[00:07:12] Hey everyone, I was hoping to get some assistance with nuclear engines when using interstellar extended mod. Seems my engines do not cool down when going into timewarp :/ [00:07:56] efficiency just keeps dropping till I can barely get any thrust [00:24:03] do you have sufficient radiators? [00:25:13] I believe I do, all the numbers are green when looking in the helper when building taniwha [00:25:38] then no clue, I've never used the mod [00:27:49] Any recommendations of late game mods that could make the game more interesting? [00:29:10] There was a couple of ones that teleport/warp/whatever ships around if you build the infrastructure [00:31:33] Oh yeah I did see a video about something like that [00:31:41] Like a warp gate could be very cool [00:34:18] Another question, in this video (and many others) Matt https://youtu.be/GYrw_OHuvQY is able to physical timewarp while thrusting, how is he able to do that? I only see to be able to activate real timewarp when in space [00:34:18] YouTube - KSP: Capturing a Magic Asteroid! [00:38:21] What do you mean? alt-> does physwarp in space, apart from some mods, you can't do on-rails warp while accelerating. [00:39:04] Oh I didn't know there was a shortcut for it, always just clicked the arrows [00:46:03] hmmm.. anyone can help me with this contract maybe? last thing i need to match is having my vessel on a crash course with kerbin. i am pretty sure i have:) https://imgur.com/a/wqn5K [00:46:03] https://i.imgur.com/vnx2G6Q.png [00:46:24] even warping to atmosphere reentry does not trigger the contract :/ [00:55:21] It probably doesn't like being on an escape trajectory [00:56:19] ah okay... let me try ... so much v wasted :( [00:56:22] either propulsive capture or aerocapture then have the periapsis below zero [00:56:26] might work [00:59:35] you where right :) once in a orbit around kerbin breaking for a orbit with periapsis <70km contract was completed :) still took me ~900 m/s :/ [00:59:44] Does it matter if an ssto's center of gravity is above the center of mass? [01:01:00] those are mostly the same thing unless your ssto is really large, I think [01:01:10] center of gravity == center of mass unless i am stupid or you broke physics ;) [01:01:16] crap I meant the center of lift* [01:01:23] center of lift is below the center of mass [01:01:29] haha [01:01:53] didn't break physics, just my brain [01:01:57] Ferdz: well you might run into trouble in low to zero gravity [01:01:59] that means it'll be more maneuverable than stable [01:02:34] It seems to get above the athmosphere [01:02:35] if your center of lift is below and also behind the center of mass, that should be a little safer [01:03:19] also if your engines have a strong enough twr they can kinda overpower any irregular lift [01:03:34] but if they have a high twr then that also means your ssto can carry a much higher payload so [01:03:51] hmmm [01:04:57] Is there a technique to attach more engines to an mk3 engine mount? Tried with bicouplers but their clipping destroyed my engine :( [01:06:15] I guess bicouplers and moving them can work [01:09:18] https://ferdz.is-going-to.space/d9e11a.jpg seems like this could work [01:12:06] https://i.imgur.com/CNXwuxj.jpg [01:12:28] Update, it didn't work lol [01:15:53] Is there a way to skip one of those career missions? [01:16:15] docking around the sun doesn't seem fun at all [01:18:49] docking around the sun is easier than docking around Minmus [01:19:36] I know, that's why i say it's not fun :p [01:20:13] find a way other than difficulty to make it fun [01:20:36] I'm trying to do it over SSTOs [01:20:55] Got my 3rd design to gilly [01:21:27] that makes only the getting into space part fun [01:21:41] Any suggestions? [01:22:00] give the mission a purpose other than fulfilling a contract [01:23:27] surface attach them, with a BZ-52 or a couple engine types can be directly surface attached. [01:24:56] What's surface attaching exactly? [01:26:19] attaching something to the surface of a part rather than its stack nodes [01:26:32] Hmmm [01:26:40] the aerospike and the vector can be surface attached, perhaps some others [01:29:10] Are there any inline stabilizers for mk2 or mk3? [01:29:38] stabilisers as in what? fins? reaction wheels? [01:30:36] reaction wheels [01:34:29] the mk2 drone core has reaction wheels in it, otherwise you'll have to put regular reaction wheels in cargo bays. [01:35:05] Heh.. I made a lander probe with the Mk2 drone core... [01:35:31] called it hte 'cricket' because it had legs sticking out and little rocket motors on the side parts [01:40:53] I've been in space for a few days now and randomly the rapier engines overheat, anybody know why? https://ferdz.is-going-to.space/8ecd9b.png [01:41:03] https://78.media.tumblr.com/20f1d92436685309e86337dfe1b2ed89/tumblr_oyc145p3WB1r42s8uo1_540.png [01:41:08] james heilman [01:41:12] james heal man [01:42:31] Would you believe that the first one pings mods? [01:42:53] because of an arrangment of four particular letters? [01:43:02] yeah [01:43:54] makes sense I guess [01:45:24] Action: UmbralRaptor arbitrarily blames the engine troubles on mods, even though it might be a bug. [01:47:18] too clsoe to nuclear engines maybe? shrug.. heh, otherwise no idea [01:49:15] also.. noticed you seem to be missing a rapier engine on the ring cluster [01:49:43] er.. n/m.. seem to be missing two.. >_< [01:54:46] sometimes it's hot in space. [01:58:53] Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Kerbal Kerbal Kerbal Kerbal Kerbal Khameleon! You launch and burn, you launch and bu-uuuurn! [02:03:08] *groan* [02:03:35] ? [02:03:40] (though I did like the song back in the day) [02:04:12] UmbralRaptor: Culture Club, iirc [02:05:27] taniwha: It was all I could come up with that was distinctly apolitical. [02:05:38] And it's Kulture Klub now! [02:06:02] kareful with those k's, if you add another one it'll stop being apolitical very very fast [02:06:13] Just because C is redundant is no reason to go changing every instance to a K :P [02:06:26] tawny: heh [02:06:31] THE "K" MUST FLOW [02:06:41] I remember my middle school had a culinary club [02:06:50] they named it the kid's cooking club [02:06:56] except... they replaced the c's with k's [02:07:07] Action: Scolar_Visari glares at, "Kethane". "No reason to go changine every instance to a K" indeed. That wasn't even an "C"! [02:07:08] ... that would have gone down well [02:07:09] somehow not a single person saw a problem with that [02:07:18] Scolar_Visari: not me! [02:07:24] Mmm& Kumin, Kapsaicin,& [02:07:32] until they eventually pulled the club a year or two later [02:07:34] UmbralRaptor: missed one :P [02:07:41] kapsaisin? [02:07:43] UmbralRaptor: It also works for Kuiche? [02:07:52] tawny: It's that saucy stuff. [02:07:55] taniwha: it's pronounced differently though. [02:08:14] kapsikum is how I hear it [02:08:35] Paprika looks like this already happened. [02:08:53] more like it was never converted to a c in the first place [02:08:58] Ice Kream. [02:09:01] Kustard. [02:09:06] Kookies. [02:09:13] MY WORK HERE IS DONE. [02:10:26] Kaffeine [02:10:44] Tumerik [02:12:54] It's gone pale! https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/csz/news/800/2017/nasasjunopro.gif [02:13:56] And shrinking =( [02:14:10] Don't worry, Red Spot Jr. will surely grow up to take its place! [02:14:44] Albeit in the wrong hemisphere. [02:15:23] juno pro? did NASA stick a gopro on juno? [02:16:21] taniwha: That sounds about right. [02:17:11] Action: Scolar_Visari notes JunoCam gets less than two megapixels. [02:18:30] Mind you, JunoCam was originally expected to die a lot sooner than its current projection courtesy of Juno's less killtacular orbit. [02:18:31] the pixel stretching is quite evident on the sides [02:19:04] "pixel stretching? FAKE, FAKE!" [02:20:08] (to me, rather than fake, it indicates how the photos were put together to get the nice animation) [02:20:34] Obviously any artifacts on here are alien spacecraft https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/Vault/VaultOutput?VaultID=12626&t=1508962497 [02:21:24] there's a scary monster in the bottom left!!! [02:21:26] ;) [02:22:01] Here be monsters! . . . And a sea of metallic hydrogen. [02:26:22] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders the recent glut of terrible World War II articles by National [dis]Interest [02:26:51] For example: "How Nazi Germany Could Have Won World War II: Not Declaring War on America?" [02:27:31] You know what would have made that a reasonably accurate article title? "How Nazi Germany Could Have Won World War II: Develop a Time Machine?" [02:28:34] how nazi germany could have won world war II: not being nazis [02:29:08] tawny: Command & Conquer Red Alert already covered that base. [02:29:13] haha [02:29:23] there is no winning at work, just loosing. The best outcome is from not starting a war at all... [02:29:34] erg.. no winning at war... I mean.. shoot [02:30:09] Action: Scolar_Visari would really like to see an alt-history book where Hitler ends up living a peaceful life as a rural water color artist. [02:30:27] JCB: What an odd game. The only way to win is to immediately surrender. [02:30:34] JCB, The only winning move is not to play [02:31:07] Can they ever go for another war? [02:31:22] Supernovy: World War I what ifs aren't nearly as entertaining. [02:31:25] Like "what if the charge of the light brigade was successful" [02:31:49] Supernovy: Like the horses magically escape getting shot?> [02:32:21] Scolar_Visari: Says you. Italy, the Ottomans, and the miracle at marne are all fertile soil for whatiffery [02:33:51] Here's a plausible what-if: The specter of Bismarck possesses German aristocracy and they decide not to help Austria in its Balkan shenanigans, avoiding a general war. [02:34:06] And by, "specter of Bismarck" I mean, "they all suffered an attack of common sense." [02:34:47] not really just surrender... [02:35:28] Or what if Franz Joseph actually read the Serbian response to his ultimatum and was all like, "Wow, I guess we really don't need to invade them after all." [02:36:09] Or Tsar Nicholas went, "You know . . . The Balkans aren't worth risking a general war over." [02:36:22] we all talk about how the war affected us... what about them? A few articles say, they'd rather forget, a part of history seems they wish never happened [02:36:56] And, of course, France decided, "You know, we didn't even LIKE Alsace-Lorraine!" [02:37:55] Or Franz Ferdinand didn't ride around with the top down on his convertable after a bomb went off nearby. [02:37:58] JCB: World War I's one of those interesting cases where virtually ever major power involved could've prevented an escalation into a general, open ended war and elected not to. [02:38:15] France looks nice a slim without it anyway. [02:38:30] ConductingCat: Or, better yet, decided one attempted murder was enough for one week and called it a day and drove home. [02:39:04] Supernovy: They sound like Germans, anyway. [02:39:15] or "Ferdinand's driver remembers the way back from the hospital" or "Princip's suicide pill wasn't past expiry" [02:39:51] Action: Scolar_Visari should go back in time and give the driver a navigation system and GPS network to operate it with. [02:40:05] "To avoid certain death, TURN RIGHT in 50 meters." [02:41:11] "what if at least one nation ignored Belgium" [02:41:35] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Distractedman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:41:48] Psht, the United Kingdom probably should've mentioned Belgium to Germany at some point prior to the mobilization. [02:42:10] hm... ok so probe launched from circular bay works.. was worried maybe orientation mighta have messed with core's facing.. now to get enough power, fuel to reache minmus... [02:42:26] "Oh yeah, if you ratters dare invade that Low Counties and look funny at our majestic island from across the Channel, we might decide to intervene." [02:43:30] No one cares what Italy does. [02:43:59] Italy hasn't mattered in centuries. [02:44:14] Italy cared what Germany did, though. [02:44:31] been sorta reading on the evolution of civilization during the roman times and on.. (starting from about 55BC in france-UK area) [02:44:52] in the prelude to Albion? [02:45:25] ConductingCat: Not quite true, their nominal GDP's the eighth largest in the world, coming ahead of Brazil, Canada, South Korea and Russia. They're just more a super power now than two former super powers! [02:45:50] JCB: Lots of Celts, than somewhat fewer Celts. [02:46:16] something like that.. says there wasn't much to go by prior to 55BC in the area... [02:46:53] it was a book I picked up salvaged during a friend's move. been on my shelf for a while, figured was something to read while had a few moments [02:46:55] JCB: Probably because the Celts were a less centralized lot, though the British Celts didn't really leave/get exterminated as some older histories liked to suggest. [02:47:35] More like assimilated. [02:47:39] I've read that they celts came to the British isles from northern Iberia, which makes me wonder if they're related to the Basque. [02:48:02] Supernovy: That would make the later Spanish attempts at invading Britain all the more entertaining. [02:48:55] ConductingCat: To varying degrees. Quite a bit of archaeological evidence supports a surprising little change in British life. [02:49:20] Well what happened to the Picts? [02:49:42] Mind you.. the book I have dates to about late 60s-early 70s... I'm sure there are a lot of gaps that weren't filled story wise [02:50:05] Supernovy: They didn't like the fact that the Roman soldiers wore socks with sandals. Savages. [02:50:23] Action: Scolar_Visari notes that there were Roman influences beyond the fortified frontier, however. [02:50:24] I never got that myself.. [02:50:42] socks because.. ugly toe nails or? [02:51:11] It's cold. [02:51:36] Hadrian's Wall and related fortifications were rather too northernly for your typical Italian's liking. [02:52:23] See . . . SOCKS WITH SANDALS! http://www.antoninewall.org/sites/default/files/Auxiliary%202.jpg [02:52:32] Though not a Legionnarie, of course. [02:53:43] ugh.. no pants... just a skirt? [02:53:56] JCB: Trousers were for Non-Roman Barbarians. [02:54:22] Absolutely_barbaric.jpg [02:54:30] was going to say... get much of a draft with those things? [02:55:37] Scots seem to manage. [02:56:08] The capes did help. [02:56:43] There was another wall even further north, but they abandoned that when they realised all they got for their troubles was more Scotland. [02:58:04] "You know, Hadrian, why do we even bother with Northern Brittania? There's literally one sunny day a year, it's not good farm land and, as daft as this may sound, I don't think the natives much like us." [03:10:14] Aha! Realistic armor for once! http://i.imgur.com/nwDYoFL.jpg [03:15:14] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders if the face covering of the helmet was decorated with a mustache as was common with Japanese armor. [03:18:27] Action: Scolar_Visari also ponders if there would be any fantasy games where character art freely depicts pox scars on men and women and a distinct lack of makeup for adventurers. [03:24:12] "You character caught a case of the bloody flux after spending too much time in the siege camp. Roll to see if you die!" [03:25:37] Roll constitution for pooping blood. [03:26:13] I think we all just sorta accept that there's some unspoken magic in all those settings that makes disease way less terrible so that we don't have to think about it [03:26:16] "Good save! Your character survives, but you must spend the rest of the campaign fighting without underwear. [03:26:49] tawny: So instead of suffering days of agonizing bowel pains, you just keel over and die in the outhouse? [03:27:03] haha [03:27:33] "What happened to our mage?" "Mage? Oh, yeah, Vitrivius. He caught blood flux and just died on the can." [03:28:36] "Should've let our party healer bleed em' and balance out those humors. Always said Vitrivius had too much yellow bile." [03:36:43] This sounds like something that would meld well with a game like Mordheim. How awesome would it be to have a chance of characters dying without ever getting them into a fight!? [03:41:48] I'm sure there's been many a character who's gotten drunk at the bar, looking for a quest, only to get killed for a stupid comment. [03:46:30] "Alright, you roll to hit on the barmaid and . . . receive a critical failure that results in the owner of the establishment offering a free night's worth of ale to whoever kills the braggart trying to pick up his daughter." [03:48:26] Teehee http://bogleech.com/comics/galactic.png [04:06:04] things we can be fairly certain about any advanced aliens we meet: [04:07:02] they're very likely to be carbon-based (carbon chains are most suitable for organic chemistry) [04:07:46] (also, the CNO cycle in stars means carbon, nitrogen and oxygen will be quite prevalent) [04:08:16] they're likely to be oxygen "breathers" (for reasons of energy production) [04:08:45] they most likely will have appendages that are capable of making and using tools [04:09:38] What if they bought the Synthetic Dawn and/or Utopia DLC and have become machine overlords? [04:09:44] they will very likely will have sensory organs that can detect stellar objects from their native habitat [04:10:11] (to inspire their creativity) [04:10:41] Scolar_Visari: then they won't be alien lifeforms :) [04:10:54] (instead, they'll be alien machine overlords) [04:11:47] though nothing a tungsten-carbide-tipped spear can't handle ;) [04:12:15] Can tungsten-carbide-tipped spears handle charged particle beams? [04:13:34] gotta hitcha first :) [04:13:42] Huh, its over? That was unexpected. [04:14:15] Action: Scolar_Visari uses tachyon lance against machine age primitives . . . IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! [04:14:37] on a slightly more serious note, go check out Horizon Zero Dawn. Fears of machines exterminating humans will dissipate pretty quickly. [04:15:07] (machines devastating human civilization is another matter, though) [04:15:10] But I don't haz playstation. [04:15:23] surely you have a friend that does [04:15:30] Action: Scolar_Visari notes one can play strictly benevolent machine empires in Stellaris well enough. [04:15:47] No I don't. Playstation people don't have friends! [04:16:55] more like "[name your console] people don't have friends" people don't have friends ;) [04:18:41] They're part of a sick cult and must be brought back into the fold of the one TRUE gaming system: The desktop computer. [04:18:55] running Linux ;) [04:19:11] Those who will not repent and take up the banner of Windows 10 will be annihilate in the coming crusade! [04:19:21] actually, the One True Gaming System is a PDP-11 running Unix [04:20:02] Tabletop games being a somewhat lesser form of heresy. [04:21:00] at least, I think it was a PDP-11. might have been a lower number [04:22:49] Now that I think about it, playing a benevolent machine empire in Stellaris was about the most fun I had after playing a benevolent order of psionic alien monks [04:22:57] http://www.unix.org/what_is_unix/history_timeline.html [04:24:03] ah, PDP-7 [04:26:24] "Please, do not shoot at the Servi-bot Caretakers! We only wish to move you to a safe, secure location away from the inpending extra-dimensional invaders where you organics will know happiness and love as you have never known them before!" [04:27:17] "For your safety, all political rights will also be relinquished. We apologize for any inconveniences during the transition period!" [04:39:46] Oh boy, Maximum Ride's on Netflix. [04:39:58] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders if there's a button that makes certain movies permanently un-watchable. [04:45:48] Action: Scolar_Visari goes off to watch something that will have a smaller chance of causing a terminal illness. [04:48:46] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [05:06:18] I got my "Check Yo Stagin'" shirt today. =D [05:43:42] Huh... didn't know he was a pinball fanatic... https://twitter.com/Cmdr_Hadfield/status/933748206873251842 [05:43:42] I splurged on a pinball machine. Not sure what attracted me. https://t.co/cDMaet4Tww [06:32:44] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:44:59] https://newatlas.com/new-dinosaur-amphibious-velociraptor/52513/ [07:09:12] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v erio' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:10:39] heh no spacex launch today, pushed to 15th [08:11:48] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [08:17:55] Hmm, will KJR reduce oscillations when pushing asteroids? [08:21:50] Aren't those oscillations more of an autopilot problem rather than a wobbly craft problem? [08:22:09] I suppose it depends on the craft [08:22:11] usually if i turn off saas and activate fine control everything is fine [08:23:12] slightly related: earth-chan is not flat :) https://i.redd.it/7ihta4jl1k301.jpg [08:24:17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nii2VPQRFN8 [08:24:17] YouTube - Star Wars Characters Sing "MMMBop" [08:41:35] Althego, as Giordano Bruno said to the inquisitor: "Your wife is flat, but not the Earth." [08:41:44] hehe [08:47:42] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o technicalfool' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:11:00] Has anyone tested that new multiplayer mod? [09:12:54] Any news on Falcon Heavy launch date? [09:30:21] Blaank: t-6 months and holding [09:30:44] hehe [09:30:53] suposedly january [09:32:50] Wikipedia says January. Mars transfer window is in January. Still a 30 day window and I don't want to spend all of that in a hotel room in florida. [09:33:19] I need something like 3 days warning to get down there and find a hotel room and such. [09:34:01] Shame I can't run my primary computer out the back of my car. [09:34:33] wait does it really go to mars? [09:35:52] Elon said he's throwing his car at mars. [09:36:08] The launch is during an earth-mars transfer window. [09:36:52] Probably going to go behind it's orbit to get a kick from gravity assist. Don't know if it's enough to get solar escape. [09:37:49] A crash into a planetary body would be bad for contamination so I expect it be put in a parked orbit to fly around a few million years. [09:39:55] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:42:55] Assuming it even gets a trajectory and doesnt splode on ascent [09:45:22] no, the car was a joke [09:45:34] Was it or wasn't it a joke? [09:45:40] There are conflicting reports [09:45:48] it was just elon joking [09:46:03] January, 2018[73] Falcon Heavy Demo SpaceX Elon Musk's midnight cherry Tesla Roadster, on a heliocentric Mars transfer orbit. [09:46:55] The Elon Musk's midnight cherry Tesla Roadster page got deleted [09:47:06] https://www.theverge.com/2017/12/1/16726822/spacex-falcon-heavy-tesla-roadster-launch-elon-musk [09:47:15] One site says it's fake. [09:47:23] Althego: I believe it started as a joke and is now on the Boring Company path from meme to real [09:47:48] Run by the owners of polygon [09:47:53] For what that's worth [09:48:06] it would be funny if he did it [09:48:51] Polygon is terrible. [09:49:05] Also, their first payloads are always ridit [09:49:09] Ridiculous * [09:49:25] Like a wheel of cheese [09:50:07] why not huge ball of lead [09:50:56] Also, the Verge was debunked [09:51:29] They later follow up with is he even allowed to do that? [09:51:34] so then do we have hope? [09:51:39] (Yes) [09:51:52] of course [09:52:05] not like we have lot of laws about space [09:52:11] or other bodies [09:52:21] interaction with aliens is also completely unregulated [09:52:24] Nothing enforcable as far as I know. [09:52:32] Oh, I thoght you said we do have a lot of laws [09:53:05] We don't have a global government so nothing is globally enforced. [09:53:29] Thats why I entered the Sunset blvd school of SPACE LAW [10:17:37] I have to agree about Polygon [10:18:18] what's so bad about polygon [10:18:47] they seem fine to me, though I mostly just watch their funnies and don't read their articles or anything [10:21:37] blatantly biased hit pieces against people [10:23:34] huh [10:23:49] never seen anything like that, but again, I don't really read any of their articles [10:24:14] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [10:24:15] also now that I think about it I think their youtube crew is almost entirely isolated from whoever writes the articles on their actual website [10:25:02] yeah, I was indifferent about them until fairly recently [10:25:18] googling for it just gets me what looks like gross gg dudes complaining about dumb stuff?? idk [10:25:18] what is this polygon you are talking about? [10:26:32] https://www.polygon.com/2017/11/15/16657156/sonic-forces-refund-steam-twitch then there's this, which does seem like an utterly useless waste of bandwidth but is at least the tamest 'hit piece' type article I've ever seen... [10:27:07] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUTGijsCCyk [10:27:07] YouTube - It Came From Out There. Oumuamua, The First Interstellar Asteroid! [10:27:09] pretty pathetic journalism tho so I can see why anyone wouldn't like them after publishing this [10:27:32] or maybe there's just a tremendous lack of gaming news going on [10:29:32] lack of gaming news? what was that about ea? [10:29:38] or is that too old already? [10:30:58] heh there was ap laylist at th end of the video [10:31:02] with 2 1 hour videos [11:19:40] any interesting mission idea? [11:19:53] hit a body as hard as possible [11:20:13] too violent [11:21:48] are we talking KSP or GTA? [11:23:05] Farming Simulator [11:38:12] this is not helping [11:45:25] there are many farming simulators disguised as games [11:48:10] there are so many cheaters in multiplayers that i don't want to play multiplayers anymore [11:48:39] hehe [11:48:59] arent those banned after a while? [11:50:32] doesn't seem so [12:50:29] https://78.media.tumblr.com/775ec42b70d9fb308b31fa0741ebae56/tumblr_mzeuhqbgLg1qfthy3o1_540.jpg [12:52:59] old [12:55:04] big cat [13:07:38] i learned that you have took for habitable rocki planets in 10 micrometer waves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5rInKFFdUs [13:07:38] YouTube - A Journey to Alpha Centauri - Christian Marois (SETI Talks 2017) [13:26:48] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:53:08] damn [13:53:32] fire chief came to check apartment building where I live... [13:53:46] he told me I have 30 days to clear out excess stuff... [13:53:51] "but i need these"! [14:00:41] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac [14:00:41] YouTube - George Carlin Talks About "Stuff" [14:00:45] oh wait [14:00:54] it might contain some bad language [14:04:07] i questioned it as soon as I saw the title [14:04:29] anyway, fireflower needs place for stuff :) [14:05:22] Althego: yeah... 20 sqrmeter flat ain't big to hold my old stuff from 60 sqr meter apartment [14:39:13] when doing a land-on-multiple-bodies-challenge i guess it's best to start with the planets/moons with the lowest gravity since i loose less v when i land high-mass vessel on low gravity? or doesn't it matter at all ? [14:40:16] higher twr, less gravity losses [14:44:33] dreadkopp: start from the hardest ones [14:45:17] bees: mun / eli / aptur ... none of them are hard to land on. just want to save the most v ;) [14:46:28] does not matter then, i guess [14:47:30] reason for the hardest ones first is that you would need to stage there, and if you do them last - you would be dragging a gigantic rocket to all other bodies, which could be very fps-unfriendly [14:48:36] also you can refuel a small craft relatively easily, if you finished all hard ones and dont have enough for easy one, while refueling stuck on the surface of some hard planet craft... is quite "interesting" mission [14:48:53] my though was: the higher the mass of the vessel the higher the gravitational force between vessel and cellestrial body. Thus the heavier my vessel the more v i spend landing on a body with high mass itself [14:50:00] dv is change in velocity, and you always need same velocity for orbit (ignoring atmosphere) [14:52:13] right ... [14:52:52] i am loosing more v with a heavy vessel on landing though i guess since i am not able to do a 'perfect' landing [14:53:04] might be wrong too though haha [14:53:46] need refuling anyways i guess. 2km/s v left and two moon to land on + orbit around planet ... [14:53:55] there is an order you can try to 'save' dV. Don't do Mun->Duna->Eve->Minmus->Gilly for example [14:54:09] going for a direct crashcourse / landing might save some v ? [14:54:27] but aside from that, each time you need to land, so you will use the fuel anyway [14:54:45] dreadkopp: The most efficent landing is the suicide burn... [14:54:57] ...but as the name says, miss it and you're dead [14:55:07] f5 / f9 ;) [14:55:09] ve2dmn: depends on twr [14:55:27] okay. aptur here i come / crash [14:55:39] ve2dmn: technically it is not always the most efficient [14:55:52] bees: You are technically correct [14:56:03] XD [14:56:25] practically, unless you start the burn with sub-1 twr, it would probably be the most efficient [14:57:08] i think only tylo could realistically produce this situation in stock [14:57:45] Kerbol? [14:58:01] tylo landing [14:58:04] always terrifying [14:58:16] not sure you wanna land on kerbol haha [14:58:32] dreadkopp: the common trick is to do it at night [14:58:40] lol [14:58:47] ah! like the north koreans did ? [14:58:55] hehe that is what i wanted to say [14:59:39] also moho/vall/eeloo/mun with nukes, sometimes [15:00:33] semi-suicide burn would be the most efficient in 99.99% situations, though [15:00:58] where you just die a little? :) [15:01:04] dreadkopp: also, the Tyranny of the rocket equation means that you'll have trouble getting more then 17k of dV [15:01:08] it's called lithobraking [15:01:27] yeah [15:01:37] when you dont go for direct 90 degrees impact, but for about 10-20 degrees trajectory [15:01:40] i'm playing on 10x rescale and let me tell you [15:02:04] you lose efficiency, but when executed properly you would still have some bonus and twr would not be a problem [15:02:06] all that dv needed is *hard* [15:02:23] Truga: now imagine real-life things [15:02:33] ? [15:02:34] real-life things are easy [15:02:37] ve2dmn: well i am playing new horizons + KSPIE ... those late nuke/plasma techs will give you enough v for far expeditions. [15:02:39] real life things is easy, they have mechjeb and time [15:02:41] they are just kinds expensive [15:02:43] *a [15:02:44] :D [15:02:50] otherwise there is much much gravity assist :P [15:02:52] You have a point [15:02:55] i'm a very busy person, and i'm too dumb for mechjeb [15:03:15] I use kOS [15:03:16] problem when you have gathered way to much speed but actually need to land at some point :P [15:03:37] but yeah, with gravity assists things can be much easier to do [15:03:41] it just... takes forever [15:03:47] not very fun when trying to play a game :p [15:04:13] Truga: you playing without timewarp ? :P [15:04:25] no, but timewarp is limited to 10 billion or something [15:04:40] there should be mods for that as well :) [15:04:46] that's with the mod :p [15:04:55] maybe there's a better mod i dunno [15:05:13] but a few times kerbin<-->eve should bring you pretty much anywhere [15:05:34] just don't forget to add some kind of anchor for breaking at destination haha [15:05:41] yeah [15:06:19] *braking [15:06:39] well most likely the same in 9/10 attempts XD [15:12:32] okay this will be interesting . refueling attempt while my vessel has a LKO intersect for a gravity assist ... no idea at which speed it will flyby XD [15:13:00] about 88 mph [15:13:48] hehe [15:14:28] nope... a relatively reasonable 2.8km/s it is. this might just work haha [15:15:13] That's pretty fast for a rendezvous. [15:15:50] only .8 km/s difference . don't care what happens to the refuel-rocket afterwards anyways :) [15:16:14] Oh, 800m/s is a lot more reasonable. [15:16:20] so... guess 5 km/s v should be okay for the refuel thingy [15:16:38] 2.8km orbital speed @ ~200 km KO ;) [15:17:20] just need to bring about 400 units of liquid fuel to that thing while it does a Kerbin Gravity assist [15:18:30] Why is it that people's brain shutdown when it comes to technology [15:18:50] I have to do everything for my 'some' of coworkers [15:19:55] ve2dmn, because they did not grow up being encouraged to apply logical thinking to unknown situations [15:20:00] I try to explain things to him, but he refuse to learn [15:20:06] "Not my job" [15:20:24] It drives me nuts [15:21:38] homer simpson [15:21:42] depends. it it actually IS not his job ... why should he do it [15:22:02] dreadkopp: what would you do in front of a blue screen? [15:22:49] write down the error code, reboot, google + check event log ... after 10 mins format C and install linux XD [15:22:52] dreadkopp: the thing is, it's not my job either [15:23:15] well then don'T do it. no IT department where you work ? [15:23:24] dreadkopp: well, he just stands there and ask me "What do I do?" [15:23:26] you guys can allways hire me though XD [15:23:32] I'm not even sure they still do error codes [15:23:40] "something went wrong" [15:23:45] ve2dmn: tell him to go to it department ? [15:23:53] When I try to explain it to him, he just reponds: "I don't understand this computer stuff... you do it for me" [15:24:25] dreadkopp: too long. It will take them 45min to get here. There is only 1 technician for this building [15:25:10] sandbox_: for the record it was a STOP 0xc5 [15:25:31] well ... it's not your job to fix it. you don't get paid for it. + if something goes south while you attempt to fix it you were accused for the trouble [15:25:44] call the it guy, he should fix it. That's HIS job [15:25:51] dreadkopp: but then I get accused of being a bad person [15:26:00] no [15:26:04] just doing the right thing [15:26:32] have you tried turning it off and on again? [15:26:33] don't do shit you 1: aren't paid for 2: might go wrong anyways :) [15:26:52] sandbox_: that's the thing. He was even afraid to do THAT [15:28:00] dreadkopp: language control pls [15:28:11] sry [15:28:15] He's an accountant. His whole life is pre-ordered according to a very specific way of doing things [15:28:34] yes. [15:28:45] and the very specific way to fix this problem is to call it [15:28:47] His lunch is at 12:00 (for example.) not 12:03, not 11:58. 12:00 [15:29:09] blame the company for using an unreliable operating system and/or software [15:29:28] but i really recommend you don'T touch that system for your own sake [15:29:32] dreadkopp: too long. His time is too precious to wait for the technician. Much easier to ask the sysadmin that is right behind him [15:33:08] well get him a replacement machine until IT guy arrives. ? send him to lunch break? [15:33:12] Because I'm the only one with any knowledge about infrastructure (the rest of the internal IT staff are programmers), I get called in for almost anything [15:33:31] IF it isn't your job it isn't your job to fix it. simple as that [15:34:10] That's the thing, since there is nobody else to do it, it default to me. [15:35:03] I love working with people who want to learn [15:35:26] I will sit down and explain everything to them so they can become self-sufficient... [15:35:49] ... but I do have 1 or 2 coworkers who are 'afraid' of technology [15:37:49] sorry for the rant [15:38:59] :q! [15:40:05] atom >>> vi XD [15:46:27] dreadkopp: vi is pre-installed everywhere, even in esoteric embedded device or weird Unix boxes. I use it because it's ubiquitous and it's "good enough" [15:47:03] I use Notepad++ for kOS [15:47:34] except what most people saw is vim, however you might be confronted with plain vi on aix, powermaxos and other sysv variants [15:47:52] or elvis on *BSD [15:50:21] I had ure vi on HP-UX [15:50:25] pure* [15:51:05] anyway vim and emacs, along with mplayer are among the most userunfriendly interfaces i have ever seen [15:51:48] Althego: vi was the first 'full screen' thing ever made. The concept of interface was not even a thing back then [15:52:03] and? time has passed [15:52:21] could have improved it a little [15:54:21] that's why there's clones of it [15:55:20] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:07:18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPHbqY9LHCs [16:07:19] YouTube - CRS-13 Webcast [16:12:55] what, isnt it on the 15th? [16:13:03] because of contamination foud on sometihng [16:13:24] https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/940736321097572352 [16:13:25] Taking additional time for the team to conduct full inspections and cleanings due to detection of particles in 2nd& https://t.co/XnZCY1Q43F [16:14:03] so forget that stream for now [16:16:47] sad. I got a notice from youtube about that stream [16:19:46] someone might tell me why fuel transfer does not work ? https://imgur.com/a/pJTVw [16:19:47] https://i.imgur.com/SIVlsVT.png [16:21:30] use docking ports [16:22:23] It should work with a claw.... no clue what the issue is [16:22:37] claw does not have a fuel transfer anymore [16:22:53] dang it [16:22:57] since? [16:22:59] why [16:23:02] okay, didn't know that [16:23:06] since fuel flow changes [16:23:11] bummer [16:23:12] didnt even scott use it for the 3 parts to everywhere challenge? [16:23:12] i see [16:23:14] 1.2 maybe? [16:23:28] i dont remember [16:24:43] you can cheat it via difficulty settings though .... http://i.imgur.com/J7khmyr.jpg?1 [16:25:00] should have checked that earlier. [17:12:26] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydqReeTV_vk [17:12:26] YouTube - Evo-Devo (Despacito Biology Parody) | A Capella Science [17:12:35] evo-devo despacito [17:19:14] I don't understand how that song became so viral [17:19:22] It's not bad, but it seems to be everywhere [17:19:48] no it already died out [17:19:57] it was the song of this summer [17:20:14] I would not know, I live in a bubble [17:20:16] and i think the same too [17:20:31] not bad, but numbe one youtube vid, heh? [17:22:03] I don't think I've heard it and I'm not clicking on it to find out [17:22:15] hehe [17:22:31] dont listen to bees [17:22:39] I don't listen to the radio and I have no clue how people find out about new music these days... [17:22:43] all systems buzzing [17:23:01] you know i heard about it this autumn first by a coworker mentioning it :) [17:23:49] not to mention the fact that we have our own music industry that nobody has heard of... [17:27:55] i think i have. isnt justin bieber canadian? :) [17:29:51] I don't mean that industry. [17:34:05] must be a secret industry [17:37:27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9lix_Award [17:37:57] ah it is quebec special [17:38:47] Yeah. All these artists are well known around here, and completely unknown in the rest of the world... [17:43:02] The worst is always the translated (or more acuratly, 'adapted') gameshow [17:44:10] Since the 'local' market is small, they usually look like crappy copies [18:00:36] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:05:29] blep [18:07:07] Heeloo! [18:10:00] this is getting scary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nbeD1mwCdo [18:10:00] YouTube - What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar [18:10:01] anyone here using KSPIE ? [18:20:02] Althego: good video... but I made the mistake of reading the comments [18:20:13] haha [18:20:17] never read the comments [18:21:23] i really don't get what i do wrong with those nuclear ramjets : https://imgur.com/a/oZYXJ [18:21:31] i liked the 10 micron for exoplanet detection better [18:21:36] max speed i can get is ~1.35km/s [18:22:24] if you look into the config file, there should be 2 thiongs there [18:22:39] heh i forgot, atmcurve and whtavercurve [18:23:13] Althego: lemme check [18:23:27] anyway as you go faster if it behaves liek a usual jet, the thriust willdecrease [18:23:44] and one of these regulates that [18:23:54] if it is present, it is completely normal [18:24:38] velCurve [18:24:51] at least stock jets have that [18:25:40] and the values in it are x, y, left tangent, right tangent in mach [18:26:03] "if you go faster, thrust will decrease" ... that might just be it ... [18:26:20] bloody physics fooling me once again [18:26:22] you can see the thrust in the right click menu [18:26:41] yeah, it rapidly decreases with higher speed :( [18:26:54] and should reach 0 at some point [18:27:01] which is the maximal speed theoretically [18:27:07] but can never reach that [18:27:11] use velocitycurve=true is in the config [18:27:14] dang it [18:27:39] so it is apparently normal for even the cheaty nuclear turbojet [18:27:52] velocity curve : key = 1700 0 0 0 [18:28:05] well, it is in m/s then unlike stock [18:28:35] okay so best case which can never be reached due to drag is 1700 m/s , righty ? and including drag i simply cannot overcome 1.35km/s with that engine . got it [18:28:55] but at that point thrust can be quite small [18:28:56] though i can just shove air in it as long as there is any and it will accelerate :P [18:29:02] you haveto see the graph for that [18:29:14] which is hard to visualize in the head [18:30:08] so depending on the previous breakpoint 1500 may be your actual max based on drag [18:30:28] also pressure factors in the thrust too [18:32:25] yeah :) thought i just am missing something... which i obviously did :P i remember reaching higher speeds with other chemical jet engines so i thought something's off [18:32:50] this part of the physics is absolutely missing of the in game gui [18:32:59] you dont even get data points [18:33:20] ok, there are some thrust values [18:38:47] pre-1.0, the 0 thrust point was something like 2200 m/s. [18:40:15] you gcould go to the edge og space with jets [18:40:28] used to be able to cruise at 65km..... [18:40:42] people would spam airscoops.. [18:41:04] this is serious for sstos. loss of many hundred m/s delta v [18:41:08] ah.. might be because i haven'T played ksp in some time XD [18:41:16] I had jet that could almost orbit just below edge of space on jets.. was sorta silly now that you think about it with today's versions [18:41:34] no such technology is even imagined on earth [18:41:45] i think there is a hard cutoff for even scramjets [18:42:18] woudln't know.. didn't exactly spam things myself [18:42:50] lol muskwatch. with a metal horse body centaur elon musk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sufINCqbXH4 [18:42:51] YouTube - What Is Elon Musk Launching to Mars First? (Muskwatch w/ Kyle Hill & Dan Casey) [18:45:46] i love the idea of elon getting to mars himself in maybe 40 years, landing his tesla as well somehow and while everyone else is going around in golf carts he is racing around in his mighty tesla XD [18:46:24] ya till his Telsa breaks down.. good luck finding parts. Unless it works with golfcart things [18:53:44] parts for an oldtimer? you have to manufacture them yourself [18:53:51] which he could do because he has the company :) [19:06:52] finally made it to 90km Orbit with 1.5km/s v to spare... now to refining XD [19:07:26] real men go to duna without refilling :) [19:08:01] refining != refilling :P [19:08:16] ah cant read, getting late [19:34:15] 100 km orbit 2km/s v left ... getting there XD [19:40:59] lower orbit is better for an injection burn [19:43:10] thing has too much weight at back so i want some steep reintry angle anyways and hope airbrakes save me from burning up XD [19:51:59] not really, those themselves are really flammable [19:52:29] what helps me is usually vertical orientation, lot of drag. but for that i need a barely stable center of mass [19:54:05] for mars u would want to soup up the suspension on your car. no paved roads on mars yet [19:54:19] also less gravity [20:19:36] back at kerbin in one piece :) gracefully flipped and tumbled down from space at gee-forces that might or might not have Barwin pass out a few times though haha https://imgur.com/a/oZWiA [20:19:36] https://i.imgur.com/TCce4D0.png [20:29:39] I need 1220 m/s for a rendezvous, but I only have 1209 ... Try again with more fuel ... [20:29:58] darsie: get out and push [20:30:05] Uncrewed. [20:30:18] asteroid pusher. [20:30:21] use rcs for theremaining [20:30:33] Stage-ejection propelling is also a thing :P [20:30:38] If I use all my LF with the nerv the RCS won't work. [20:30:49] It's the final stage. [20:31:01] Gravity assist on the way? [20:31:21] I could try that, but I'd have to fly again. [20:31:31] I'll rather get more fuel. [20:31:47] The fuel tanks aren't full anyways at launch. [20:31:52] Launch a small Klaw + fuel tank craft? [20:32:06] Not to re-launch the whole thing [20:32:17] I'm not far into the mission, it's ok. [20:32:36] APlayer: claw cannot refuel unless you cheat [20:32:40] Alright. I was rather thinking about cost than time, but whatever [20:32:45] Claw can push. [20:32:55] ^ [20:32:56] just found that out a few hours ago [20:33:06] Klaw * :) [20:34:24] I'm already using a rendezvous near the DN so I don't have to make the full plane change. [20:34:56] Or does that bite me back as increased speed at rendezvous? [20:35:00] how does that make it not the full change? [20:35:16] to reduce the speed differential, the velocity vectors have to match [20:35:22] was just going to ask the same [20:35:41] unless crash XD [20:36:06] Althego: The trajectories meet at AN/DN, so you don't need a plane change, there. If it's near, you only need a little plane change. [20:36:18] darsie: Do you have unlimited time for the maneuver? [20:36:28] APlayer: pretty much. [20:36:30] that still doesnt explain it [20:36:34] Try splitting it up in lots of tiny timed burns all at periapsis [20:36:50] if you finishthe maneuver, your orbits are the same. so how is that not the full change? [20:37:21] it would work for an aerocapture, but not on an asteroid [20:37:35] Althego: I'm not sure, maybe it works out the same. [20:37:40] Also, if it is a large altitude change, try bi-elliptic transfer (altitude over the planet's center must be > ~13) [20:38:16] Matching inclination only at the upper end of it is also worth a shot [20:38:29] I'm on solar orbit. [20:38:54] That is, if you can combine the plane change and the apoapsis maneuver that would save some fuel [20:38:57] Well, I'll see if a conventional plane change works out the same. [20:39:07] you can spare some fuel by having a single burn, so if the plane chage is the same as the capture burn [20:39:14] but you cant spare the plane change [20:39:19] No. Plane change first and capture later is less efficient [20:39:35] that is what is said [20:39:37] ok [20:39:57] The higher you do your plane change (and the slower you are when you do it), the less fuel you will need for it [20:40:38] Combining the two burns spares lots of fuel, as described by the pythagorean theorem [20:42:02] But prograde/retrograde burns are most efficient at periapsis [20:42:10] That is, when you are fast [20:42:59] Been looking around the forums for a bit, trying to find the latest articles on KSP arduino hardware controllers, anyone have a thread that I can visit? All the one's I'm seeing are a few years old. [20:44:30] IIRC there was a mod for that. Telemachus? [20:44:45] darsie: Found a more efficient combination yet? [20:45:14] I thought that was only for a browser tab, I don't think you can connect it to physical Input hardware.... right? [20:45:27] Probably I misremember the name [20:45:29] BTW, that's my more rigid asteroid pusher: http://www.bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot9.png I hope I can accelerate more while thrusting without insane oscillations with it. [20:45:42] APlayer: no. I'm getting more fuel. [20:45:51] There certainly was a mod that would provide a serial IO system [20:45:58] darsie: Alright [20:46:07] That [20:46:20] it's called Kerbal Serial.IO or something [20:46:34] I remember something different [20:47:15] I'm not sure if the struts are worth the extra 600 kg. [20:47:16] I'm looking for threads on how people got KSP to talk to an arduino. So far it's been easy for me to make an Arduino Leonardo talk to KSP, but I have no idea how to get ksp to talk back [20:48:37] would also be interested in such a thing [20:52:03] AlpineAce: OK, I dug up the source I was thinking of, the mod is indeed KSPSerialIO [20:52:36] But here is an up-to-date version of it: https://spacedock.info/mod/567/KSP%20Serial%20IO [20:55:04] Anyway, I'm off for today. Good luck in your missions/projects, darsie and AlpineAce. See you! [20:56:21] APlayer: see ya [20:57:17] Check out the thread on the KSP forums about 'Simpits' or 'For people with too much time on their hands' [20:57:23] (something like that) [20:57:44] there's ton of pictures of people making hardware for KSP [21:02:00] wowzer. while it sure might be nice ... what do you need a arduino connected to ksp for ? [21:11:43] Making a gyro? [21:12:17] Doing a custom-made disply based on a replicat of the Mission control panel? [21:18:05] https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/60620-custom-hardware-simpit-repository-for-people-who-take-ksp-a-little-too-far/ [21:27:59] reminds me that I wanted to build one$ [21:28:07] in the style of the rafale cockpit [21:28:16] simple and clean, very efficient [21:29:21] http://tpe-rafale.e-monsite.com/medias/images/photo-cabine.jpg [21:32:37] ve2dmn: haha ... this is insane! totally awesome but also definitely insane XD [21:38:27] https://youtu.be/qw_F4d1hcnE?t=346 [21:38:27] YouTube - RC BEST CRASH, EXPLOSION, BURN, SPEED and THRILL Compilation: ESSENTIAL RC (TOP AMAZING HIGHLIGHTS) [21:52:44] dreadkopp: if I had the motivation, I would do the same [21:52:55] :) [21:53:04] I lack a bit of the knowledge, but that would not stop me [21:53:09] SAS turn my spaceplane into a wiggeling mess... ideas ? [21:53:25] more struts [21:53:36] haha :P [21:54:12] lemme check if i can find that wiggling part [21:55:03] more autostruts! [22:01:35] I have found that using advanced tweakables and autostructs heaviest part on the most distal members of my planes makes a big difference. [22:20:44] uh goddamnit [22:21:05] my midi keyboard was not workign because it just wanted to be plugged into the back panel of my computer [22:23:45] Chinese SSD's are not up to the speed of fastest drives [22:23:51] not so good controllers [22:24:56] they about at same level as Intel was in 5 years ago [22:25:18] https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/UTB8HMvtqmnEXKJk43Ub762LppXaL.png [22:28:48] https://www.wired.com/story/mirai-botnet-minecraft-scam-brought-down-the-internet/?mbid=social_twitter [22:30:53] now I just have to learn to use fl studio [22:38:56] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [22:39:03] Evening, Gentlemen. [22:47:56] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [22:59:51] Last message repeated 2 time(s). [22:59:51] makes you wonder when humanity reaches point where we protect ourselves from such attacks as one against unforseen alien attack... [23:12:17] I seem to recall the kRPC author talking about optimizing performance for 9600 baud serial connections. [23:30:53] Hah [23:31:41] Damn, my ship is again *in* the asteroid after reloading the saved game :(. When I release the Klaw everything explodes. [23:33:56] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:37:31] Action: darsie restarts ksp ... [23:43:42] didn't help [23:49:25] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net