[00:26:18] This is so annoying ... I'm trying to find an encounter a few orbits in the future and 1.8.1 flips between various orbits ahead instead of just the one I set :(. [00:29:00] And in the Minmus local view the encounter trajectory flips on and off if I change dv. [00:42:26] There, Ap and dummy maneuver 1 h apart, encounter 16 days later: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot102.png [00:46:22] thar she is, minmus [00:46:50] i got roughly 3000 dv to explore her [00:50:25] That's a lot. Orbit is ~150 m/s. [02:04:49] i'm trying to build a helicopter with the rotors [02:06:49] ...it is not going well [05:21:09] cray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cwep5pK0AI [05:21:09] YouTube - The Odyssey by Bill, Book 33: 'Nerv' only SSTO [12:09:23] it's a Christmas Wonderland https://camo.githubusercontent.com/e9ddffe8dbaaca99dd25b70c9e47ef5cf5d8d7b7/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e646973636f72646170702e636f6d2f6174746163686d656e74732f3334353238323931303932363134333439382f3635393132353530393833333335393337372f756e6b6e6f776e2e706e67 [12:09:29] ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190602-173-the-christmas-planet/ ) [12:09:33] weird image URL [12:53:12] well, i've gotten to the point where i can lift off in a 'helicopter' [12:55:59] i can do small hops... sometimes. [12:56:28] that is exactly what jpl can do... on mars [13:13:01] :) [13:13:07] In theory :). [13:13:31] Or shall I say hypothetically? [13:13:50] we shall see... in 2021 [13:19:40] packbart, that looks somewhat ...unsettling [13:19:49] also why are there trees on the water [13:27:04] Hmm, I could make a Duna helicopter ... [13:31:04] it is hard to even make a duna plane [13:31:09] believe me, i tried [13:31:21] I made a Duna lander glider. [13:31:22] needed many props to have enough thrust go generate enough lift on a huge wing [13:31:32] but that is for gliding [13:31:37] mhm [13:32:13] Issue was getting landing speed low enough to not break up. I settled for landing uphill. [13:33:57] drogue chutes [13:34:15] or rather biggest chute you can find, they stop you isntantly [13:35:42] Ok, but then I could just use a chute without a glider. [13:39:53] that decreases your landing precision [13:40:07] 1 [13:40:08] also landing purely on chutes on dna is not efficient [13:40:24] Yeah, needs a landing burn. [14:35:50] Hmm, I should be able to test a Duna helicopter in Kerbin's high atmosphere. [14:37:12] Hmm, different gravity. [14:42:44] drcrease mass [15:16:05] My helicopter levelled out at 486.8 Pa, so it would definitely fly on Duna (6755 Pa). http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot106.png [15:16:30] Unfortunately it doesn't fly stably when tilted. [15:26:17] hmm i have 37 science reports after transmitting [15:26:46] i could do one more run to the surface, but i'm not sure i'll have enough to bring the lander back to the mun station [15:29:46] Minmus? [15:30:10] yes [15:30:16] Why bring it back? [15:30:47] its part of the mission [15:30:54] Contract? [15:31:39] A contract is a contract is a contract (but only between Ferengi). [15:31:51] I only ever saw contracts to bring someone/something back to Kerbin. [15:32:13] What's the reason for bringing it to Mun? [15:32:37] to do more mun landings [15:32:51] hmm [15:33:01] Why? [15:33:08] For fun? [15:33:10] sure [15:33:13] k [15:33:29] So not to increase XP of crew, or for science. [15:33:36] also that [15:33:39] ok [15:34:19] You can jetpack from Minmus to LKO. [15:34:32] With careful aerobraking. [15:35:16] And taking science stored in a capsule, I think. [15:47:16] Is there roll trim? [15:47:31] in all directions [15:47:47] Didn't work for me. Had to stick E. [15:47:56] mod + direction. mod + x to turn off all trim [15:48:11] mhm [15:48:30] direction as in wasdqe [15:49:32] gotta try again [15:51:57] it moves rather slowly [15:52:04] so you hve to hold it for awxonds [15:52:06] seconds [16:00:16] wait, it is wednesday. wintergatan [16:00:30] there is something [16:00:48] It's Wednesday in Austria. [16:01:03] Maybe not in Japan. [16:02:52] just what is an ondophone [16:03:03] dunno [16:03:10] duck it [16:03:16] well it is in the video [16:04:10] In both the United States and France this led to a small market of receiver lines designed geared for jewelers who needed accurate time to set their clocks, including the Ondophone in France,[6] and the De Forest RS-100 Jewelers Time Receiver in the United States[7] The ability to pick up time signal broadcasts, in addition to Morse code weather reports and news summaries, also attracted the interest of amateur radio enthusiasts. [16:04:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AM_broadcasting [16:05:03] i can't eva home afaik because i can only carry one snack [16:05:26] Oh, you need to eat :). [16:07:06] so he mixed two obscure instruments, and called it like this [16:08:31] https://earlyradiohistory.us/1914ondo.htm [16:09:01] since he is building this instrumen now, it does not have a wiki page [18:09:44] irc for a game! [18:09:48] thats cool [18:09:56] hehe [18:10:38] then nothing happens for hours [18:33:39] :P