[00:00:01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Fighters [00:00:03] good movie [00:02:12] Mathuin: I just test them on the Mun [00:03:12] is it sad I'm considering an arctic base building project on kerbin? [00:03:41] any news about the rocket labs launch? [00:04:07] JCB: due to high gravity, that is significantly harder than building a Munbase [00:04:36] at least, assuming you don't have the patience to go overland [00:07:13] munbase components don't have to be able to survive reentry [00:08:38] https://youtu.be/5G36PEK4qj4 - This may be the strangest YouTube gimmick I ever saw. [00:08:39] YouTube - Everyday Astronaut - Bringing Space Down To Earth For Everyday People [00:09:51] Draconiator: cosplay? [00:34:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/404433380659298304/rocket.jpg [00:40:56] JCB: with a railway, that could be fun. [00:48:40] oh hi... [00:48:43] sorta half doz'n [00:49:08] kind of half wondering how going to do a little base... airport sorta thing with fuel farm [00:49:33] Rail with fuel cars shuttling between extraction points and refineries on the equator. [00:50:35] flew out to the crashed ufo site... then went to the north pole to mess around a bit (landed hard, wings broke, rolled to a stop next to it.. oh well) [00:52:22] guess part of me wants a second place to go flying to.. ice shelf is a bit far though for some of my planes. [00:53:20] well, they can fly there, but not do round trip... think one of my really flast jets can but it can't carry anything [01:30:20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg5234BOED8 [01:30:20] YouTube - Still Testing Launch [01:32:12] JCB, I fly to the north pole and back all the time. The secret to efficient flight is to use trim instead of SAS to make your plane fly steady. [01:32:35] Also, fly at a nice high altitude. [01:38:52] I use trip.. what I hate is phantom forces banking my plane because of parts clipping.. or just because its wanting to be a pain period [01:38:55] er trim.. [01:44:07] IT'S DOING IT [01:44:10] https://www.facebook.com/RocketLabUSA/videos/2000574863488986/?hc_location=ufi [01:46:29] it done staged! [01:48:21] whats launched? [01:48:23] mrBlaQ: who is this, Blue Origin or someone else? [01:48:30] electron rocket [01:48:33] by rocket labs [01:48:45] I don't recognize them, who's bankrolling them? [01:49:36] This search result I found on the google contains some information https://www.rocketlabusa.com/news/updates/series-d-financing/ [01:50:19] That engine is SERIOUSLY sooooooo tiny.... [01:50:26] oh... launched from new zealand? [01:51:02] What are those things flying by at the bottom? [01:51:25] Those are the facebook like/love/sad icon things [01:52:01] nozzle probably has ablative cooling [01:52:40] Holy cow it actually made it this time. [01:53:07] never heard of this craft before [01:53:19] didn't even know new zealand was launch capable [01:53:20] scott made a video with it [01:53:24] about tiny rockets [01:53:30] ooooh right.. now remember [01:53:50] rather cool, wish we could do ti up here in Canada too [01:54:43] wow, ummm...that thing is like so tiny. [01:55:10] yes [01:55:25] the turbopumps are driven by electric motors [01:55:34] ah thats right [01:55:44] lithium batteries too was it? [01:56:18] yeah [01:56:24] hobby grade power system [01:56:37] exept the battery has to delive r9 megawatts I think [01:56:38] sure.. why not? [02:09:34] Tiny tickets are so silly. [02:09:37] Rockets. [02:09:54] Just launch bigger and multiple satellites [02:11:59] there are some drawbacks and advantages for both systems.. [02:31:12] JCB: no. Agree with me or die. [02:31:33] JCB: you're right. But I think the tiny rocket field is over saturated [02:32:04] TheKosmonaut: can I procrastinate on that death for, say, 70 years? [02:32:20] UmbralRaptor: no. [02:32:31] 80? [02:32:45] Enter the agonization booth [03:06:13] the tiny rockets field is over saturated huh? I'm going to take that as meaning 'fireworks' [03:11:03] oh.. egh.. wondering why my controls on this rover test all backwards.. turns out, when I uncoupled it from the test cargo bay, control got stuck on the docking part rather than the probe body. I'm guessing it wen there as port was at the root of the rover? [03:20:10] JCB: likely [03:26:29] earlier.. was having troubles with steering bugging out. guess having docking ports on the underside not the best idea [03:39:34] JCB: nah, just make use of "control from here" [03:48:54] Did they ever nail down a launch date for the Falcon Heavy? [03:55:11] Blaank: T-6 months and holding [03:55:37] Action: bees is convinced that FH is an SCP object that actively refuses to be launched [03:55:49] FH even shut down the goverment to avoid launching [04:14:03] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg5234BOED8 [04:14:04] YouTube - Still Testing Launch - 01/21/2018 [05:24:29] hi [05:24:54] i have a question, not sure if i am in the right place... [05:25:13] see this: [05:25:16] http://webchat.esper.net/?nick=&channels=#kspofficial [05:26:08] what i have to add in that stribg t be able to identify on the network? [05:26:43] = &pass=, or what? [08:05:04] spacex, get your ... together, do that ... static fire [09:36:26] Althego: no. [09:36:28] :D [09:38:03] Althego: Monday [09:38:29] just as it was on saturday, friday, tuesday [09:38:57] But now the fuel loading was succesful [10:24:22] Althego: like was said before. The Universe won't let FH progress [10:24:58] change it to doctor doom [10:25:11] "the doom wont let the fh to progress" [10:29:36] (doctor universe is a character in the spinnerette webcomic, while doctor doom is well known marvel character) [10:35:40] retreived 4 kerbals, none of them are scientists [10:35:45] i guess i will just edit them [10:35:57] i need at least 1 spare scientist [10:54:08] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [11:25:38] Hey there! [11:27:09] hi guys [11:27:25] has anyone experienced problems with f8 saving? [11:27:57] my f8 saves wont load, the last 3 will not load and i'm making new ones to test and none of them load, i get a message [11:28:17] (filename) does not exist [11:29:02] no idea what to do. another fun sunday filled with ksp errors [11:29:38] Perhaps it's because you are looking for F9 saves? ;-) [11:32:25] KISS is Kerbal Improved Save System. i don't use f5/f9 unless it's at mission starts [11:32:39] i've used f8 for years [11:32:54] So the F8 saves are a mod thing? [11:33:45] yeah, don't you use it? it keep all saves seperate, you name each one, so you can go back to any point [11:34:19] You can use Alt-F9 in stock to do that, and no, I don't use it [11:34:44] what happens when pressing alt+f9? [11:35:19] You get a prompt to name your stock quicksave, and using Alt-F5 you can load it from a menu [11:35:39] This way, you can have multiple quicksaves without mods [11:36:49] interesting, never knew that, i was using KISS. [11:36:54] hehe [11:37:10] i'll try that, i mean i think i've still lost my l ast 3 saves which is very annoying but i'll try other solutions [11:37:14] :) [11:37:18] the alt f9-f5 was always part of the game since i started to play in 2014 [11:37:46] As for KISS, you may have broken it with another mod [11:38:07] Have you installed any new mods recently, around the time it stopped working? [11:38:22] Or even more, have you updated your KSP? [12:00:24] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:24:32] https://imgur.com/0Cbc6wm [13:24:32] https://i.imgur.com/0Cbc6wm.jpg [13:26:29] Nice one! [13:34:33] this is the duna train [13:35:41] https://imgur.com/uAy7EJW [13:35:41] https://i.imgur.com/uAy7EJW.png [13:36:53] Looks awesome! [13:37:07] turns like a blue whale though [13:50:10] There is a certain bit of fun to such slow responding craft [13:50:17] What's the TWR? [14:13:07] APlayer: not sure, it's not fully fueled yet. still need to send a couple more fuel tankers down from the Mun [14:13:29] Uh, calculator? LOL [14:14:09] J/K, I am just not used anymore to not calculating such things in advance [14:17:06] APlayer: I sorta guesstimated that it would have enough delta v but then I added some extra payload (a lander) so I had to add extra fuel tanks too [14:20:21] so the space train is longer than I planned [14:26:44] hehe, i created the fast atmo probe. i put an intake, probe core, battery, tank, smallest jet, and 4 active winglets on a thing. but this cant get anywhere fast, so i put it on the nose of a rocket. no obvious way to connect it, i offset a radial decoupler behind the engine, and offset the rocket below the whole thing [14:27:10] the rocket gets it anywhere on kerbin fast, then it can fly around to collect the data of the points [14:27:23] and i can just let it crash or recover on water [14:29:22] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:33:53] eh, the next one is above 18 km, this silly jet probe cant fly that high [15:07:06] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:28:46] hehe wolfie6020 strikes again. demonstrates with a drone flying in circles that the sun would not set on a flat earth [16:01:50] ha hit Crisis, and going to win the war through atrition, I managed to jump their transport fleet before it could catch up to the armada, and have set up a "blockade" at their main jump point that destroys transport reinforcements, so the dumb AI is just sitting there parked over a planet in another system waiting for more troops to show up [16:10:51] Ah dang. My game lags... 137 mods, but it's mostly parts stuff, how does this happen? [16:24:18] Craft with lots of parts? [16:25:48] No, barely any parts. Engine, four fins, tank, avionics and nose cone. [16:26:45] Also, I have a Ryzen 1800X CPU, and a Radeon RX580 card [16:27:19] Mods: https://qbin.io/scvz8bn [16:28:15] Maybe there are known slow mods? [17:24:37] zilti: define 'lag'. Because if it's a specific type, I may have a fix [17:24:42] "May" [17:25:08] yay I survived the awakened empire [17:25:29] no war demands enforced, I kept their warscore down by liberating planets after they moved on to another system heh [17:25:39] madmerlyn: I didn't survive my dinner [17:25:57] helped that I had just vassalized a small empire and they were my buffer [17:26:15] the problem with Crises is they are very knife edgy [17:26:20] if your crisis hits early then you're dead [17:26:23] if it hits late you steamroll it [17:26:40] and combat in general is very snowball-y [17:26:51] since its fully Lanchestrian [17:27:40] FltAdmVonSpiz: the next update is trying to adress that [17:27:52] yeah but the restrictions are kind of arbitrary [17:30:19] ve2dmn: as in the in-game time passes about half as fast as it should [17:31:19] ve2dmn: as soon as I'm on e.g. the launchpad [17:31:19] zilti: ha. then it's not the one i'm used to, which is a 1sec of 'freeze' followed by 4sec of normal [17:31:44] ve2dmn: what was the reason for yours? Maybe it's related [17:32:00] Garbage collection [17:33:15] btw, you have Enhanced textures and EVE mods in that list... it's far from just 'mostly parts' [17:33:37] But textures shouldn't exactly slow down the simulation [17:34:08] If you run out of memory they do. a lot [17:34:22] I have 32GB [17:34:45] I also have 32GB, but I still have issues with Garbage collection... [17:35:12] try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139128-memgraph [17:36:06] It will at least show you a graph of the C# Heap [17:36:25] Oh, I'll install it. [17:37:19] see those read spikes? http://i.imgur.com/tUUtX2i.png [17:37:42] yes [17:37:53] nice triangle thing [17:38:01] This is what I get. Garbage Collection takes took long and the entire simulation is 'frozen' while it runs [17:38:35] (not my screenshot, but same issue) [17:39:32] zilti: but I would disable the Visual-Only mods and see if it changes anything... [17:39:46] so how to fix such things ? [17:40:10] I have similar issue, but no visual mods installed (only 78 others) [17:40:13] Azander: probably by not using Unity to code your game in the first place [17:40:24] Not my call, but yeah [17:40:31] ... it might also be Video Card Memory issues, but I doubt it. A LOT. Like 0.0001% chance. But you never know since mods varies a lot in quality [17:40:38] Azander: see the link above [17:41:17] I've read the thread, it doesn't tell me which mod is the culprit [17:41:29] Memgraph. It helped me by 'padding' the heap with unused memory. Went from 1 freeze every 5sec to 1 freeze every 25-30sec [17:41:41] hmmmm [17:42:26] Azander: It won't tell you which mod is the problem. For that, you'll need to experiement by backing up KSP and unistalling mods until it works [17:43:06] lookng at my resource manager, I THINK my issue may be slow Disk I/O :( system hangs when it goes to write the update to the persistance file [17:43:52] Doing a bisect is probably the only sure way to know [17:43:58] Action: Azander nods [17:44:06] been working on that a little bit at a time [17:44:06] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-bisect [17:44:22] Too bad I can't track my KSP install with git or similar [17:44:31] agreed [17:44:37] though that would be interesting [17:45:01] gitFS might let you do it [17:45:09] ZFS provides 'some' of that functionnality [17:45:10] haven't looked into that much, yet [17:45:54] too bad ZFS is licence restricted :/ [17:47:10] currently trying to 'finish' Anno2205 before I go back to KSP [17:47:44] I got bored of it much faster then I though... [17:48:38] Too repetitive [17:49:16] Action: Azander has been playing KSP since 1.0 came out... every day. I'm doing my first rescue mission today. [17:49:39] Azander: I never made it to Eeloo [17:49:50] MJ doesn't help much with thoise :) [17:49:55] Steam says I played 1648h [17:50:28] steam says I've played less than 900 hours, but since I don't run mine thruoghthe steam interface (moved it so autdates won't screw it up) I doubt it's accurate [17:50:45] *auto updates [17:54:32] The MemGraph output makes no sense. It says "max: 2664 MB", but task manager says KSP is using 14775 MB [17:54:44] That's just the Heap [18:02:34] Dangit, didn't get to my scientists in time, they just fried getting to close to the sun :( [18:03:23] rescue missing after kraken blew up my station orbiting Kerbin [18:05:46] lost a pilot to reentry before I could get my rescue launch into orbit, 2 scientists to the sun, saved Valentina, now after the engineer :/ [18:05:57] before he slams into minmus [18:06:07] Hmm task manager says hdd access is 100% [18:06:28] mine says that a lot when the persistance file gets updated [18:07:39] It seems to be constantly at 100% though... [18:08:52] Draconiator I hear you like VTOLs https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/404698816072384524/20180121190517_1.jpg [18:10:34] But no red lines on the MemGraph [18:32:25] youtube sends your first ad check for earning $50. I better get that last 53 cents before I get cut off from ad revenue on Feb.20! https://i.imgur.com/g4qKNGw.png [18:39:02] sounds reasonable to me [18:40:05] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:40:59] I've got a lot of unedited GoPro footage lying around so I'll probably just upload some clips of that 3x a week [18:41:03] should get me over [18:42:55] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:51:47] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:00:07] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/404711679817940993/unknown.png [19:05:18] I think you're missing something [19:06:01] tail rotor??? [19:08:51] why do the landing skis have wheels on them [19:11:43] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:15:21] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD2xXNg_Vy8 [19:15:21] YouTube - Too Many Zooz [19:19:17] tawny, I think those are used to move the heli around on the ground when its not running [19:19:30] oh huh, neat [19:31:32] the wheels can jack down a little, since they sit under the center of mass, its easy to balance the heli, and move it around. Otherwise, they need to have a seperate dolly system.. [19:32:06] fluburtur which sim btw? [19:32:21] IL2 [19:33:48] ah cool [19:38:28] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:42:18] hola [19:42:24] no 1.4 yet? [19:45:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/404723066174832641/26992045_2440626312829689_8361778057055973723_n.png [19:46:01] you disgust me [19:46:39] You monster [19:47:40] which end would you start at? [19:48:09] don't fear the bannana [19:48:27] eh.. I usually just snap it in half.. the peal [19:48:34] .. then peal [19:52:11] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:54:07] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:57:22] anyone remember that sounding rocket that had an ion generator near the nose to reduce drag? I am trying to look it up but can't find much info [19:58:27] http://www.esa.int/esapub/hsr/HSR_38.pdf [21:06:51] anyone knows if amazon writes what is in the package on the paper? [21:37:32] Flub, I get stuff from Amazon all the time, no they do not. [21:38:35] ok good [21:46:44] so 4 Juno engines in VTOL config can lift about 6.1 tons. [21:47:25] you seen the one I made? [21:48:17] No I haven't. [21:48:53] I tagged you [21:49:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/404698816072384524/20180121190517_1.jpg [21:55:41] Ooooh you got it with just 2? [21:57:09] how bad of an idea is a taildragger in KSP [21:58:39] yeah but it has like 60 units of fuel [21:58:43] otherwise it's too heavy [21:58:51] Not bad at all if you're going for an old plane. [21:59:05] https://i.gyazo.com/4502fb8f356bb6ebee02a38b402cb963.png - still trying to perfect mine [21:59:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/404756816245817344/20180121224255_1.jpg [21:59:19] my wing layout and CG make anything other than a taildragger impossible [22:01:55] oops broke off my wingtip on a water tower [22:54:15] hmm... mini rocket launching... [22:58:15] leaving StackOverflow tabs open on chrome for a few days causes massive memory leaks o_o [22:58:55] https://i.imgur.com/yhfHSWK.png [22:59:06] 142% cpu usage as well [23:23:58] I was entertained to learn that taildragger gear is "conventional landing gear" even though it hasn't been the convention for quite some time. [23:24:15] Conventional in what sense? [23:25:46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conventional_landing_gear