[07:47:09] how can I disable the windows 10 question while pushing shift? [08:02:00] hehe [08:02:44] ease of access [08:02:57] use sticky keys [08:03:06] allow shortcut... remove the check [08:36:36] thank you! [08:37:27] is there a still a difference between Mechjeb and Mechjeb 2? [11:42:43] hi, is it possible to change the language of mechjeb? [12:33:51] estorado: It's possible, but the only languages available currently are English and Chinese [12:33:55] estorado: See https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/tree/dev/Localization [12:35:00] If you're able to write a translation for another language, I'm sure the authors would find it useful [14:20:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [17:22:09] How can I change the language to Spanish to KSP [17:23:04] ? [17:23:26] i still dont know the answer. never used mechjeb [17:24:05] what is mechjeb [17:24:29] modcall [17:24:55] What up [17:25:03] hello [17:25:05] How can I change the language to Spanish to KSP [17:26:14] TheKosmonaut How can I change the language to Spanish to KSP [17:26:53] right click on the game's title in your Steam Library, select properties and under the 'Language' tab, select the one you want [17:27:05] aaaaa ok thanks [17:27:40] No problem [17:27:48] hehe it was just a similar question :) [20:51:53] octo+oscarb+2G antenne+2x100EC battery+2x ant engine -- why does it rotate like crazy is the reaction wheel in the octo is powered? [21:35:25] the early Okto has reaction wheels, the Okto 2 (slim) does not [21:37:06] yes [21:37:33] and it rotates when the reaction wheel is on [21:40:18] trim error? [21:41:11] Action: UmbralRaptor assumes that it's one craft in one situation [21:51:44] the craft is orbiting kerbin or the mun on high orbit [21:51:47] the same effect [21:57:15] there is half a tick spurious pitch if the SAS is disengaged and the reaction wheel is enabled [21:57:55] no effect from alt+x (assuming windows)? [21:58:26] Try to control X instead. [21:58:40] Don’t make an assumption there will be a window to do it. [21:58:51] You have to catch X by surprise. [22:01:06] ps - ax | grep KSP [22:02:12] not helping [22:02:31] blarg [22:02:58] I try with a pabe probe now in kerbin orbit [22:09:21] interesting [22:09:47] if I set the same vessel to a high orbit, wit doe snot rotate [22:10:10] I thought that the root part selection causes the error [22:10:51] this is a rocket with 3 tiny relays under a fairing, and the fairing is the root [22:11:50] simply cheating the craft to orbit, then detaching all probes is OK [22:12:16] if I launch the vessel normally, then the tiny relays rotate [22:12:33] I have 2 around kerbin and 3 around the mun [22:12:42] all rotates :( [22:14:30] kubi: Press your https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings#Modifier_key plus x. [22:15:41] kubi: Do you get the debug window with ctrl/shift+F12? [22:23:37] woo [22:23:41] it worked [22:23:56] and the modifier is right shift :) [22:26:23] thanks [22:27:12] now the question is how it got trimmed [22:32:02] the original trim equals pressing Mod+S 5 times [22:32:06] because you tried to enter physics timewarp while holding one of the control keys? [22:33:36] hmm [22:33:53] can be [22:34:35] I'm fighting this "bug" for years :) [22:34:55] merry christmas guys [22:45:39] Happy birthday, Isaac Newton!