[00:17:03] with stuff in inventory, kerbals have a hard time jumping on minimus [00:19:40] rly? [00:19:48] surface sample? [00:43:42] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:38:23] i mean like KIS/KAS and you have a heavy part in inventory [02:33:55] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [03:47:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:19:30] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [06:19:30] hehe, so nrol-71 still didnt launch [06:23:43] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:32:14] heh the soyuz ms-09 landed already [06:32:19] i didnt expect it so soon [06:39:35] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [08:20:31] Last message repeated 3 time(s). [08:20:31] https://66.media.tumblr.com/103da2e3757c77afb31753a7f468cf9a/tumblr_pju4qrOHo81rnmyes_540.jpg [08:20:56] lol [08:21:16] https://66.media.tumblr.com/77b94097b02dac565bc2c4b23b40a7b1/tumblr_pju4qxPQIz1rnmyes_540.jpg [08:25:25] time for scott manley [08:29:32] spacex launch has 20% chance because of weather [08:30:38] they should all agree to launch another day [08:30:44] at the exact same time [08:32:57] I've been listening to wintergatan for like 3 days [08:33:06] I might need help [08:48:02] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:07:10] you might be beyond help [09:07:53] im fine with that [09:11:33] but there was no video yesterday [09:12:30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqHpOKJ8u0s [09:12:30] YouTube - The Strange History and Stranger Planet of Barnard's Star [10:04:14] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [10:39:24] somehow i always read Bernhard's star [10:39:42] and persistently, for decades... [10:40:18] since i first came across it in the 90s [10:41:28] and i'm always surprised when i hear someone say it outloud [10:44:21] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [12:12:25] Action: darsie saw and shot Barnard's star. [12:14:16] i shot the sheriff, but i did not shoot barnard's star [12:36:55] Althego: out. [12:36:59] now. [12:52:45] launch? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVIrgayWlI0 [12:52:45] YouTube - GPS III Space Vehicle 01 [13:24:31] 7 contracts not in progress, and either high g or really far and/or high altitude data collection [13:26:50] my 3d printer had a heating issue so I have to bend the wires of the heater thing in a very specific way otherwise the resistance is ridiculously high and it doesnt work [13:28:16] https://66.media.tumblr.com/0f8299b793b04d8ce7f14d94fdb818b9/tumblr_pjmk7tbmJA1rruwv7o1_400.png [13:29:11] it is probably my printer trying to prevent me from killing myself because I want to spin a printed fan really fast and there is high probability it becomes interesting [13:31:32] and it is already delayed. which means a cancel [13:31:59] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v bathtub_shark' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:35:25] https://66.media.tumblr.com/01d2fad58ff5fd1c0bd39fe8b2a5751c/tumblr_mki4nsktfu1rrzb6lo1_540.jpg [13:49:07] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:52:00] https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1075745493324451840 [13:52:00] <SpaceX> Standing down today due to weather. Vehicle and payload remain in good health. Working toward the next best launch& https://t.co/hkFAlFLm5q [13:52:15] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:54:00] well, is everyone else also doing the scrub fest [14:21:51] for some reason my grandma is cutting big church candles into smaller candles to have more candles [14:22:16] parallel lighting [14:22:45] actually she has the keys to to local church so I could go there do what I want any day [14:22:54] and I kinda want to fly my micro quadcopter there [14:22:58] play organ [14:23:24] I could [14:24:12] survived. not cobra 11. https://www.facebook.com/policiaslovakia/videos/2228375497408730/ [14:24:39] that is how I drive in gta [14:25:28] I have one of the electric cars in gta online and this thing has so much torque it can climb a 45° inclide [14:50:08] https://youtu.be/3HcMN-uY4UY [14:50:08] YouTube - 3d printed edf [15:04:55] youtube was trying to show me a glitter bomb thing for many days. i was not interested. but it didnt say it was a device to prank those who steal it. and sure enough several people fell victim to their own greed [15:10:02] time to glue that dangerously imbalanced electric turbine on a plane that died 3 time already [15:23:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/525332260128555010/DSC_0282.JPG [15:37:28] the necromancer [15:40:30] I hope the fan will explode in flight and shred the plane [15:41:06] what does the kamikaze instructor say to the students? watch carefully, because i will show this only once [15:41:19] heh [15:42:45] I should find proper propeller airfoils and do the math to make a good 3d printed prop [15:54:39] hmm [15:54:51] why is it good to have a heavy part rotating? [15:55:11] is it? [15:55:25] I guess the motor has to rotate [15:55:36] some part of it yes [15:55:39] the other not [15:55:56] the part that has the lower angular momentum should rotate [15:56:21] brushless motors have the stator inside and it is the outside that rotates [16:00:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:05:10] meanwhile on mars https://twitter.com/NASAInSight/status/1075629799693967360 [16:05:10] <NASAInSight> Whew  winding down after a long day, but Ive done it: Ive placed my seismometer on the surface of Mars! With SEI& https://t.co/efCTjpKCnY [16:06:15] i dont get how the context camera got so dirty under the cover [16:09:20] and there is no info on 1.6 [16:09:23] nothing [16:09:37] which means it really might be this week or even today [16:13:46] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:21:47] oh no there is already somebody looking for "anomalies" in insight pictures [16:34:12] hehe flat kerbin society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q76yYf2kb_c [16:34:13] YouTube - KSP - Boeing 2707 with working swing wings - stock [16:55:26] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [17:02:28] I had an idea for a movie scenario or part of it that I need to write down [17:57:06] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:03:52] Sons and daughters of Kerbin: For the purposes of improving morale, all, "failed" launch attempts will now be referred to as, "launch abort tests". [18:04:00] 1.6? [18:05:10] Scolar_Visari: I consider them simulations. [18:05:36] In the event of an actual failed launch (not such a thing is possible!), there would be a media blackout. [18:06:03] This would in turn be followed by several retroactive resignations and disappearings of all non-Kerbals involved. [18:06:16] But if I find a working solution and accept it I should do it once more, for real. But I don't, usually [18:06:18] . [18:06:46] Well, ofc I have lots of rockets that fly reliably. [18:06:58] And I "reuse" some. [18:08:53] Hmm, maybe I should use the dart occasionally. Uses very little fuel for SSTO and I might be able to recover it. [18:10:44] SSTOs are basically cheat mode! [18:11:24] Second rocket in the game can be SSTO. [18:11:34] Escape the Atmosphere and Orbit Kerbin. [18:11:59] Swivel+16 fuel tanks. [18:20:57] Wait . . . There's *another* American Civil War FPS? [18:21:18] Action: Scolar_Visari cannot ponder how exciting a muzzle loading rifled musket simulator could be. [18:21:58] "Left click repeatedly to ram your Minié ball down the barrel! Now press the space bar to return your ram rod1" [18:22:49] lol [18:24:29] I could totally see RPG items being a thing, too. "Jeb's Protective Overcoat: Grants 15% resistance to infection from bullet wounds." [18:24:38] I assume you entirely use revolvers and those 7 shot carbines? [18:25:17] UmbralRaptop: Footage of the game reveals not. Heck, I'm not even sure if it has cavalry implemented or not, as they were typically the kinds of soldiers who used (and often bought with their own money) multi-shot weapons. [18:25:48] o_O [18:26:01] Hrm . . . here's one idea: "Sherman's Blade of Purification: Sword gains fire damage and 25% to wound." [18:26:59] I think they're going the Red Orchestra route with a heaping serving of Mount & Blade. [18:27:42] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders soldiers dropping their ramrods and percussion caps while under suppressive fire. [18:28:58] Action: UmbralRaptop feels like this is an era where the interesting gameplay would involve hexes and morale checks. [18:30:04] There is already a dedicated Napoleonic Warfare community for Mount & Blade. [18:30:16] huh [18:30:46] With smoothbore muskets and cuirassiers! [18:30:58] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzcSY3OsvFw [18:30:59] YouTube - Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars Line Battle #1 [18:31:31] ! [18:31:57] Needs moar smoke effects and misfires [18:33:33] Also: https://store.steampowered.com/app/48705/Mount__Blade_Warband__Napoleonic_Wars/ [18:34:14] Action: Scolar_Visari tries to imagine 200 players trying to work together in an effective Napoloenic fashion. [18:34:51] "Alright, you guys march in a column up to the tactical crest of that hill over there and form into a two man deep line." [18:35:57] It's also like you can't simulate common sense attacks and run away. I mean, not enough FPS make retreat a viable option. [18:36:50] "Uh oh! Looks like there's a group of Hussars rolling up your right flank! Press the B button to frag your commanding officer and run away!" [18:39:30] Hrm . . . RO2 and Rising Storm are on sale now. [18:40:03] steam sale looks a bit lame this year [18:41:14] umaxtu: I agree. Not as many sales as I was expecting but the RO2 is honestly a good one. [18:41:56] the two PC games I'm playing right now are Hitman 2 and Warframe. I'm good for awhile [18:42:33] I want a proper tank sim! [18:46:46] "Rapidly left click to load the shell into the breach!" [18:47:51] Scolar_Visari, that was the moment when i felt that WoT would be a lame game https://youtu.be/9aOKauDKbN0 [18:47:51] YouTube - World of Tanks. "875@=K9 @>;8: 2 (NEW) [18:47:57] hehe like in old c64 games where you had to rapidly move the joystick left and right [18:48:03] which ultimately destroyed them [18:48:25] "Your tank is on fire! Quickly press the space bar to escape and surrender!" [18:48:39] Althego, they are called joysticks not because they are to be jerked [18:50:30] uhm [18:50:37] so, to that video - the showed that prompted with "realistic controls, realistic sounds, realistic graphics... here is what they are going to look like. So, do you really want them? We have something else for you. Coming soon" [18:50:48] and that was the moment when i thought I NEED THAT [18:51:02] but nope [18:51:19] i think my best WW2 tank experience comes from red orchestra [18:51:21] I imagine a realistic simulator Tiger tank simulator should really involve a fair amount of non-combat minigames centered on maintenance and waiting for horse drawn carts to bring up spare parts. [18:51:32] Gasher: Indeed, I sort of like the clausterphobic interior. [18:51:44] could make a good VR title [18:51:55] i have a feeling that some people should have made something like that [18:52:18] Gasher: Tank sims are pretty rare. Surprising, too, given the number of modern coop games. [18:52:41] well i guess WoT have got that niche covered for mass multiplayer [18:53:03] arcade enough to be fun [18:53:39] What we need is an Honest to Eisenhower Sherman Tank simulator. [18:54:36] Arcady suggestion: Bolo simulator. [18:55:13] hehe [18:55:18] huge [18:55:33] i am yet to read anything from the bolo universe [18:57:41] speaking of tanks... https://imgur.com/gallery/BXthBKc [18:57:41] https://i.imgur.com/ryasKc6.gifv [18:58:21] Unfortunately, the books not written by Keith Laumer are usually better than the ones by him. [18:58:31] Psht, Shermans had vertical stabilization! [18:59:04] UmbralRaptop: So the opposite of Ringo's books? [18:59:57] Hrm . . . Titanfall for $5 [19:00:00] I was watching a tank documentary on Netflix and it showed some demo that the germans did for the stabilization system on the leopard tanks. they filled a stein of beer and put it on a plate welded to the end of the barrel, you can see where this is going [19:00:22] Scolar_Visari: I guess? [19:01:34] UmbralRaptop: Not that, ahem, Ringo's books were good to begin with. [19:02:16] umaxtu: They're just jealous their tanks don't have tea making facilities. [19:02:36] There's some fun silliness. (OTOT, "oh John Ringo no!") [19:03:04] heres the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j45lrsHFLTE [19:03:04] YouTube - Leopard -2 Vs Beer :) [19:03:50] UmbralRaptop: There was one that I recall where former SS veterans were rejuvinated and used to fight aliens. [19:03:57] That . . . raised a few eyebrows. [19:04:06] lol [19:04:13] eep [19:04:20] unexpected [19:05:08] I know, right: Why not use veterans who actually won a war? /s [19:06:25] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders between Red Orchestra 2 or post-apocalypse Harvest Moon clone My Time in Portia. [19:11:10] Because if there's something the Harvest Moon games were lacking, it was a nuclear Hellscape. [19:11:57] Stardew Valley is pretty damn good [19:12:26] I've heard that, and I like the Harvest Moon SNES aesthetic. [19:13:17] But My Time at Portia has a sentient bear. That's alone is a pretty good reason to buy it. [19:13:30] And the bear walks around on two legs in a bath robe. [19:13:47] Terraforming Mars, post-apocalyptic earth, close enough [19:14:13] Oh hai there! https://bit.ly/2LrYFPS [19:14:27] UmbralRaptop: I was really hoping for Harvest Moon inside a generation ship. [19:15:10] That would make for some fun crafting too. "You need four more red crystals to make a laser sprinkler!" [19:16:06] Scolar_visari hmm... hai? https://www.imageconscious.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/H1183D.jpg [19:16:45] That's Afternoon at the Park Bear. [19:20:00] was another... sitting in a chair, holding a half crushed beer can.. looking pissed off at the world. :\ [19:20:37] You're thinking of Denied Worker's Comp After Getting Injured on the Job Bear [19:20:56] Threw out his back working at the slipper warehouse. [19:21:46] no.. just probably drunk, tired at life, probably retired... chair looks pretty beat up [19:24:11] Ha! Rising Tide: Vietnam simulates the RPG-7's backblast! [19:25:21] Er, Rising Storm. [19:25:24] youtube was trying to show me a glitter bomb thing for many days. i was not interested. but it didnt say it was a device to prank those who steal it. and sure enough several people fell victim to their own greed <-- i had that same thing in my suggestions, but to me it seemed pretty obvious that was what was meant... [19:27:20] Glitter bombs are a Class XXI Crime Against Humanity [19:27:48] i think it was ok to use against thieves [19:28:14] yeah, omit glitter [19:28:18] lol [19:28:27] I suppose you'd also torture thieves and leave their remains outside hanging on your fence to!? [19:28:27] or use larger glitter [19:28:35] use real shrapnel? [19:28:38] Action: Scolar_Visari considers reporting Althego to The Hague. [19:28:40] or uranium? [19:28:43] like, made of lead and at least 5 mm in diameter lol [19:28:58] Eddi: Uranium's not dangerous so long as you don't inhale it or fission it into not-uranium. [19:29:11] few years ago there was a guy here who made wine. lot, several hundred liters. and people stole from him. police didnt do anything. so he poisoned the wine in his own cellar. and sure enough the wine thieves died [19:29:29] Action: Scolar_Visari notes using depleted uranium for hunting bullets has been a real suggestion given how much more toxic lead normally is. [19:29:30] i dont remember what happened to him, but he had a court case [19:29:43] because he killed those people [19:29:48] Althego: Technically, booby trapping is typically illegal. [19:29:48] in an indirect way [19:29:50] well it's understandable [19:30:08] so that is why i said glitter bomb is ok, it is a prank [19:30:10] he poisoned it in intention to kill someone, i guess taht was the line [19:30:13] i'm fairly sure you go to prison for that kind of stuff [19:30:35] he poisoned it in his own house [19:30:41] Gasher: Even non-lethal booby traps are taboo. [19:30:44] you just have to think in a bit more complex way [19:30:48] he could have used vinegar [19:31:01] or some bitterness stuff [19:31:02] or sedatives and laxative mix [19:31:11] Gasher: Still legally problematic. [19:31:25] but what can you do? [19:31:26] Action: Scolar_Visari notes this is a serious problem in regards to people stealing food in work break rooms across the planet. [19:31:36] Althego: I dunno, cameras or something. No booby trapping, though. [19:31:44] you just have to find out some hazardous yet legal stuff which could be dangerous if mishandled [19:31:47] you cant even protect yourself in your own house? kind of typical hungarian laws [19:31:55] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xl_inefbHE&t=0s [19:31:55] YouTube - What's the Most Bitter Chemical? [19:32:00] Althego, it's not just yours lol [19:32:20] you are not protecting anything, you try to injure the attacker - that's the difference [19:32:27] until a few years ago you were not even permitted to you any force to protect yourself, just proportional to the threat [19:32:35] *to use [19:32:36] Althego: Booby trapping isn't typically seen as being protective, particularly since most (like my questionable punji stick fence and land mind garden gnomes) are indiscriminte. [19:32:38] Althego, lol how familiar [19:33:02] like, whoever is the least injuried is the attacker lol [19:33:19] However, I have successfully deterred carolers from despoiling my front yard. Though the electrified barbed wire fence was likely sufficient. [19:33:24] so your chosen sport should be running [19:33:35] while in the usa, if peopple go in to your house, you can just kill them. my favourite is the old guy who took a sword and slashed the robbers, they survived, but couldnt even get away in their car because of the blood loss [19:33:55] Althego: That's . . . Not really true. The laws vary from state to state. [19:33:59] Althego, yeah just invite people you don't like as guests [19:34:11] Gasher: Let the Right One Ine? [19:34:15] LOL [19:34:28] while in the usa, if peopple go in to your house, you can just kill them. <-- i wouldn't want to live in that area... [19:34:29] well in Althego's case there indeed might be vampires [19:34:31] Trespassing isn't really a thing in vampire societies. [19:35:10] Eddi: As I wrote, it differs from state to state. [19:35:12] anyway at least this part is now fixed in our laws [19:35:17] well, transylvania used to be in hungary :) [19:35:26] but still in case of the less dangerous things, like the thieves, you cant do anything [19:36:24] Eddi|zuHause, yeah that's what i was referencing [19:36:34] Althego: there's still laws to not put poisonous stuff in bottles labelled for drinking, even in your own home [19:36:57] hm, idk how it's written in local news [19:37:28] as for thieves, yeah - attacking is not the best tactics [19:37:54] but there is such thing as civil detention, right? [19:37:58] was at friend's last night, happened across the glitter bomb video... yeesh [19:38:06] Some municipalities maintain a duty to retreat. [19:39:12] Action: Scolar_Visari grumbles something about being a hero and assuming everything happens like an action movie. [19:39:47] just get rid of the bodies, no one would miss those :) [19:40:25] i remember some years back there was a crime show called something like "how would you decide?" where they presented a case where a fuel station keeper heard of some robberies in the area, bought a (illegal) gun, and when the robber came to his station, he shot him [19:41:28] live by the sword die by the swordú [19:41:31] It's typically the policy of convenience store franchises (among others) to have their employees comply with the demands of robbers rather than risk themselves or customers getting shot. [19:41:39] the keeper had to face two court cases, the case for buying the gun he was found guilty, the case of hurting the robber he was found not guilty (self defense), even though using a gun was probably excessive [19:42:15] the self-defense law is usually applied rather wide [19:42:21] unless you are a hunter you probably wouldnt get a gun here anyway, and even that has to be locked normally [19:42:22] Action: Scolar_Visari also notes something about armed robbers typically having the drop on others, making sudden movements to withdraw a concealed firearm dangerous for the victims. [19:43:50] Hence: Keep yer' hands where I can see em. [19:44:37] Though, if there's anything Mafia II has tought me, it's that you can hide various World War II weapons on your person with little issue. [19:48:09] Hrm . . . Anno 1404? [20:17:33] yay pbs spacetime [20:25:15] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:26:15] hmmm https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/180700-kerbal-space-program-16-%E2%80%9Cto-vee-or-not-to-vee%E2%80%9D-is-now-available/ [20:28:00] and there it is [20:38:53] anyway install tomorrow [21:21:19] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o raptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:41:09] ooh, update. I right-click on the Mk2 Lander Can in the VAB and strange things happen. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspfoo.jpg [23:41:17] I'll remove the mods and try again [23:42:13] Action: raptop guesses that the mod is interacting badly with the storage bays? [23:49:22] looks like it. no problem without mods, so not a bug in the update :) [23:54:00] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:59:56] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net