is for me :/ [14:54:35] https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/mVEAM3FUf6CWt2KTbNEE98cgI8nZYvrRl81Ciu25tr0/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/132478131490521089/399733277931601920/unknown.png [15:05:57] I got a small problem using Localizer ... [15:05:59] https://paste.pound-python.org/show/jyA6qhKGCRFZazlrjWft/ [15:06:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/399941370749386762/splouch.png [15:14:47] Fluburtur: splish splash splouch [15:14:55] yeah [15:15:02] and props eating water [15:15:12] looks nice [15:15:28] can you air-drop water with it? [15:15:39] no [15:15:45] :( [15:15:56] if I had a 3d printer I could probably make a mechanism for that [15:16:00] but I don't have one [15:16:51] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:16:58] A cube of hotglue stuff,a knife and lots of patience? [15:17:20] it would need the scoop and unload mechanism [15:17:43] LOTS and lots of patience [15:17:46] I guess I could do all that with only one servo and some mechanical linkages but yeah I need stuff that can make accurate stuff [15:17:49] ...so, my GOU just blew up yesterday [15:17:53] GPU* [15:18:07] RIP, APlayer's GPU [15:18:50] APlayer: remember that code I said was not working right? [15:19:04] Well... it works now, but it shouldnt be working [15:19:17] I was working on some stuff, put my computer in standby mode for 5 minutes, came back and the monitor wouldn't get a picture. Narrowed it down to inside of the computer, opened it up and the GPU was a fine parabolic shape [15:19:37] ve2dmn: Could you send a paste? [15:19:54] I'm at work... so... maybe in 8h [15:20:03] Alright, sure [15:20:08] Also, did Zuma launch? [15:20:12] yes [15:20:24] Wut [15:20:54] you can remove that bit in the topic, yes [15:20:56] https://78.media.tumblr.com/84f7360c89bcc9057faf1ee98b6c95b6/tumblr_ovgmz22spd1qh66wqo8_540.jpg [15:21:08] I did not expect that clicking on the topic and typing my message afterwards would send the message via the topic, LOL [15:22:02] well it looks like it is impossible to use a variable in that place! [15:22:41] I know why I like Python a lot more :/ [15:22:44] Anyway, I ordered a new GPU, but for now I got one that's at least 10 years old, by the looks of it [15:23:21] APlayer: It went from Planar to highly eccentric? [15:23:25] No KSP for now, that is. The thing has 256 MB memory, I am afraid to even launch graphic applications now, after what happened yesterday [15:23:31] Does anyone know a way around that: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/misc/cs0182 [15:23:34] Basically, yes [15:23:51] I would like to use Localizer for that ActionGroup Name [15:24:01] guiName = ... [15:25:09] EricPoehlsen: writing a mod? [15:26:29] im too lazy to make the deflectors out of metal so I will make them out of cardboard to see if they work [15:27:03] yeah I got it already working - a self destruct mod - destroying your uncontrollable rockets in style [15:27:59] I guess you could put that in a kos script [15:28:01] just want to make use of localizer but C# does not allow to inject a variable into an Attribute Call [Func(param, param)] params have to be true static [15:28:07] if your rocket fails to follow a trajectory it goes boom [15:28:33] Fluburtur: Would need something from BDA that makes it go boom [15:28:35] of course you could put it into an kOS script or use RCP but I wanted to get into the true modding part [15:28:58] setup as Abort Actiongroup [15:29:11] you can activate the small warhead while it's attached to stuff [15:29:24] should be enough to sufficiently destroy any rocket [15:29:30] it does - the part has its primary action that will be automatically in the abort action group [15:29:53] Soyuz successfully aborted the launch: No crew and/or spacecraft parts larger than 5 cm³ survived [15:30:45] furthermore if you enable the options Limit AoA and Destroy on no Control - it will execute the abort action group once the triggers are met [15:31:04] EricPoehlsen: Are you, by chance, looking for small modlet ideas to practice modding? [15:32:13] oh I got some Ideas - I have already done some minecraft modding a while back - I do some python coding every then and now [15:36:57] but if you have some ideas I am curious [15:36:59] currently I am trying to get into the API - the documentation is a little sparse [15:36:59] I was once trying to make a mod that would create a more realistic fuel flow model. It was supposed to be used with KSP's stock "restricted fuel crossfeed" function, and in the VAB would allow you to install "piping" per part, at a small fixed cost and mass addition, which would allow fuel crossfeed through that part. [15:36:59] I miserably failed at it, though [15:36:59] The lack of documentation is actually what's keeping me from attempting KSP modding once again [15:36:59] oh I thought I get into it in four small steps [15:36:59] * Auto Destruct Mod [15:36:59] * Tourism Science Mod [15:36:59] * Balanced Jump Drive Mod [15:36:59] * Balanced Jump Gate Mod [15:36:59] I still have my own unfinished mod [15:36:59] :D the last two might be a little ambitious [15:37:34] especially the last one might be quiet Kraken teasing [15:37:47] I could never figure out how to create an asteroid on a collision course with KSC with 1 year of warning to do something [15:38:07] oh that sounds not trivial ... [15:38:54] Maths, definitely [15:38:54] It *IS* trivial... except the Atmosphere part [15:38:54] Trajectories mod [15:38:54] the rest is mostly math [15:39:03] yeah, but I can't write a mod depending on a mod :/ [15:39:07] hmm [15:39:21] You may have a glimpse at the code to get how it calculates the atmo part [15:39:27] what about a very steep entry trajectory [15:40:20] It uses stock KSP built in maths to get the aero properties, IIRC, and simulates the trajectory using some integrator [15:40:30] so that it happens around sunrise or sunset and becomes a direct death from above [15:42:13] EricPoehlsen: Anyway, if you ever feel like implementing something of the sort I mentioned, or find the time to give me some pointers regarding how to do it myself, that would be greatly appreciated [15:43:45] ve2dmn: Also, not to be a spoilsport, but the sort of mod you named sounds, TBH, like a lot of maths spent on a rather one-sided thing. I mean, deflecting asteroids is not really the thing one would do too many times in a game [15:44:11] no, The point was just to generate contracts. [15:44:19] Perhaps it could be spiffed up to involve more interesting things that add replay-ability? [15:44:42] If you accept it, it's a do-or-die situation: earn 100 Reputation, or lose 9000 [15:44:47] Perhaps asteroid sample return, asteroid Mun orbit redirect, asteroid landing? [15:45:36] I think the replay fun of my first mod is also pretty limited - except you can use it to dispose of large boosters that might fall back onto the KSC on very heavy launch vehicles [15:46:05] so, zuma was successful, whatever it was [15:46:18] one would think that landing those rockets is easy :) [15:46:32] what rockets? [15:46:37] spacex rockets [15:46:41] the falcon first stage [15:46:46] where do they put those? [15:47:09] Where they belong [15:47:11] the last picture i saw, was an almost full building with 4 rockets or soemthing [15:49:30] Althego: it's not like they have a ton of those first stage boosters [15:49:37] they have [15:49:39] like 10 or so [15:50:40] Landing these rockets? https://i.imgur.com/rASvNGY.png [15:50:41] :P [15:51:44] wait, tess is launched on a falcon [15:52:00] i hope for a double success [15:52:07] i mean recovery and tess [15:52:28] if kepler gave us several thousand candidates, tess will give a lot more [15:52:47] I hope some engineer smuggles a teapot on board [15:52:51] Boy, do I hope [15:53:04] make it a 3d studio teapot :) [15:53:17] does the spaceX landing drone mod give you 100% recovery if you land on it? [15:53:20] Make it Elon's Teapot [15:53:38] no, the teapot [15:53:40] madmerlyn: No idea, but I don't think it would make sense [15:53:53] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_teapot [15:54:13] well it's KSP not reality, 100% recovery same as landing on the launchpad would make sense IMO [15:55:33] Althego: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot [15:55:53] the best teapot [15:56:10] i know that [15:56:12] no, the OpenGL teapot is the best Teapot :P [15:56:17] but it has to be THE teapot [15:56:59] But we are talking about space teapots [15:57:11] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Badie' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:57:24] opengl teapot is good, and possibly even the exact same shape as russel's but russel's is the best. [15:58:53] I wonder what space tea would taste like [15:59:09] probably, like most thing on the ISS, not much [15:59:23] I dunno [15:59:28] tea is already dried out and shelf stable [15:59:33] and they have hot water [15:59:50] I imagine making a good cup of tea on the ISS is not difficult [15:59:54] pfff [15:59:58] I imagine it would not mix [16:00:05] instant tea powder is required for ... yeah [16:00:05] the shelf life is less an issue in this case then the lack of gravity [16:00:22] if you can't combine water + instant flavorant, it's rubbish [16:00:24] you can't make good mixes in Microgravity [16:00:27] No convection, no easy container to mix tea and water, not even an easy container to drink hot liquids [16:00:36] plus tea leaves for waste is extra mass [16:00:52] do they not have yetis with tumblers in them? :P [16:01:04] o.o [16:01:21] They have a bunch of Russel's Teapots hidden on the ISS [16:01:53] And you see, the teapots Russel made are well suited for use in space [16:02:08] One thing is for sure, if make a cup of tea on the ISS, it will not be an ISO-compliant Tea. [16:02:16] Action: kuzetsa facepalms [16:02:18] the used teabags could easily go in with the solid waste, it's not going to produce a lot of mass unless they're drinking an inordinate amount though. [16:02:27] ve2dmn: that standard angers me TBH [16:02:38] kuzetsa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3103 [16:02:43] I'm aware [16:03:15] it's not for lack of trying, but the lack of gravity makes it EXTRA hard. [16:03:57] "after water, tea is the most common beverage on earth" - ISO standard 3103 still infuriates me [16:04:07] Although a british-made module for the ISS would probably include a hot-water device specifically for making a mixture similar but not quite entirely unlike tea [16:06:32] Ah I think I found the solution ... Testing - looks like Squad put the lookup into their Attribute Methods [16:06:52] I suppose once someone brings a thing up to the station, upkeep mass for ongoing use is a smaller investment in payload [16:06:59] kuzetsa: can you explain your frustrations with ISO 3103? [16:07:08] ve2dmn: [expletive deleted] tea snobs [16:07:52] snobbery in general [16:07:58] there was a really great ISS Tour video I have seen some time ago [16:08:15] I asked the question elsewheres and got: "ISO 3103 was written by a bunch of pretentious [explosives deleted] who have no idea what they're talking about." [16:08:29] explosives? [16:08:41] typo. I mean Expletive [16:08:53] I wonder if autocorrect "helped" [16:09:05] no. 3h of sleep helped [16:09:09] heh nice [16:09:23] I had a pretty awful issue with communication this morning before my coffee [16:09:31] not sure what I did - the brainfog was potent tho [16:09:40] I had 12h per night for 3 days in a row... and I could not sleep the 1 night before going back to work [16:10:43] oh my. this morning's ... let's pretend I didn't have any lapse of focus at all. I'm not admitting to that O_O [16:11:29] couldn't you make tea similarly to coffee, instead of letting it sit in the hot water just push the water through it like a filter [16:11:44] would be better than the instant mix [16:13:11] yes [16:13:23] could've sworn brewed coffee is usually skipped in space though [16:13:30] due to being less mass efficient [16:13:56] in food service, gravity-brewed tea is a thing in the 'states [16:14:11] not sure if commonwealth countries consider it unthinkable or not ::shrug:: [16:14:40] pressure fed is nearly the same in principle, I think [16:15:16] hot water picks up oils and chemicals as it passes through, can't see how gravity would be different in that respect, agree. [16:16:05] https://www.geek.com/news/isspresso-is-a-keurig-for-the-international-space-station-1596825/ -- ah yes, it should work for tea too (because keurig has tea pods) [16:16:26] "good enough" [tm] [16:16:48] I wouldn't be surprised if it's already up there / in service by now - that's from 2014 [16:24:41] Action: darsie put a cute rover on Duna: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot122.png [16:25:33] kuzetsa: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/1769.html [16:26:29] https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/iss043e160068.jpg [16:27:02] of course, the first to try the espresso machine is the italian :D [16:27:04] what is this, space microwave? [16:27:23] coffee? [16:27:31] drug addicts [16:27:55] https://i.imgur.com/Sejj3ge.jpg [16:28:07] The experiment description says the machine can make 'A taste of home' [16:28:12] lol [16:28:21] too long and you dont fly [16:28:33] I knew you guys would appreciate this [16:32:06] Truga: I don't think the CYUL TAF has even been short enough according to that rule :/ [16:33:06] it's currently 356 chars [16:33:53] don't fly out of cyul then :D [16:41:08] I accidentally flew my canadair [16:41:34] I installed deflector plates and did some taxi test and it worked perfectly well, it can slide on water very fast [16:41:46] but at one point it took off to about 20cm over the water [16:41:56] at least I know it has enough power to fly [16:43:18] also there was a familly of swans but they were cool with me [16:43:23] didn't like the plane however [16:46:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/399966945270693888/DSC_8155.JPG [16:46:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/399967030280716288/DSC_8148.JPG [16:46:42] oh it works beautifully now I need to finish the part itself to replace the stock battery model I am currently using [16:46:42] Uh, where did the plane go in the last picture? [16:46:58] I actually took it before I puit the plane in the water [16:47:14] some of them tried to chase it but decided to go hang out with the gooses [16:47:17] Well, swans can be very aggressive. :D [16:47:24] I know [16:47:39] but I was like 2 meters away from them and they were pretty cool with that [16:48:17] as long as you don't chase them... [16:48:25] also the younger birds look almost mature [16:48:32] I thought about chasing them [16:48:39] but I didn't have anyone with me to take pictures [16:48:43] yeah some were kinda young [16:49:14] I also looked how deep it sits in the water https://i.imgur.com/ldgpM4M.jpg [16:49:49] at least the water deflectors work so im happy [16:49:56] I just need to build better ones now [16:50:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/399968184498782209/DSC_8151.JPG [16:51:22] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThYMEYtYC8o [16:51:22] YouTube - Music Box, Harp & Hammered Dulcimer [16:51:35] just as we were saying that he didn't post in quite a while [16:53:26] yeah :) [16:54:23] Truga: btw, Nav Canada has a 'plain language' option in case you can't read METAR/TAF [16:57:15] well I should be able to go pick up my helicopter at the start of february [16:57:42] Mat2ch did you see this? I ROFLed so hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSQyPdYz4f4 [16:57:42] YouTube - Wintergrips - Takyon Machine (music instrument using a very angry man) [16:59:06] Fluburtur: augh augh augh [16:59:22] But I expected hardbass or dubstep. :D [17:06:00] well quite a lot of pictures there https://imgur.com/a/3QFUT [17:06:58] bwoop transit [17:07:46] btw, I found this: https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/structures/misc/vecdraw.html [17:08:00] This is going to help a LOT in debugging [17:08:52] Anyone else catch the new trek? [17:09:00] It was pretty good. [17:09:16] Frakes did a great job [17:10:25] ho! There's also a QUICKSAVETO(name) function [17:10:38] I never read the MISC section in the kOS docs before... [17:10:38] there is a new one? [17:12:03] Fluburtur: they resumed the series today [17:12:11] Err. Yesterday I suppose [17:20:45] Facility calls me 2 weeks ago "since we changed our lines to AT&T faxing doesn't work" response: "call AT&T" [17:21:18] today facility opens ticket "faxing doesn't work, fax machine company says it's not a problem on their end." response: "has AT&T been out there to look at it?" [17:21:43] wooo I finally have a date of when I will go get my heli [17:22:09] hehehe [17:22:22] lol i thought you have a date [17:22:25] been waiting for only 6 months [17:22:29] nah [17:22:35] love can wait [17:22:38] I want heli [17:22:43] madmerlyn: it sounds like the sort of thing that will come back in 3 days [17:23:06] now, can I convince my dad to drive all the way to germany to Mat2ch [17:23:17] I mean, logically.. if the fax machines all worked before you changed phone line providers, and then they all quit working afterwards.. [17:23:22] the problem probably isn't the fax machines themselves [17:23:34] but hey, don't listen to the IT guy when he says CALL AT&T [17:23:46] Fluburtur: no, you drive. :D [17:24:05] "grandma can I take the car real quick?" [17:24:08] madmerlyn: I used to work in tech support. I know the feeling [17:24:23] you know what it is, the Receptionist at that facility doesn't want to wait on hold for 30 minutes and instead wants the IT guy to do it instead of addressing the multitudinous problems at the other 41 facilities which is his job [17:25:24] Fluburtur: just like that. :D [17:25:40] wonder how far away you live [17:26:04] madmerlyn: In my current job I still have to deal with some people who have 'tech' job, but somehow can't solve any tech problems themsleves [17:26:41] around 600 km to Paris from here [17:26:42] lol fax [17:27:03] eh that's quite a drive [17:27:14] I mean it's clearly a phone line problem, which is NOT my department, and I don't have time to sit on hold for 30 minutes with AT&T for an issue that is not affecting direct operations [17:27:34] they have a receptionist whose job quite literally is talking to people on the phone [17:27:46] call AT&T people. Do your job. [17:27:57] Fluburtur: well, that's what I drive to get to the sea... [17:28:06] I'm the sysadmin. People come see me when their computer bluescreen even though we have onsite techs you can call [17:28:10] also I still want to learn some French and come over [17:28:15] I've never been in Paris [17:28:20] And when I refuse to help them, I'm "Not doing my job" [17:28:23] we drive like 300km to go to the mountain house [17:28:34] and I sleep during half of it [17:28:58] I know people who drive around 1000 km on a regular basis [17:29:10] not truckers [17:29:18] how can they do that [17:29:32] Fluburtur: just be in North America [17:29:47] I guess [17:30:02] but don't you have like trains or something? [17:30:10] nope [17:30:27] you either drive or fly [17:30:44] uh [17:30:45] There are trains. But they go to fast over bridges [17:30:56] lel [17:31:11] There's a reason why Elon is talking about hyperloop [17:31:18] I could take the Train to Chicago if I wanted but I'd have to get up super early [17:31:28] last two times I heard of train accidents in germany it was when two trains were using a single line [17:31:32] in opposite directions [17:31:40] umaxtu: uh, just don't go to sleep and sleep on the train :D [17:31:56] Fluburtur: it take me 2 days to get From Montreal to Boston by train... or a 5h drive [17:32:01] yeah. The controller was playing games on his smartphone or something... [17:32:16] but apparently the whole railroad infrastructure in france is half crap too [17:32:28] no, you meant Germany [17:32:34] where all infrastructure is crap now [17:32:54] remember the great Autobahn? Full of bumps [17:32:59] I htought germany was an ok country [17:32:59] Fluburtur: you still have trains faster then 80km/h [17:33:06] true [17:33:26] ve2dmn what's funny is before they switched to AT&T they had a similar problem with Windstream, and I told them from day 1, get the Windstream guy and the Fax machine guy there at the same time so they can't blame it on each other [17:33:32] ok, some trains go 350 (?) km/h here [17:33:40] took them 2 months to do that, they kept calling 1 or the other [17:33:47] but they have to slow down often, so it's not worth anything [17:33:54] I think the train record in france is like 480kph [17:34:14] also the world rail record because maglevs are cheating [17:34:26] but I think the train I usually take is like 150kph at most [17:34:56] The best part of the TGV was, when I walked through our main train station here and looked at it the first time in real life [17:35:17] yeah they look nice [17:35:18] I rode the Shinkansen. It was nice [17:35:24] It was somehow weird. I didn't know there was a direct route now, so I stood there and asked myself, what it's doing there [17:35:28] I prefer the one with the angular windows [17:35:34] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [17:36:20] I wish we had overnight trains [17:36:42] I would love to go to bed in Montreal and Wake up in NYC the next morning [17:38:14] you should talk to the ÖBB, the austrian railway company. They're trying to get the whole overnight train market in their hands in Europe. Maybe they'll expand ;) [18:03:06] I'm feeling left out here... [18:03:14] why? [18:03:19] That's better [18:03:22] lel [18:04:46] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:05:05] Action: Mat2ch steels the 2 from Dedd2ly [18:05:29] Noooooooooo [18:05:52] you have already two ds! [18:06:30] Grumblegrumble [18:07:54] Deddly have you seen my canadair? [18:08:08] Action: APlayer senses theft [18:08:11] I haven't [18:08:27] https://imgur.com/a/3QFUT [18:08:31] Action: APlayer returns the 2 to its rightful owner [18:08:43] yay [18:09:13] Action: APlayer shakes his banhammer threatingly at misbehaving people [18:16:24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU4_7CrzRkQ - this guy sounds like Scott Manley [18:16:24] YouTube - Self colour changing 3W LEDs. [18:17:15] doesnt sound like scott to me [18:18:20] Draconiator did you rea mymessage yesterday? [18:18:42] I did get your message. [18:18:48] Fluburtur, that's really cool! Have you tried a water takeoff/landing yet? [18:18:57] so waht did you think? [18:19:16] Dedd2ly I was doing some fast taxi test earlier and it accidentally got off the water [18:19:38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-TMWQB_rxk [18:19:39] YouTube - canadair water taxi test [18:19:49] that's from yesterday before I did some tweaks [18:20:07] Fluburtur, don't the floats on the wing tips cause asymmetric drag in the water if it's not exactly straight? [18:20:14] nah [18:20:22] they slide over the water quite easily [18:20:35] and I have differential thrust so ground/water handling is very good [18:21:36] Watching that video now [18:22:28] Camera shake making me dizzy ;) [18:22:35] yeah [18:22:39] my friend was filming [18:22:45] Youtube has stabilisation, you should use it ;) [18:22:53] next time I will get the big handle so it's more stable [18:23:04] youtube stabilisation is crap [18:23:20] I was like "I could sue the warp stabilisation in premiere" but it takes forever [18:23:29] and this is unlisted so not ma,ny people will see it [18:23:34] the proper video will be better [18:24:14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzqBXKXch6c&list=PLnfM-w9LSGDtzy3R6gdsFO4apdt-tNolf&index=13 - Something like this right Flub? [18:24:14] YouTube - KSP Spiritwolf (S1E13) - The Battle for Laythe [18:24:36] Mat2ch: Sorry, In the US and Canada, there is only 1 company per country [18:24:41] Well it looks really great, Fluburtur. A shame the bow wave catches the props, but no big deal I guess [18:24:45] if it's written and prepared, yeah [18:24:50] No trains beside ViaRail and Amtrak [18:25:02] in the last pics of the imgur album you can see I added water deflectors [18:25:09] and it worked well [18:25:12] Draconiator, aaw, I miss Macey Dean [18:25:17] I just need to make them better [18:25:19] Fluburtur, ah, cool [18:26:13] Action: Deddly back in a bit [18:29:42] ve2dmn: one company in the whole country or per state? :D [18:29:50] oh man [18:30:00] Mat2ch: Amtrak for the US, ViaRail for Canada [18:30:12] And both run a lot of unprofitable runs [18:30:34] the Bahn here does this, too, but they have to... [18:31:34] If Amtrak ran only the profitable runs, the only trains would run in the Bos-Ny-Was corridor along with Chicago, Montreal and Toronto. [18:33:16] Wendover Production on youtube has videos on the subject of US and trains [18:38:18] (also, Wendover is like, half my age. What have I do with my life???) [18:38:29] Action: ve2dmn looks at his steam history [18:38:33] Nevermind... [18:54:14] Wendover Productions is pretty great [18:56:23] Draconiator im gonna take a shower then maybe we can think about my idea [18:56:32] OK, opinions: Should I attempt launching KSP with a temporary 256 MB VRAM? [18:56:41] GPU* [18:58:10] APlayer: you can try... [18:58:38] It won't break things anyway, will it? (I am kind of afraid) [18:58:53] worse case: it won't run [18:59:16] Alrighty [19:00:25] If I pay the unicorns with leprechaun gold, perhaps they will let me use Stonehenge to summon some god and he will bless me with working KSP [19:01:07] or you could hope that software rendering is still a thing [19:01:11] Well, it's loading [19:01:31] Software rendering? (Not the graphics specialist) [19:05:22] Hey, nothing crashed yet! [19:05:42] The loading bar is half full, definitely :P [19:08:26] Action: APlayer opens the KSP menu, clicks "Start Game", watches the text fade out at approx. 3-4 FPS, and decides to close KSP again [19:08:48] No KSP for now, then [19:09:47] Back to the leprechaun gold option, perhaps I could buy a better GPU with it [19:13:41] nah you can't [19:13:46] GPU prices have spiked [19:16:15] APlayer, I've got a 650ti sitting around doing nothing. I'll sell it to you for $3,000,000 [19:16:55] Action: APlayer buys umaxtu's GPU, watches his money magically return [19:16:57] Deal! [19:17:45] lol [19:28:06] I just had the best idea [19:28:10] space metal [19:28:20] it's regular metal but the lyrics is space nerd stuff [19:28:30] like the equation for delta v or ksp stuff [19:28:42] "get 17 kerbals in orbiiiiit" [19:32:48] Fluburtur: that already exist in some form or another [19:33:02] yeah I guess [19:33:09] but im very bad at writting lyrics [19:33:13] so this could be fun [19:33:21] gonna talka bout that with my drummer friend [19:34:37] Not Metal, but plenty of nerdy songs around. I'm sure more Metal would be a good thing [19:35:01] well im kinda into softer stuff now [19:35:09] like stoner rock [19:35:17] That's a thing? [19:35:22] I guess nerd stuff int eh qotsa style would be good [19:35:36] I mean... you can get super Nerdy, like in this 2010 video about Quarks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0kXkWXSXRA [19:35:36] YouTube - Strange Charm: A Song about Quarks [20:20:18] hah wintergatan video [20:36:24] It got quiet all of a sudden [20:36:50] oh hi [20:36:53] no sound in space [20:36:56] I have come to break the quiet [20:36:58] s'broke [20:37:20] madmerlyn: did you see the 'vector draw' functions in kOS? [20:40:33] I'm tend to do a series of blog post using those vectoring things to explain orbit mechanics [20:40:37] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:45:10] nah [20:45:19] I still have a lot of familiarity with kOS to develop heh [20:45:37] (Explain them to me mostly) [20:46:40] It was fun trying to explain 'Meltdown' and 'Spectre' to my boss... [20:49:11] hehe [20:49:41] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7ILCoU9d4k [20:49:42] YouTube - Meltdown & Spectre - The Worst CPU Bug Ever? [20:49:52] It's a trolleybus. Full of hammer. Rolling down the hill. [20:50:23] But it's the phatom Trolleybus, full of hammers you need to worry about. [20:51:49] I update my linux boxes at home regularly, and arch is bleeding edge [20:52:05] it's about as much security as I can have against those kind of things [20:52:26] worrying beyond that, for what I've got going on at home, is silly [20:52:36] and at work, I let my boss worry about that stuff ha [20:52:47] We have something working for us in all these case: most of our data is already available on the website. I work in Open Access [20:53:29] So they can steal.... public information? [20:54:26] We WANT them to do that, actually. [20:55:33] Yeah, but, like, now they can break in and change that information. [20:55:36] yes, we need to archive a lot of that information so it doesn't get censored by ..nevermind this is not the channel ffor that :P [20:57:13] Mathuin: I doubt it. That's not what this vulnerability is about [21:00:29] It's actually suprising the number of people who tries to download all our PDF only to put the files on a giant archive 'for sale' [21:02:26] I guess it's kind of like the people who sell Firefox [21:22:01] Value added, I guess. [21:22:19] Once upon a time it made sense to sell CDROMs of freely downloadable content. [21:22:33] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:22:48] Evening, Gentlemen. [21:22:55] Walnut Creek made it a business. [21:22:56] because people had/have terrible internets Mathuin [21:23:04] yo novy [21:23:05] Action: Mathuin ended up living next door in Pleasant Hill. [21:23:31] Virginia Tech's Interactive Design and Development distributed a CDROM every month, I have one from Dec 1990. [21:23:59] I used a lot of AOL CDs as coasters, they weren't great coasters though [21:24:08] Perhaps after net neutrality is destroyed, content will be distributed again on physical media. [21:24:25] I was sad when they started using CDs instead of diskettes, I could put tape over the RW hole on diskettes and use them for other things [21:24:28] No, I mean like selling a download version of firefox for 25$ [21:24:59] there was always a diskette in my monthly copy of Wizard magazine [21:25:10] For me it was Compute's Gazette. [21:25:13] apparently AOL was of the opinion that comic nerds also liked internet [21:25:32] who am I kidding, they mailed EVERYONE disks for years lol [21:25:58] Wizard probably went along with it because AOL offered to put all their magazines in protective plastic for free [21:26:35] madmerlyn: they still have some people paying AOL for dial-up [21:27:21] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:28:05] But seriously, I've seen people trying to sell our free stuff. The only thing they did was download all the free PDF they found everywere and they are selling a giant downloadable 'zip' for 25USD [21:30:02] Or scientific 'publications' that will simply print out anything and simply want 300 USD from you [21:41:18] 'scientific' 'publications' [21:42:31] "words" [21:42:38] so, the water deflectors of my canadair work but they are crap so I need to make better ones that are supposed to last [21:42:45] because cardboard and tape is eh [21:44:57] I guess tape folded on itself can work? [21:48:32] cardboard would be alright if you covered it in something hydrophobic I would imagine [21:49:16] well I usually cover it in fiber tape but water always manage to get inside [21:49:25] or you could go with something plastic, could you cut credit cards to fit your needs? [21:49:27] but there is usually enough tape for it to stay rigid [21:49:34] plastic is a good idea actually [21:49:39] I have some candy boxes [21:49:47] I was thinking about aluminium at first [21:49:51] thanks for the idea [22:01:25] when I think about it, I don't have a real name for this plane [22:01:34] maybe transit could help [22:02:43] TrainplaneMk1 [22:02:56] I was thinking something like super penguin [22:03:13] french peoples like to put animal names on aircrafts [22:03:18] liek look at the helicopters [22:52:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/400059116300533790/DSC_8159.JPG [22:52:37] crap madmerlyn left [22:52:47] ;tell madmerlyn https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/400059116300533790/DSC_8159.JPG [22:52:47] Fluburtur: I'll let madmerlyn know when I see them [22:58:52] should I charge my battery to have fun in the water again tomorrow? [22:58:57] or to fly one of my flying wings [22:59:07] I need to bind the big one to my friend's radio [22:59:11] why not both? [22:59:33] I guess I could do both but I might not have enough time [22:59:59] I planned to do combat with my friend next weekend so I need to bind the wing to his radio and trim it [23:00:47] "i want a shirt that says eat or die because at first it sounds rebellious but its just a reminder [23:00:48] " [23:03:30] It seems that shirt already exist