[00:16:35] hehehe [00:17:09] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:11:11] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:27:36] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:27:45] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:44:44] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [01:44:44] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:35:39] Action: darsie 's gas station on Minmus: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot110.png [02:50:56] Had to split the departure burn over three passes since the Spark is so weak. [02:51:21] But fine for landing on Minmus. [04:03:25] Bwoop [04:03:41] . [04:08:20] It’s amazing how many active buildings still have lead paint, asbestos, and other toxic & dangerous stuff [04:22:25] Mercury lamps. [06:39:40] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Judge_Dedd' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [08:46:50] originally spacex wanted to do it with the heavy [08:47:22] FH, according to Wikipedia, can deliver 18 tonnes to Mars [08:48:14] Sorry, 16.8 [08:49:40] They were going to use an uncrewed variant of Dragon v2 called Red Dragon [08:50:58] It was going to land propulsively using its thrusters on a one-way mission. [08:52:09] i thougth we were talking about trip around the moon [08:53:20] Oh sorry, my bad [08:53:37] I must have gotten confused reading the scrollback [10:54:45] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:03:23] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:05:14] hmmm, electron with nrol-151 [16:05:23] is it from the second launch site? [16:06:06] no, still the first [16:06:38] smol unamused octopus? [16:07:09] i didnt expect a secret american satellite launch from new zealand [16:07:34] 5👀 [16:08:33] https://twitter.com/RocketLab/status/1219322856925851648 [17:10:45] Althego: maybe a dummy sat or something unimportant to qualify the rocket? [17:52:48] time flies [17:52:57] not here [18:07:11] time flies like a Kerbal rocket [18:08:27] sometimes backwards, sometimes exploding? [18:09:18] "Rapid Acquisition of a Small Rocket contract" - that sounds dangerous [18:15:59] yes, you might gt a paper cut [18:37:40] oh no [18:37:41] https://twitter.com/NASAInSight/status/1219665067320365056 [18:42:32] well, i guess it is a learning experience [18:42:48] the next one can be better [18:58:26] not again