[00:10:58] bwoop [00:11:51] . [01:27:38] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:54:37] Bwoop [06:55:00] O jeeze am I already here? [06:55:38] Yes, yes I am. [06:56:17] Nite, all! [06:56:26] lol [12:49:57] jeb and bob have returned from duna! [12:51:20] Action: UmbralRaptop declares Duna kraken-free [13:07:31] do you have screenshots Flayer? [13:07:37] nah [13:07:41] I'm always interested in rocket designs [13:07:53] last time I went to Duna I managed to get Bob stranded [13:08:01] and the rescue mission put him in orbit of the sun… [13:08:06] it was a pretty standard apollo design, although constructed out of two launches [13:12:15] Action: darsie 's gas station on Minmus: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot110.png [13:12:25] Had to split the departure burn over three passes since the Spark is so weak. [13:12:31] But fine for landing on Minmus. [13:15:05] Landing was a bit rough, but the wheels handled it well. [13:17:11] Stupid me didn't want to support the brakes with a burn to slow down the rolling vehicle to save fuel. Forgot it has a refinery :). [13:17:30] lol [13:23:07] i need a duna-to-orbit fuel transport i think [13:25:28] Did you use the dv map to plan your return missions? [13:25:54] i dont know what that is, so i doubt it [13:26:04] It's in the topic. [13:26:12] https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png [13:27:43] i just did it by feel/overkill [13:27:57] "overkill" which turned out to be just enough with some aerobreaking [13:27:59] darsie: I fear you have to explain what dV means ;) [13:28:06] Fluburtur! [13:30:13] Fluburtur: what are you up to lately? [13:30:33] I always think at you when I visit my parents. There's still so much stuff for you there ;) [13:32:42] dv (or correctly Δv) is the change in velocity you can achieve with a rocket: Δv=v_e*ln(m0/m1). v_e=exhaust velocity=Isp(specific impulse)*g(~9.81 m/s2). m0=initial/wet rocket mass, m1=final/dry rocket mass. [13:34:04] Flayer: ^ [13:34:29] well i have no idea what any of that means [13:34:34] but i am aware of 'dv' [13:34:53] its the numbers on the left [13:34:54] To get from LKO to the Mun you need to increase your speed by 860 m/s, according to the dv map. [13:35:25] Flayer: Don't be scared of what I wrote. Read it slowly. [13:35:43] i'm not scared, just not that interested [13:36:17] But you don't actually need to know how to calculate it yourself, since recent versions of KSP do it for you. [13:36:25] exactly! [13:36:49] Δv=v_e*ln(m0/m1) is a quite simple formula, though. [13:37:05] before understanding the physics, my journeys always were a failure [13:37:12] now it's still the same, but I know why :p [13:37:17] :) [13:37:18] tee-hee [13:38:23] i feel like going to the supermarket and getting a big box of peanut butter candies [13:38:34] but i'm not sure if they will even have them [13:40:29] sounds like diabetes [13:43:32] Rather than making rockens by feel/overkill, I prefer to make calculated minimal missions, like this one way trip to Duna: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot104.png [13:43:50] Sometimes I'm not sure if it works out and test it. [13:44:06] i doubt i would be able to get that into orbit lol [13:44:38] also my kerbonaut would be doa [13:47:08] already saw that screenshot :) [13:48:58] Flayer: Do you use a life support mod? [13:49:04] yus [13:49:07] ok [13:50:34] I could have used only one Oscar B tank, I think and used the jetpack for the remaining dv. But this way was more convenient. [13:52:46] I'll start the next career without life-support mods and go back to the good old ways. I've been using Tac-LS before and now Kerbalism which is frustrating me a bit with its time-warp weirdness [13:53:13] i got snacks cause its nice and simple [13:53:36] Kerbals are plants. All they need is Sun :). [13:53:50] pacifist orks [13:53:51] nah, my kerbals are underground dwellers [13:53:54] Maybe some tardigrades to turn the oxygen back to CO2 :). [13:54:59] Flayer: Get some artificial lights, then :). [13:55:56] Urist Kerman [13:58:14] Admittedly, it took some trial and error tuning to get this and other rockets to work. [13:58:57] Those are declared simulations. [14:01:00] Like, I tilt the rocket so it flies just too low, so I have to fly straight for a certain while (e.g. till I reach a certain speed) before switching to prograde hold. [14:05:38] That reaction wheel is in this position cause it counterbalances the seat that has to be off center to fit the horizontal Kerbal in the fairing. [14:07:02] in better news [14:07:08] it appears my toothache has been resolved [15:09:01] What are the rules, they are blocked for me [15:17:21] The rules are offline. [15:17:32] there's one that says 'no cursing' i think [15:17:57] the tinyurl should probably redirect to https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/guidelines/ but instead it links to an archive.org copy [15:19:02] mothership. drives offline [15:39:35] ah, driveby questions [15:40:41] returning customer [15:40:57] asking questions and leaving after 5 seconds? [15:42:06] why bother asking the question if they dont wait for the answer? [15:42:26] why bother asking yourself that question? because people :) [15:42:39] because science [15:50:40] self playing banjo [16:20:00] Why are humans like that? [16:36:10] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:54:27] reminds me of the time a woman and her child asked me which train goes to nyc from trenton, to which i replied "this one does, and the next one, but the next one is an express, so it gets in quite a bit before this one" [16:54:38] they thanked me then boarded the local [16:55:12] express pulls in 5 minutes later, i board, ride, get out at newark for my routine switch to PATH [16:55:38] train comes in on track 1 while i'm texting with my girlfriend at the time [16:56:01] (trakc 1 is connected to the PATH system across the same platform) [16:56:28] lady and kid come off the train, look at me like i have 3 heads [16:56:35] cikin separated? [16:56:38] yeah maybe i knew what i was talking about after all :P [16:56:39] colon [16:56:45] (because PATH) [16:57:51] its a system that connects hudson county with new york county across the hudson river and operated by the ny nj port authority hence PA TH port authority trans hudson [16:58:47] anyways, i was a nyc tour guide for 6 years and i can confirm that people are a pain in the buttocks [16:59:01] myself included [16:59:04] :D [16:59:12] hehe [16:59:39] i am quite sure neanderthals were better people, but we killed them all, so we are the surviving evils [17:00:06] we have some of their genes [17:00:22] so now we can have orange or red hair .. and wear jeans? [17:00:44] darwin's hunger games [17:01:51] still ongoing [17:01:55] cognitive bias [17:02:08] doesnt end as long as there are living things on the planet [17:02:41] i think some people when they drive use cognitive bias ply tires.. they just have way less control and are inferior handling [17:04:18] The problem with thinking is: You've got to have time and energy for that. Our modern society deprives us from both things. [17:06:41] how so [17:08:00] Well, not you and my obviously. We both have time to hang around in this channel and chat all day [17:08:09] but look at the rest of society [17:08:09] hehe [17:08:19] I could use a project, though [17:08:27] not earning any money in January hurts my feelings [17:08:29] technically i am here all day, but not really listtening [17:08:46] but you dont have a boss [17:09:22] and also no money to buy me nice things :P [17:09:54] well, I need not only nice things, but to replace a few things here [17:12:37] Worst part is that I'm waiting for two companies to give me a call. If I have to wait any longer I'll start looking for new projects [17:13:18] "ring ring, why dont you give me a call?" [17:16:19] Tomorrow I'll bother the first one :D [17:24:57] I'm a bit sad that there are so few tandem rotor helicopters [17:46:22] ill can confirm that in a bluecollor/industrial job industrial automation killed a lot of thinking time, because you have to pay attention to something without having anything to do most of the time, [17:53:07] also often the "free" time you gain when a process gets automated is used for more low skilled work like hauling [17:54:32] worse, excel sheets :) [17:54:44] the biggest lie in moden history. it doesn help anybody [17:55:21] :) [17:57:59] hehe i remember we were often hunting with the siemens support guy suitable wooden parts behind the warehouse for the air cushion floatation thing [17:58:34] You mean the Siemens Lufthaken. [17:58:36] :P [17:58:45] i wish i could use excel for the planning steps in my daily parts list i have to do, but half of the people that work at thos machines dont have computers at home [17:58:51] hehe no [17:59:23] anyway working in factories is one of the biggest waste of time [18:00:37] so elon wants people on mars until 2050? isnt that way later than he originally planned? [18:00:49] some people are made for it though, but general there is no personal development to be had [18:01:08] exactly [18:01:12] 2050 is even later than nasa [18:02:26] maybe i should watch thevideo to see what he meant by that [18:02:34] maybe colonists, not just people [18:02:41] yeah [18:03:43] Mat2ch: The problem with thinking is that it requires too much order. Entropy will win in the end [18:07:45] one time a apprentice said to me "i feel like people here can only do things fast and not good anymore" i could only nod to him... kind of sad [18:09:15] you didn't have the time for a proper answer and had to do it fast? ;) [18:09:16] so next starlink is on friday [18:10:14] packbart exactly [18:11:02] hehe [18:11:22] how will starlink be priced? is that out yot? [18:11:25] yet [18:11:27] I can already feel the howls of astrophysicists on another channel [18:11:33] hehe [18:11:37] already? [18:11:39] Tank2333: both customers share the costs [18:11:41] liek the famous obi wan quote about alderaan? [18:11:45] i thought commercial usage of starlink was years away [18:11:54] probably [18:12:11] i dont remember but they need few hundred to start making any use of it [18:12:19] and that is only for tests [18:12:29] and thousands for any commercial usage [18:12:44] they want what, 12000? [18:13:07] +3000 from oneweb [18:13:16] is that the amazon thing? [18:13:24] I wonder how many StarPing sats China is going to want to launch [18:13:26] and amzon will get onto that band wagon too i guess [18:14:03] supposedly with starship they can launch 400 at one time [18:15:03] they should name the first one "jefferson" [18:15:12] why [18:15:51] starship i pretty far out i think [18:16:09] they need a few years for that [18:16:19] it is very much in the early stages [18:16:38] i think if they can make it to comercial usage in 5 years they were really fast [18:17:07] maybe they have to ditch the stainless steel in situ building [18:17:12] why? [18:17:14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKHiRxaq2lQ [18:17:51] :D [18:18:25] they played bowie, why not jefferson starship? [18:19:03] plus its pretty fitting of spacex [18:19:10] arent they somewhat off? [18:19:13] building a dream etc [18:19:17] with the pitch [18:19:33] it's polychromatic [18:19:46] it sounds disturbing [18:19:59] polychromatic, jeez [18:20:11] even chromatic sounds bad [18:20:31] most choral work is polychromatic, as people have differing vocal timbre [18:21:32] but they dont sing half a halfstep notes from each other [18:21:59] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWPG1W2r_VE [18:22:48] ah elon wants 1 million people on mars by 2050 [18:22:53] that is a city [18:23:10] a city is 10000 [18:23:17] by name [18:23:19] one million is a small country [18:23:29] we built this city? [18:23:29] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:23:35] i wouldnt feel good in a city with 100k people [18:24:03] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtM3jjLP7AE [18:24:07] :D [18:24:34] to small? [18:24:38] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:24:43] yes, too small [18:25:24] we built this city on rocks & soil [18:25:37] 100k is a good size, you still have cultural things going on with 50 below it gets realy boring :) [18:26:34] but the smaller the city the nicer the people [18:27:37] ahahahahah [18:27:45] in the villages around here if the employees in shops have a very good modd in general [18:28:06] -if [18:28:29] good modding comunity :) [18:28:40] I'd suggest that you need >500k to have interesting restaurants barring cities that make culture a big deal [18:28:43] dont you remember? We built this city! We built this city on rock & soil! [18:29:05] Anyway, 1e6 people to Mars in 30 years is, uh, [18:29:15] make it 20 [18:29:25] how many of them alive? [18:29:28] because you need to get the whole thing going, that is at least 10 years [18:29:33] if not 20 [18:29:37] lol [18:29:48] okay, 91 to 137 people per day [18:30:09] not a big deal if you have hundreds of starships [18:30:17] but this name is really dumb [18:30:35] could have named it the silver rod of joy :?) [18:30:37] How many launch windows are there between now and 2050, anyway? [18:30:51] 2 [18:31:04] isnt it 2 years 2 months? [18:31:17] Something like that [18:31:54] around 13? [18:31:59] maybe 14 [18:32:14] call it 14 windows, including the one *this year* [18:32:42] and lose around 4 of that [18:33:05] Yeah, so on the order of 100k people per window [18:33:10] so make it 10, which means 100k people in each window? [18:33:21] that is an exodus [18:33:50] transport the colonists in dehydrated form, melt ice on Mars to resurrect them [18:33:56] Why say 1 million instead of a plausible 10s, optimistically 100s? [18:33:56] hehe [18:34:01] like water ebars? [18:34:08] yes, I've listened to the first Trisolaris (audio)book [18:34:09] Action: UmbralRaptor gestures at Antarctica [18:34:26] human-tardigrade hybrids! [18:34:51] i get reminded of startrek discovery... please no [18:35:09] hehe [18:35:21] Haven't seen that one [18:35:24] we live in a time when start trek is not star trek and star wars is not star wars [18:35:38] i was never a doctor who fan, but voount that in too [18:35:39] So, 40k movies when? [18:35:40] hauling water bags is so inefficient. the future are travelluing virtual minds in computer bays [18:35:52] Action: packbart likes The Culture, too [18:35:57] also jumanji is not jumanji anymore [18:36:13] jurassic park too [18:36:32] Feathered dinosaurs when? [18:36:37] and a Matrix reboot is in the making i heard... [18:36:42] just no... [18:36:56] UmbralRaptor never [18:37:07] i would love that though [18:38:36] the amount of francises hollywood has tried to reboot and turned into garbage is mind boggling [18:39:55] no worries. KSP 2 is going to be great [18:40:00] its if they only want to make money and dont care about the art.. [18:40:14] i hope so :) [18:40:15] continuing my though, supposedly the upcoming dune is going to be good [18:40:50] i tell you what, princess bride remake [18:40:59] at least there was a rumour about that last year [18:41:06] why would anybody want to make that? [18:41:16] ok, money, but it can only be a failure [18:42:48] Sissi! [18:42:51] not sure i evene know that movie [18:43:00] im up for sissi [18:43:15] watched the 3 movies with a freind lately :) [18:44:01] but i guess it would have 20 minutes of mindless action scenes at the end [18:48:59] hehe nerd question, did intel or boeing had the worse year in 2019? [18:50:25] I'd say Boeing. Intel is still selling chips and can't be tied directly to any deaths [18:50:46] same [18:51:00] (probably not counting missile CPUs) [18:51:20] doubt those are intel [18:51:54] Hm. Boeing doesn't make any ground attack aircraft, right? [18:56:30] did any of you get that yt ad about a social business something site with the grey haired guy with the fat head? a friend of mine told me that was alec baldwin. i was like, whaaaat [18:59:33] Action: UmbralRaptor has been running adblockers for ~15 years, so no [19:01:02] anyway it was shocking to see the difference to the image i had of him in my head. it was so big i didnt recognize him. this also means i am getting old too [19:05:34] Action: transit1 noms tuna sandwitches & apple juice [19:47:37] Test [19:47:41] O good [19:48:07] o not good [19:48:13] or rather x not good [19:50:06] ❌⭕ [21:35:17] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o raptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:38:56] Can we remove rule "Changing the subject of conversation in a thread without a natural tie to the topic at hand;" ? [23:40:10] Is this the international section? [23:45:36] For IRC purposes? [23:45:41] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o raptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:46:08] We've, uh, been stuck with that for ages for no good reason, and politely ignore it [23:51:12] "in a thread" doesn't sound very IRC relative [23:51:54] or were the IRC rules written by someone with more forum moderation experiences than IRC? lol [23:52:08] The former [23:52:23] makes sense then :P