[00:30:02] https://imgur.com/a/EZkRv [00:30:35] there you go ve2dmn [00:34:11] seems there is a problem with the mod the uses RPM, but not RPM itself... [00:34:29] Either that or your install is... corrupted somehow [00:34:31] like what [00:35:01] like like Aset Props [00:35:24] well aset props need rpm to work [00:35:55] yes. but if Aset prop is not installed correctly, RPM won't know what to do with thoses models [00:36:10] or amybe a version conflict of some sort [00:36:14] so is there a correct way to install aset [00:36:34] No clue if that one is even the source of the problem [00:36:40] (it's just an example) [00:37:24] Well, I got tired of installing everything manually, so I usually use CKAN to maintain the mods for KSP [00:37:42] so what is ckan [00:37:53] Mod manager for KSP [00:38:20] https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154922-ckan-the-comprehensive-kerbal-archive-network-v1226-guiana/ [00:38:59] When it works, it works great... [00:40:04] so how do i move the mods that i have installed ove to ckan [00:40:24] make a list of stuff you installed [00:40:57] where [00:41:05] on paper [00:41:18] And then either move you KSP install to a new location (like a backup) [00:42:07] how [00:42:08] and re-downlad a fresh version from Steam, point CKAN to the new one and install [00:42:31] how [00:43:13] Using the windows File explorer? [00:43:57] I don't want to tell you to delete your install of KSP and re-install everything without making a backup first [00:44:22] VERY IMPORTANT there. [00:44:38] And since KSP don't have any kind of DRM, you could keep several copies around, each with a different sets of mods [00:44:38] can i do a backup through steam [00:44:50] I still can't run the latest version with the mods I have without it crashing on load. [00:45:08] Just copy the folder and paste it somewhere else. [00:45:12] ^ [00:46:03] im moved the copy to my desktop is that good [00:46:59] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRoKhjhu08Q [00:46:59] YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - How To Backup Your Old Versions On Steam [00:47:17] Good old Scott Manley video to the rescue :D [00:50:17] i got a new backup made now what [00:51:41] 1) Download CKAN, try to run it see what happens [00:52:10] 2) Once you are confortable with what it does and how it works, notice that it won't change any mods you install manually [00:52:36] CKAN is giving me cert errors, even after I ran mozroots - did their cert expire or something? [00:52:52] lordcirth: really... *sigh* [00:53:13] CKAN's normally pretty great [00:53:19] do i launch kerbal from ckan [00:53:29] Sly___, I do, you may as well [00:53:29] and my mods will show up there [00:53:56] yes... [00:54:04] check date, time, timezone settings to be sur eyou ahve those all right. certs rely on date and time a lot. [00:54:26] Azander, yeah I know, I've got ntp, time is accurate. Thanks though [00:54:44] Sly___: but I would delete the mods and let CKAN install them once you are confortable with it [00:55:03] Azander: it fails on a github url... [00:55:17] I doubt github has issues.... [00:55:44] so i deleted the mods now how do i make ckan install them [00:56:15] run ckan [00:56:30] i have it running [00:56:47] but krebal is not open [00:57:04] of course... you never used a mod manager before? [00:57:16] no not for kerbal [00:57:47] It does what the name says [00:58:08] It does all the mod management for you [00:58:26] yeah but should i run kerbal and will my mods show up or what [00:58:46] you simply tell it which mods you want and it automatically fetches them and install them for you [00:59:13] where in filter by mods in ckan or where [01:00:14] do you see this? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/master/Screenshots/ckan-main-1.22.1.png [01:00:34] yeah [01:01:06] well. normally you just check the mods you want it to install, and click apply changes [01:01:38] okay so i have the mods in my gamedata folder now how do i put them into ckan [01:02:05] wait... stop [01:02:32] say, you want "[x] Science!" mod [01:02:46] okay [01:02:57] you just check the box, click apply and CKAN does EVERYTHING [01:03:11] i have nothing in my ckan [01:03:26] empty list? [01:03:33] yes [01:03:39] *sigh* [01:03:52] why did it have to break NOW of all times.... [01:04:00] Action: ve2dmn shake fist at the sky [01:04:42] well what now [01:04:52] gimme a second [01:05:06] okay [01:10:11] yeah, CKAN broke like 3h ago: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154922-ckan-the-comprehensive-kerbal-archive-network-v1226-guiana/&page=35 [01:10:43] sorry Sly___... I tried. I really did. [01:11:52] so will it be back up tommorow or no [01:12:48] yes [01:12:56] (in theory) [01:13:51] for anyone else interested in the issue, it's https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/2293 [01:14:05] so when its up hopefully will a list of mods show up and will that message go away of the initialization error, check configuration for rpm [01:15:09] and you'll be able to install 300 mods if you want to [01:16:35] so will there be no errors with the aset mod conflicting with the rpm mod correct anymore [01:17:23] normally CKAN does all the figuring out for you. You tell it you want Aset, and it propose to install RPM [01:18:10] lordcirth, Azander: github.com turned off TLS 1.1 today. It was annonced 1 year ago [01:18:39] yeah, lots and lots of places are doing that this week, and next :/ [01:19:07] that and this happened today: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/7zdoq3/warning_sudo_npm_will_chown/ [01:19:20] 1.1? I thought 1.1 was ok still [01:19:44] hmm. Tourist wants suborbital flight over the north pole. I think I'll put her in a polar orbit. [01:20:27] just need to do a bit of the circularization burn after she notices she's there. [01:21:06] lordcirth: yes, but not all ciphers... so it's easier to turn it off [01:21:38] Ah I see. Ok, so apparently you need Mono 4.8.0 or better for TLS 1.2 support [01:21:47] Source: http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2017/Nov-20.html [01:21:47] so has anyone got ckan to workl [01:22:11] I apparently have on Ubuntu 17.10 here [01:22:27] so how do u get ckan to work [01:22:54] I didn't plan to recover my upper stage, but I'm following it around in FMRS to make sure it burns up. Because I just realized it has over 400 units of unused monoprop, which probably isn't overly healthy if it hits intact. [01:23:17] lordcirth how did u get ur ckan to wok [01:23:32] Sly___, I didn't yet, working on it, read my comments [01:23:48] oh i thought you did [01:24:11] Sly___, are you also on Ubuntu? [01:24:46] no what is that [01:24:52] lordcirth: pretty sure Sly___ is on windows [01:25:11] Sly___, then any solution I find won't do you much good [01:25:19] yeah thats correct windows master race [01:26:00] lordcirth: I use everything, so if you have a solution, I'm curious [01:26:05] "master race" that doesn't know what else exists :P [01:26:28] ve2dmn, tl;dr on Linux you need Mono >= 4.80 which you get from the Mono Project repo [01:26:45] But I'm suspicious of installing a 16.04 repo on 17.10 [01:27:27] eh why not [01:27:54] don't break you system... [01:28:02] Well, it's mono, not glibc [01:28:15] ...I don't work in tech support for Servers anymore and I'm having flashbacks [01:28:17] worst is I break ckan and wine [01:28:47] If you do, I'm break out the Wine and drink in your honour [01:29:13] distros are *really* behind on Mono! the Mono project repo is at 5.8.0! [01:29:42] When I first played KSP on 16.04, I needed the repo to get > 3.0 [01:29:45] Mono mirror .NET and distros mirror the .NET apps... [01:32:46] lordcirth: looks like there is a pre-release that works: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/files/1750127/ckan.zip [01:33:35] ve2dmn, I don't see anything about TLS? [01:34:03] lordcirth: I'm reading https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/2293 [01:35:27] ve2dmn, ah, so we need *both* new enough libs, and ckan enabling it [01:35:52] I was hoping to sit down and enjoy the new Stellaris 2.0.... [01:36:07] Go ahead? :P [01:36:24] And that game has been on pause for a good hour now while I'm more interesting in TLS issues :D [01:36:49] ve2dmn, hey, so with mono 5.8.0, the CKAN version I had already just works [01:37:02] probably default to TLS 1.2 [01:37:08] http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561197994451548/ [02:02:28] Just trimmed my default starting modlist (as a .ckan file) down to 60 mods :P [02:06:17] down? [02:06:21] Which ones? [02:07:45] Well, I found out that Real Plume and Ven's kinda conflict, so I removed Real Plume + configs [02:08:28] I removed bluedog, because while cool it changes a ton of parts and maybe conflicts with vens? not sure. [02:08:43] Then a bunch of contract packs and other small things [02:09:03] What did you keep? [02:17:56] ve2dmn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h4rtrDBnqD/ [02:18:29] That's the list I start with, then add whatever key mods this install is 'for' [02:18:40] In this case, Sigma Dimensions, and Kerbalism-Continued [03:08:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [04:04:50] Is this chat active? [04:05:58] yes [04:06:07] just not particularly so at this moment [04:06:14] SicariusLeif: it depends entirely on the time of day [04:06:25] It'll probably kick up a lot when the DLC drops though. [04:10:17] DLC drop, like a mike drop [04:13:30] ballistic DLC [04:15:31] Makes sense, I have played KSP for a few years (very infrequently) but never looked into mods. Are there any "essentials" I should know of? [04:15:55] kerbal alarm clock [04:16:07] MechJeb... oh, wait, that hasn't been essential in a few years now I guess :p [04:16:21] (shameless plug) extraplanetary launchpads [04:16:37] Kalpa: MJ is essential if you want realism ;) [04:17:07] If you want realism, better look elsewhere than the Kerbol system then (in before: real sizes -mod) [04:17:26] I was meaning in how NASA flies missions [04:17:59] They flick 60s looking switches, r-right? [04:18:04] Like in all the movies? [04:18:10] Oh shoot, look at the time, I must be going -> [04:18:37] Kalpa: have MJ drive your bus! [04:21:29] Thank you, I want to start making more calculated rockets and going to see the other planets, I've only been to Mun and Minmus. [04:22:26] taniwha: Mechjeb is for cheaters duh [04:23:35] Kalpa: I like 6.4x KSP as a nice in between for Realism and ˇfun! But it doesn't really look nice when you're on a planet [04:23:40] I'm currently testing some new features in extraplanetary launchpads [05:07:20] has anyone complained about decoupler ejection force lately? I have a craft with 3 identical payloads, with the decouplers set to 100%, 10%, and 0%... and all three are ejected with the same force. [05:32:07] I've not noticed that, the DCs seem to correspond to the strength I set them at. [05:32:16] Are you playing on Vanilla? [05:33:51] Mods are KER, KJR, BetterBurnTime, PreciseManeuver, and DistantObjectEnhancement [05:37:36] disabling KJR seems to make a very small difference [05:40:33] Sometimes I just use docking ports [05:41:46] am really hoping to get no ejection force, just detachment... but my payloads keep flying off pretty fast. Using the smallest stack decoupler. [05:45:22] Dabeer: Is there any clipping? [05:48:33] not between the payloads and the mothership. mothership does have some parts offset, octo strut into cube strut [05:48:45] Hmm [05:48:53] Have a screen shot or clip of this? [05:49:33] trying to remove KER, if it still happens will upload a vid [05:56:23] ok have a clip, not sure how to share [05:57:23] Hmm [05:57:26] let's try this [05:57:27] https://nofile.io/f/zFjyKKAgxUR/Dabeer-DecouplerForceBroken.mp4 [05:59:21] meh, my bad, all three of those were 0%. trying again with 0%, 10%, and 100% [06:00:15] That looks pretty soft... though the camera shake is weird [06:01:52] I was expecting, at 0%, them to barely move [06:05:14] ok here's with the different forces... and it's barely different from the previous clip [06:05:15] https://nofile.io/f/OMG4EQqty4c/Dabeer-DecouplerForceBroken-0-10-100.mp4 [06:08:27] am I wrong to expect a 0% ejection force to basically just stop being attached, and let the payload begin to drift? [06:13:54] np [06:13:56] no [06:14:00] if there is no clipping [06:14:31] if the payload clips into the craft physycs will create a force on it to remove one object from inside an other [06:15:22] that, I get... but as far as I know, I didn't clip my payloads into each other or into the mothership [06:15:24] while there are no such forces before the decoupling, because a single craft can pass through itself [06:15:43] i can see the camera shaking characteristic for a situation like that [06:16:05] there may be things that are slightly bigger than they seem [06:16:49] ok I'll try a test tomorrow - a single payload, with a 0% force decoupler, and absolutely no clipping (although I'm 99.999% sure there's no clipping here already) [06:17:10] if you absolutely want no force [06:17:13] use a docking port [06:17:26] you can even stage them in current version of the game [06:17:31] and probably is lighter [06:17:36] doesn't a docking port require a port on both sides? [06:17:39] no [06:17:46] you need 2 ports for reconnecting [06:17:49] ok [06:17:54] but you can connect anything to a port in the vab [06:17:55] I'll give it a try [06:18:38] haha according to florida politicians, porn is a health risk and guns are not [06:18:53] I'll try it both wayss, and if I still get too much force with the 0% decoupler, I'll be back with a new video :) [06:18:59] thanks, all, and good night [06:28:08] Althego: that's bible thumpers for you [06:30:25] Althego: Why [06:30:28] are you bringing that up here [06:30:33] and taniwha I expect better [06:31:03] yeah, sorry [06:31:40] because it is insane [06:32:58] So are the Insane Clown Posse, but I see no reason why they or this should be in this channel [06:56:02] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Distractedman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:53:55] https://twitter.com/380kmh/status/966490618032738304 [07:53:55] <380kmh> https://t.co/LIzjS48VPe [07:58:20] Glass|phone, lol [08:18:13] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dozeman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [08:24:33] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [10:34:53] https://78.media.tumblr.com/71efc894f920d9732ffe2edecf8667dc/tumblr_p43zz9aZUg1rvmaqmo1_540.jpg [10:41:47] lol Fluburtur you linked that literally as I was clicking youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5_ZSnFDPRg [10:41:48] YouTube - How do birds learn to sing? - Partha P. Mitra [11:01:51] uh still no shipping info on my 3d printer [11:02:05] guess it's sitting somewhere waiting to get on a plane [11:18:57] Has anyone noticed an issue with FMRS? Specifically, I dropped a stage while simultaneously firing the upper one. [11:19:45] This blew up the decoupler on the lower stage, and while flying said stage, FMRS claimed the craft was destroyed (rather than re-root it, and allow the remaining parts to fly until burnup or impact). [12:11:18] wooo my uncle got my an airbrush! [12:43:57] Fluburtur: for painting your planes? [12:44:05] yeah [12:44:12] nice [12:44:38] will be very handy [12:45:30] https://78.media.tumblr.com/51a18f8e38b016ad57feddd6c49ab462/tumblr_mu6ezburzq1sjuprvo1_540.png [12:55:17] aeiou? [13:00:20] will have to learn to use the airbrush a bit but shouldn't be too hard [13:01:50] https://kep.cdn.indexvas.hu/1/0/1948/19488/194883/19488325_70756d44406eb8f9389e9b7658c6fd45_wm.jpg [13:03:26] birb [13:04:23] two face https://www.instagram.com/p/BdvAosKnDqG [13:04:51] printer was low on ikn [13:13:22] aren't they always [13:22:02] I should probably make a 3d model of my heli if I want to 3d print a scale fuselage [13:51:22] https://twitter.com/41Strange/status/966750484273836033 [13:51:23] <41Strange> Japanese Artist Y. Nakajima Turns Childhood Toys Into Post-Apocalyptic Survivors https://t.co/LAdVjKw5U1 [13:52:55] hello [14:08:54] https://78.media.tumblr.com/66660b8160dba302b29ffac5895aea0f/tumblr_ocsl90AaaM1v73tlxo1_540.jpg [14:16:20] nah that was fake [14:16:47] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QwRW148Jys [14:16:47] YouTube - Hawk throws snake at family eating lunch in Melbourne [15:11:38] Hello [15:12:20] hehe [15:12:26] most annoying bot feature ever [15:12:35] lot more annoying than mission was [15:12:58] Yesterday CKAN broke as I was trying to explain something to an unexperience user... [15:13:12] ...this morning our website broke during a training sessions. [15:13:15] ckan broke... the sound barrier [15:13:25] What have I done to deserve this [15:13:39] you live in quebec [15:13:44] isnt that enough [15:14:25] No comments because politics [15:14:54] i wouldnt say that is politics. it is just somewhat strange place [15:15:45] It turns to politics quickly because of historical reasons [15:18:32] Althego: if you want a history lesson, I can give you one. Nothing happens in a vaccum [15:19:07] Well... except maybe dust. Dust accumulates in vaccums [15:23:09] I mean... 'History lesson' is relative. It's only 400years worth of history. [15:23:10] Althego: Yes.. Because a bot saying Hello is so much worse than someone triggering ;mission every 30s [15:23:33] it is almost never triggered when it is needed, but when it is not needed [15:27:50] The idea was to try and stop Guest1234 users from just popping in [15:27:55] Didnt seem to help though. [15:27:58] Guests are the worst [15:28:06] yes, it doesnt say hello to the geust [15:28:11] but to me when i say hi to the guest [15:28:13] Huh [15:28:21] Action: TheKosmonaut throws knives at deddly [15:28:31] that is why i find it r eally annoying [15:29:37] https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/966706193560305664 [15:29:37] Tintin A & B will attempt to beam hello world in about 22 hours when they pass near LA [15:33:21] Althego: Did you ever ping Deddly about it? [15:34:08] why? it is obviously reaction to some key words. if the new guy doesnt say that it wont react [15:34:17] it is obviously working as iuntended [15:35:28] Althego: Wel he's the one that controls it, he meant for it to greet guests that just say hi [15:35:39] hi [15:35:40] reacts to hi or hello [15:35:43] somebody comes in [15:35:46] i say hi [15:35:50] reacts to me [15:36:04] You could suggest to him to have it specifically say hi to guests [15:36:17] As I *thought* that was his initial intention w/ it [15:36:20] or to people who recently joined [15:59:14] Althego: You build a micro surfboard so you can surf the microwaves. The nuclear bonds break apart. [15:59:23] hehe [16:16:15] https://i.redd.it/ti2d72heneh01.jpg [16:17:02] https://i.imgur.com/QWgACN9.png [16:17:36] https://i.imgur.com/yiEpRWR.png [16:18:14] nice description http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/171138611984/kerbal-space-program-making-history-expansion [16:18:22] basic tutorial even [16:23:18] Using an old 1GB flash drive for Readyboost, and it helps KSP load a LOT faster [16:31:00] Althego: isn't https://i.imgur.com/yiEpRWR.png one of the Steam profile background? [16:31:20] or am I mistaking it for one of the Civ5 backgrounds? [16:32:34] https://i.gyazo.com/6ec5347c92d92aacabd0a4429410cdea.jpg - Kerbal time capsule, hehe [16:35:11] i just took the links from tje lsp twitter [16:35:11] yeah, it reminded me of http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/items/8930/7edb27dbfffc7a8c646f1b46bfe2464f86b49931.jpg [16:35:17] *the ksp [16:35:21] (which is a Cvi5 background) [16:35:51] (my mistake) [16:55:48] can anyone help me see why my contract isn't completing? [16:58:27] Guest86996: did you look in the contracts app? [17:09:33] figured it out, didn't realize you could observer ground speed in addition to orbital speed, thx :) [17:11:06] but what's the contracts app? [17:14:52] there is this icon with a sheet of paper, some lines on it [17:14:55] that is the contracts [17:15:02] and if you look for the specific contracts [17:15:04] -s [17:15:12] then there are criteria there to be fulfilled [17:15:21] all must have a green check [17:15:48] yeah for sure I was eyeing that, I just couldn't figure why my speed looked right but it wasn't checking the box [17:16:12] yes it is confusing [17:16:13] then I realized you could click to alternate between orbital and ground speed [17:16:22] if you go high enough the speed indication switches to orbital [17:16:31] thanks for your help [17:16:33] but the contract is specified in surface mode speed [17:16:57] why is there no biome for the building roof of soe buildings? [17:17:16] administration sph and mission control doesnt seem to have one [17:18:41] I flew my canadair a bit today [17:18:46] managed to land it on water [17:19:06] and by land I mean fly so slow it's almost hovering then do a gentle stall into the water [17:21:43] also I flew the wing I broke yeserday but it flew kinda weird [17:24:18] also the ocean floor should have its own biome [17:24:26] or maybe even several based on depth [17:24:36] yes [17:24:42] my submarines need a purpose [17:24:54] i have like 3 weeks to finish this career game [17:27:23] Flub, did you get the plane I sent working? [17:28:05] didn't try it yet [17:33:59] i guess i cant really do anything now, have to wait until the next node [17:34:19] i wanted to collect the science for the ion and launch the moho probe [17:34:24] but i cant do that [17:57:20] https://youtu.be/yazrNKise8g [17:57:20] YouTube - 2014 0122 044536 081 [18:03:01] As usual a great landing. :D [18:03:27] I basically just stalled it on the water [18:03:38] it doesn't like to fly at medium speed [18:03:42] either low or fast [18:03:45] slow* [18:03:56] you should add some flaps [18:03:56] so landing on the river will be interesting [18:04:46] I can't really add flaps [18:04:54] I already used all the channels in my radio [18:05:04] and they would be too far behind the CG and that is bad [18:07:53] https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/H_5oBX_w4Uj6y09Z6uFO24QotyaAGInTcHYX1qM1STo/http/78.media.tumblr.com/c63606036c36c1c63cc966e65ae175c2/tumblr_p3fecq7Vm31qbi0ero2_1280.jpg?width=400&height=246 [18:15:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/416659414968434689/DSC_8453.MOV.Image_fixe001.png [18:21:39] hmm.. [18:22:02] someone somewhat local out to me had plans for RC planes.. he had neat little one for a Shorts flying boat [18:40:17] https://youtu.be/bhKinf8yNRU [18:40:17] YouTube - canadair "landing" on water [19:27:09] note, CKAN broke yesterday because of TLS-SSL issue. You'll need to download a new version [19:28:34] (Github disabled TLSv1.1 yesterday) [19:28:52] good [19:42:32] http://www.businessinsider.com/north-koreas-olympics-cheer-squad-allegedly-forced-into-sex-slavery-2018-2 - Yeeeeeeeep that's North Korea for you. [20:00:45] Draconiator: too much politics (and too sad :( [20:03:58] Mat2ch I got an airbrush [20:04:40] Fluburtur: yeah, nice! [20:04:59] so the canadair will finally get a paintjob [20:05:33] In yellow? [20:05:45] yellow and red yeah [20:05:46] with a touch of red? [20:06:12] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/FR_canadair.jpg/1200px-FR_canadair.jpg [20:06:25] probably less detailed but eh [20:06:28] you'll need an ID for the tail... [20:06:36] how about F-KSP1 ? [20:06:42] yeah [20:06:55] I planned on calling it the "super penguin" and drawing one on the tail [20:07:03] but I have like no airbrush skills yet [20:07:19] get a tux sticker for now? [20:08:22] eh [20:08:28] will wait to get good [20:15:10] Fluburtur: the nickname is the 'SuperScooper'... [20:15:19] I know [20:15:28] but mine doesn't look the least like a real canadair [20:17:25] You could name it 'Super-Soaker' [20:17:53] Or 'Super Canard' [20:18:49] eh [20:18:53] I could [20:18:58] bunch of ducks here [20:19:18] 'Cartoon Canard' [20:19:27] :P [20:21:51] eh super canard is more like it [20:22:02] but im very bad at drawing crap [20:34:29] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:34:37] Fluburtur: btw, if you want nightmares, look up how ducks have sex. [20:34:52] I already know about that [20:34:57] my plane won't have that feature [20:38:09] that would be even MORE scary [20:38:24] well I do plan on having a water drop [22:03:53] finally the moho probe is away [22:05:09] it was a complicated maneuver node to set up, because bob was also coming back from minmus (and from the sun soi) exactly the same time. and some few other operations in progress, and being a node that used all directions [22:07:31] And here I am struggling with an SLS replica... [22:08:03] the question it, will it exist in reality at all [22:08:16] The SLS? Doubt it [22:08:45] spacex is going to make it obsolete [22:09:39] Yup. But I find the design appealing. Don't get me wrong the Falcon is way cooler in what it does but there's something about the SLS. [22:10:24] i always disliked the sls [22:10:30] Why? [22:10:43] because it uses space shuttle parts [22:10:51] Fair point [22:10:54] and it is also disposable [22:11:08] ok, the rs-25 is a really efficient engine [22:11:21] I'm not quite ready to try recoverable stages in KSP [22:11:22] they it will just discard them [22:11:50] also it is an old design, maybe they could have come up with something better [22:12:11] the booster is also from the shuttle [22:12:13] the tank too [22:12:28] and thecapsule is going to have apollo era materials for heatshields [22:12:35] there was some progress since ten [22:13:23] the whole thing looks like a manageent decision, let's try to run the old shuttle factories running as long as possible [22:14:18] Mhmm [22:15:04] the rs-25 is fuel efficient but it's pretty intensive materials wise which'll be a problem if they ever try to get more than four SLS launches [22:15:09] I don't mind, though [22:15:19] because I find the odds of them getting to launch #5 to be very unlikely [22:15:23] https://www.dropbox.com/s/yuw941fszvl0sue/screenshot305.png?dl=0 [22:15:35] That's my 3.75m capsule SLS [22:16:26] 2.5m capule flavour https://www.dropbox.com/s/itxqrzpfvj7ix8t/screenshot306.png?dl=0 [22:18:27] Does seem 'odd' if you will that SpaceX is beating NASA/ULA at their own game. [22:18:29] strange thing is, in reality the 2 boosters have a huge thrust compared to the main engines [22:19:14] I don't rly like the aesthetics of the SLS, the narrowing width feels kinda off to me and the side boosters look so small [22:19:22] you did a nice job recreating it tho [22:19:40] or rather creating it, since it doesnt exist yet :) [22:19:51] but tyes, itt looks more or less lke the real thing [22:20:00] haha fair [22:20:12] maybe the boosters should bea bit longer since they are the increased length version [22:20:41] that said the later versions that don't narrow out like that do look nice [22:21:15] My original attempt I wasn't keen on...boosters were too big and the tank too long. The 3.75m one looks too dumpy in my opinion. Was going for an Orion-esque vehicle on top too [22:21:45] But it's been a right PITA so far [22:26:09] I built this for a trip to Duna. Based it off the Ares IV seen in a ST Voyager episode https://www.dropbox.com/s/7otk759gvj7xdz8/screenshot298.png?dl=0 [22:26:45] tawny: This is why I went to build an SLS. Thought it would be kinda cool IMO. My first SLS build can lift 110t to LKO. [22:26:58] nice [22:32:37] https://yourcountdown.to/the-expanse [22:33:27] Fluburtur: Can't come soon enough IMHO [22:33:36] yeah [22:38:59] are there any mods that do, like, procedural SRBs where you can change their height and thrust profile [22:40:14] yes. [22:42:32] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [22:43:07] Evening, Gentlemen. [22:45:06] That might come in handy for this damn SLS. Ha. Getting quite frustrated with myself for not being able to reproduce it in KSP well. [22:45:10] Evening Supernovy [22:45:12] brb [22:56:01] back [23:35:47] ryan2390: hello [23:36:05] Hello ve2dmn [23:44:05] It's been a fun few days... First NPM broke. Then CKAN. Then my own servers at work... [23:44:23] And in all 3 cases just when I needed it [23:44:58] Relatedly, OSX 10.13 breaks Astroikage [23:45:00] Er [23:45:08] AstroimageJ [23:45:34] bah. that's normal. OSX break stuff all the time [23:46:48] A few of the real good aps on OSX uses undocumented API, which break during an OS update [23:47:24] There was a real good article about this a few years ago... [23:49:16] but yeah. CKAN is broken. You'll have to redownload the new one is your does not update [23:49:46] Incidentally, the latest update means you'll no longer get app crashes when trying to render some Bengali and Telegu strings. [23:50:01] imagine that [23:52:51] if I remember correctly, it's not the first time that Apple stuff crashed because of Unicode [23:58:07] Hah