[01:13:10] man [01:13:14] the shape of water is a great movie [01:13:22] best I've seen in the last two days [03:42:54] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [03:44:18] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [04:42:39] https://i.gyazo.com/ff6493b4de9cf8946a8c7958420a429f.jpg - yep it's late and my brain is sorta mushy right now [05:38:58] yoo wtf https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000361.000020053.html [05:39:10] they surely picked an ...interesting design [05:41:45] I'm sure the 2 people in Thai channel that can actually read that are ebamored [05:41:50] What [05:41:53] In this* [05:42:03] And enamored [05:42:13] Action: TheKosmonaut stabs fingers [05:42:51] that won't make you type better you knosw [05:42:53] * know [05:43:02] damn that's contagious [05:43:03] TheKosmonaut, I wonder how many people in here can look at the pictures [05:43:21] the pictures are crap [05:44:04] Renders* [05:45:33] I don't get why they so desperately tried to make it as round as possible [05:45:59] I think maaaaaybe the particles of these linear RCS ports are a bit off: https://i.imgur.com/59Zbx54.png [05:46:11] close up and you can see where the ports are lol https://i.imgur.com/h16qujM.png [05:46:23] i'm using smokescreen though, so it's possible they're the culprit, will test [05:46:46] Needs to be way bigger [05:47:00] they..what? [05:47:11] tivec, I'm not sure how the situation is now but I remember in older versions RCS effects exploded in size when the framerate dropped [05:47:23] framerate was all in the green [05:47:27] tivec: they need to be like 100x bigger! [05:47:38] haha TheKosmonaut noooo [05:47:41] I want my RCS plumes to be visible from the ground [05:47:55] but they do need to be oriented correctly - considering that the linear RCS port is poitned the opposite direction lol [05:48:27] hrm, going to disable smokescreen and give it a shot [05:50:11] I do wish RCS plumes were more realistic [05:50:33] Where you'd see the poof float away or the particles sparkling against the sunlight [05:50:54] I wonder if you could make something like the humanity star visible from the ground as well [05:50:56] In other words, I want to have a fukushima style meltdown as I play KSP [06:07:08] nope, smokescreen's not the culprit [06:07:09] hrm [06:07:19] you mean run out of electricity TheKosmonaut? [06:22:16] Gasher_: I want my house to be called ground zero whenever I load KSP [06:23:02] or maybe you want a flooded basement? [07:33:05] hi there, getting back in KSP after like 1 year [07:34:27] I'm trying Kerbalism with DMagic, KIS, KAS, Engineering Tech Tree, SCANsat, and other various mods [07:34:58] however I see some new little features and I'm not sure where those are from [07:35:48] right now, I wonder what the toggle button "Quality: standard" / "Quality: high" means on some parts [07:37:26] ok never mind, just found out it was from Kerbalism :) [07:39:48] i think craft must be physics-loaded to be visible from the ground, so you'd have to extend the physics bubble to a huge range [07:55:12] not physics-loaded, there are several "loaded" states [08:48:35] unloaded, loaded on rails, loaded off rails [08:48:47] that's it [13:04:49] I'm playing with RemoteTech and the Root/Additive rule, RangeMultiplier set to 0.5 as per the manual. If I have two satellites with DTS-M1 antennae (25 Mm with the range multiplier applied), one in orbit around Minmus, and one in orbit around Kerbin, and they are both pointed at the target body (not satellite), will they connect? [13:05:50] the formula's Min(r1,r2) + Sqrt(r1*r2) [13:06:26] so formula-wise, they should connect, but will it work with them pointing at the bodies and not the sats? [13:21:58] tivec, As far as I'm aware, as long as either sat targets cause their field of view pointed vaguely to each other, they'll connect. [13:22:41] As in, one could point to Kerbin and one at the Mun, as long as their field of view cross each other they'll work. [13:22:49] yeah, i just wonder because i remember having some situations with no connection before [13:23:01] but that could have been other factors [13:23:15] i'll give this a shot, worst case i'll need a new sat setup for Minmus :P [13:23:45] Well if you're interested I have a overly complex script for maintaining comsat connections :v [13:23:55] ooh [13:24:01] https://i.imgur.com/EYEf17H.gifv [13:24:04] does it use root? [13:24:24] oh, kOS [13:24:32] I don't use kOS.. [13:25:23] It requires the vessels to be programmed in but I should consider a version that attempts connections if the equipment allows it. [13:25:29] Ah. [13:30:31] Anyways that script is a bit big for what it does. Mostly because of the UI fluff and sane inputing. [13:31:46] i could never get into kOS scripting. It *seems* nice and all, and I've seen some amazing things done in it, but... I'd rather have a lua/python based scripting system for it... Unfortunately, that's not easily doable [13:33:20] I tried at some point, but the modding API stomped down any lua implementation I tried :D [13:38:21] Many lines were made just so this input was fancy. https://i.imgur.com/jYPrbYx.gifv [13:38:49] Lorem Ipsum! [13:39:16] Indeed! [13:40:20] Special care was done just so you could put a stupidly long vessel name. [13:40:22] The 'hello World' of the editing world [13:40:29] haha [13:40:44] I still don't understand how you did the science collection thingy [13:41:05] I don't remember any 'take temperature measure' API in kOS [13:41:31] (I use [x]Science manually) [13:41:51] i would use x science but it is *oh so slow* [13:42:00] freezing on science collection, and biome change :( [13:43:35] ? [13:43:41] I don't have that issue [13:44:17] (only when I timewarp, but the slow down is because it tried to go from 10000x to 1x in 0.01sec [13:45:40] ve2dmn, In retrospect my script could loose a lot of code since I don't have to deploy the science every time. I could just have my script pen down which biomes it has been in and run all equipment when it notices it's in a new biome it hasn't been in. [13:46:10] I'll write up a revised version for your information. [13:46:40] yes, but what function do you use to tell the Gravioly to take a measure? [13:46:56] Action groups? [13:48:39] I have a 6day weekend comming up (I took a few days off) and I might dust off my kOS code to make it work with 1.4.1 [13:49:23] What I really need is to do a write up of the math behind the code, because I sometimes get lost myself [13:53:19] CarlenWhite: want to read my crappy code? It's mostly build to launch tourists to orbit and get them back. I was working on a rendez-vous script, but it's a lot of work to figure out the docking procedure [13:56:34] https://i.imgur.com/F4FGSxl.jpg [13:56:45] I wish I could get my interstage fairing colored the same as the rocket... [13:57:27] but i haven't found a mod that does it yet [14:10:51] Soon "©® 🅪 [14:14:45] Random fact of the day: 'Goodbye' come from the expression 'God Be With You' which was abbreviated in writing as 'GodBWY'. 'Goodbye' is thus a product of 14th century chat speak [14:30:31] tivec: is it non-trivial to add textures using the new texture switchers? [14:30:46] https://youtu.be/RvIeBeSeBWw [14:30:47] YouTube - bottleboat [14:31:08] no clue [14:31:19] mrcus, i mean, i mostly use procedural parts anyhow [14:31:45] tivec: The new thrust plates are _awesome_ though. Goodbye most of my procedural interstages. [14:31:56] oh? [14:32:17] mhm. Custom length and way less problems with parts clipping. [14:32:21] "custom" [14:32:28] are they stock? [14:32:37] Making History [14:32:52] got that one, but haven't seen the thrust plates... not sure what i'm looking for though :D [14:33:19] It's an interstage adapter that has a configurable amount of nodes for engines [14:33:25] interesting [14:33:33] texture switching too? [14:33:44] Not sure, but again, should be trivial to add, I think= [14:33:51] I'm at work, can't check [14:34:31] no problem, i'll search for them [15:14:29] I just told a lie: "I have read and accept the terms of service" [15:14:49] ve2dmn: That's how Take-Two gets your social sec. numbers [15:20:05] TheKosmonaut: joke's On them, they can't use it since it's a SIN and not a SSN [15:26:08] Contrary to the US SSN, Canadian Social Insurance Numbers works differently: It's illegal to ask for them [15:38:24] (in other words: you could commit fraud in my name without that number) [15:39:35] and yet ... I've seen application forms, usually for jobs, asking for them. Mostly for tax purposes [15:39:52] JCB: your employer can ask [15:40:51] I remember there were issues when people were being asked for their social media passwords and accounts. That was struck down as being unlawful pretty quick [15:41:57] Also in the past, had to have a certain number of 'followers' before even being considered... as well as using your social media as a means to promote your workplace.. >.< [15:42:25] haha, ask me for my social media accoounts :) [15:42:48] i dont have accounts :9 [15:43:00] none here.. just the one IM system now.. email [15:43:08] JCB: sounds like a bad place to work [15:43:09] er.. and email I mean.. [15:44:03] I wans't working there... just something I came across. I think it was back when social media was still just starting out. [15:45:24] Just some stuff I came across, remnants... I think its a little sad that, not considered 'normal' any more if you don't have some form of social media [15:45:30] I can understand in the case of... say... real estate agent. But outside of places where your identity is tied to your work (IE sales) it just sounds real bad [15:46:24] JCB: don't start. It's a waste of time [15:47:25] as it stands now, employers can't make it an obligation for employment that you have to use your own personal account to advertise the company... they should use their own account for that. There have been regulations now to put limits on what can be done, help protect both sides. [15:48:51] but anyways... its morning, not done full coffee yet.. been having troubles with my own life as it is.. [15:49:06] tell me abouy it :/ [15:51:39] Anycase... I thought I'd poke by.. taking some time to myself till end of the month.. felt like I was starting to neglect this place. :\ [15:52:15] Althego, counterpoint: IRC is social media ;P [15:52:24] doesnt need account [15:52:54] irc is social media in the same way telephone is [15:54:51] IRC is ancient. [15:58:37] by Internet standard ^ [15:58:58] Althego, it's true, but lots of social media doesn't (and you have one besides!) [15:59:00] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:59:13] Also I'm being a contrarian [15:59:39] IRC has outlived MSN messenger, AIM, XMPP, Orkut, and MySpace. [15:59:44] ve2dmn, This took longer than expected. https://hastebin.com/eboxotonox.sql [15:59:55] Also ICQ and LJ [16:00:25] UmbralRaptop: and countless others [16:00:50] CarlenWhite: you loss me at line 7 : SET KNOWN_BIOMES_FILE TO "1:/KNOWNRESEARCH.JSON". [16:01:02] Usenet forever? [16:01:26] Action: SnoopJeDi sighs at http://textfiles.com/ [16:01:36] I just noticed I goofed something. [16:01:41] SnoopJeDi: that 'sort of' died too... replaced by 10000+ forum softwares [16:01:51] ugh.. just cuz its 'ancient' doesn't mean its useless [16:02:10] ve2dmn, I wonder when we'll finally be rid of the phpbb hangover (or PHP in general) [16:02:23] Considering Wordpress, probably not for at least 5 years? [16:02:37] SnoopJeDi: things never really die 100% [16:02:41] Part of the code was a copy paste from my old one. Missed a few vars and strings that should be different. https://hastebin.com/elogivulor.sql [16:02:58] ve2dmn, BBS did :( [16:03:24] when they started talking about finding somethign to replace the mouse, like hand gestures.... because mouse tech is getting 'old'... eh.. [16:03:26] nope. There are places online that are still run by BBS software over telnet [16:03:59] Anyways, the string that has the file name is where to save the biomes the ship visited. Ideally when the ship enters a new biome, it'll run it's equipment to fetch science. [16:04:05] With appreciable traffic? The main feature is the users [16:04:22] ok sorry.. I seem to be pretty sour this morning for some reason. Not normally like this.. . . . . [16:04:23] And also prevent itself from running science again if it already ran it in that biome. [16:04:34] JCB: old != bad. new != good. The reason some tech survive so long is because they are simple and elegant. The reason people want to reaplce them is that they are too simple... [16:05:16] SnoopJeDi: users? I don't know. I would love to play BRE again [16:05:49] And noticed I'm not making used of the third item in the list for the modules. I was thinking of tracking if something was busy but realized the :HASDATA already suggests that. [16:06:33] ve2dmn, alas, it's slightly before my time. I remember them existing, but I was too young to conceptualize them properly or use them myself. Mostly remember my dad snagging shareware demos for me :) [16:07:34] Action: ve2dmn is a dinosaurs in the internet age [16:08:29] eh... replace them because they can? Some change is ok.. dramatic change can be rather harmful. There will always be that element of not knowing how it'll effect things in the end.. [16:09:57] constant dramatic change can be pretty dangerous, making it so not knowing where things will go, or what to expect. Some people say we are affraid of change. Perhaps, and sometimes with good reason [16:10:01] look at slack. What does it tries to do to replace IRC. Why is it working in some cases and other not working. [16:11:07] ve2dmn, This version of the script checks if it's in a new biome/body/status against a known list kept on the device. Ideally it'll run all science equipment on board when it's in a location that the ship hasn't visited. [16:11:12] Study that example and you shall have most of the answer [16:12:14] CarlenWhite: MODULE:DEPLOY() is probably what I was looking for [16:12:57] Or whatever invokes data. There's a few items that don't follow the ModuleScienceExperiment structure. [16:15:17] CarlenWhite: I have https://github.com/ve2dmn/kOS-Script [16:16:16] it needs more comments, but I have to finish the compilation of all files to KSM before I update the repo [16:20:07] If I can, I'll add your logic to my function (not the same code because it would probably not work well) [16:20:55] Which file? [16:21:13] CarlenWhite: also, in theory, with KSM you *could* write in any other language... you'll just need to write the compiler too :D [16:22:03] Huh. Yeah. [16:22:26] Probably take bits and pieces of https://hastebin.com/elogivulor.sql and put it into a need 'Science_functions.ks' [16:25:28] Wait it's possible to do `RUN "ScriptThatHasALotOfFunctions".` inside one script so you can run the functions in the other? [16:30:31] Welp I'm gonna head off to do things. [16:35:29] hmm air breathing ion engine [16:35:35] wha a nice idea [16:53:23] I should get an apointment to get my back fixed a bit tomorrow [16:53:55] good because it is killing me and I will be playing music next week and my bass is heavy as heck [16:55:36] face it, your back is probably screwed for life [16:55:59] I don't think it is yet [16:56:13] it's a bit screwed but it is usually fine [16:56:15] Althego Ya.. saw that too.. who knows where it'll go. Just another facet of tech to look into [16:56:28] but when I do physical effort it starts to hurt sometimes [16:56:29] it is only logical for leo satellites [16:56:39] they could stay in orbit forever [16:57:36] or for however long the hardware will keep working [16:58:25] I find it funny... 'air breathing'.. considering its in near vacuum.. ya I know particles but still... [17:07:37] why do jets in this game crap out before the intake air quantity drops to crap? [17:08:07] Why does my game keep crashing every few minutes the last few days? [17:08:10] =\ [17:08:41] yeah, I have too many mods, what of it? the stack trace I get goes to the core of Mono, not a mod. =\ [17:09:02] Difficulty providing thrust at high mach numbers? [17:09:04] Which jet? [17:09:06] Mono runs the mods and crashes [17:09:19] but which one? [17:09:29] so, the best way to figure out where your crashes are coming from is by binary selection [17:09:46] << mod count north of 70... [17:09:49] remove half of the mods and see if the problem is still present. If yes, procede, if not try the other half [17:10:09] this will get you the responsible mod in log n tries. :D [17:10:23] <- computer scientist. Knows what he's doing. Most of the time. :D [17:10:36] Mat2ch: *IF* it's not 2 mods interacting [17:10:51] ve2dmn: or three or four /o\ [17:10:54] I hate computers. [17:11:00] me too [17:11:07] Action: ve2dmn is a sysadmin [17:11:12] I blame the developpers [17:11:19] oh btw I might sell a few of my rc planes [17:11:27] or at least get some activity in the club [17:11:32] dad wanted me to be a computer tech.. I didn't have the heart. Wanted outdoors more, animals.. call me weird [17:11:40] Mat2ch Althego https://youtu.be/RvIeBeSeBWw [17:11:40] YouTube - bottleboat [17:11:49] << unemployed for 6 years, anyone want to trade me a ham sandwich for my diploma? [17:12:00] got a lot of peoples interested [17:12:29] I still have one of Ivan's plans for a plane.. I partially built, then eventually tossed due to damange from too many moves. :\ [17:12:35] AlonzoTG: I'll trade you a can of maple syrup for it.... but you'll have to pay for shipping [17:12:55] your ice packages look just like ours, but the sticker is different. :D [17:13:12] I would have gotten back to rebuilding it, but drafting table put into storage meant no place to build [17:13:18] I always wanted to build a ship out of a 1,5l cola PET bottle [17:13:32] ... water bottle rockets ;) [17:13:44] could work [17:14:39] needs some lead for the keel maybe, but it's almost waterproof ;) [17:14:55] eh the wide base provides enough stability [17:15:06] and I can put some water in the bottles if I want [17:16:43] Nice boat, Fluburtur, and it's nice to see people trying it out [17:16:46] I thought about a single bottle :) [17:16:59] Deddly yeah that was the point [17:17:04] gotta run shortly here.. but before go, was pondering something... [17:17:05] I wanted many peoples to try it [17:17:14] Way to go, man [17:17:20] I think it's great that you're doing this :) [17:17:21] I need to make new visit cards [17:17:26] you should put up a small donation box :D [17:17:34] heh [17:17:52] when it comes to landing sites, how much of a deal is having flat terrain for people you figure? [17:18:16] JCB, in KSP? [17:18:26] AlonzoTG: in what field? [17:18:27] JCB, are you making a mission or something? [17:19:33] ya.. KSP.. I looked at my other screen and realized I had a project I nearly forgot about for youtube [17:19:54] not really a mission... more a tool or something to help others [17:20:38] I want to make a screw drive tank [17:20:48] I could make such a thing amphibous [17:20:49] JCB, I think a flat landing site is very important for most people [17:20:53] the russian thing? [17:20:58] that goes through everything? [17:20:58] yeah [17:21:07] that's a cool concept [17:21:15] I wanted one since I was like 4 [17:21:18] but those screws look deadly [17:21:22] saw a toy one [17:21:30] I could make it 3d printed [17:22:32] Chrysler made one too [17:22:34] does not sound efficient to me - so all-terrain seems to be its only advantage [17:22:37] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5NsmZcLAdM [17:22:38] YouTube - Chrysler Corporation Advert 2 [17:23:06] Deddly ok thanks. I'll still need to do some planning, putting things together before putting out a test video. I've only two points currently, not even sure they are still relivant in the current ksp versions [17:23:20] eh it shouldn't use much power to move [17:23:28] since it will have a fairly high torque [17:23:33] kinda like a worm gear [17:23:38] anyways I have to go eat [17:23:52] someone looked at all that mud and thought "screw that!" [17:24:13] 'screw attack'! [17:24:34] anycase.. gotta run myself too.. [17:25:09] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo31_3UzTTY [17:25:09] YouTube - Fordson Snowmobile 1929 Concept Reel [18:16:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/427893652325531648/DSC_8603.JPG [18:18:32] https://i.gyazo.com/25faefec1255ee198128735fa6684769.png [18:19:18] nice [18:50:53] https://www.humblebundle.com/books/makerspace-books [18:51:05] There is a book called 'Lauren Ipsum' [18:53:18] https://78.media.tumblr.com/8fc1b5fac64e0594bebf4219dbd4b6ce/tumblr_n5yk16tKYT1sor2g2o1_540.jpg [18:56:23] gah... [18:56:26]        KerbalRoster.ValidateAssignments (.Game st) [18:57:24] I mean I'm just playing, I had this stupid shipwreck part that I had decorated into a very respectable space station, I had just sent up a new docking structure so I could plug in an experiment module extract some science from the piece of junk, [18:58:18] so everything was together, I re-oriented the thing to a better orientation and was just sitting and admiring it, then decided to go to tracking station and now I can't do anything because this stupid "validate assignments" function fails and I have to force quit the game. =( [19:12:40] did you google the function? is it a mod? [19:17:13] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:17:37] Evening, Gentlemen. [19:27:38] Action: ve2dmn add mass and pressure to the Supernovy [19:27:50] hrm political / social implications of the gendered un-inclusiveness in remarks VS the meta politics of remarking on the cultural stigma of challenging a conservative: "things are fine like this, because male is neutral because I say it is" [19:28:21] (hi Supernovy) [19:30:02] https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page <<< I love how theres 2 different news entries: [19:30:29] ["05 Mar 2018 There are currently problems with parsing/displaying equations. Please stand by."] ||| ["5 Apr 2013 tags are fixed!"] [19:30:48] and I didn't realize the 3 was an 8, so my reaction was: "wait, it's already april?" [19:32:59] Action: UmbralRaptop hides the time machine [19:33:58] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o DuoDex' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:33:58] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o TheKosmonaut' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:35:00] UmbralRaptop: way to go - espernet forgot how to do timestamps and split [19:35:17] Action: kuzetsa demands physics timewarp be restored to normal [19:38:49] oops [19:41:40] Just after I added mass and pressure to Supernovy, Espernet blew up. Concidence? yes [19:45:33] I think it was UmbralRaptop attempting to hide his time machine [19:46:23] Incidentally, how does one treat getting a few grays of neutrino radiation? Asking for a friend. [19:46:51] neutrino radiation? probably died from the normal one already then [19:47:03] ^ [19:47:32] https://what-if.xkcd.com/73/ [19:49:21] Althego: no, no. The time machine started working before the shockwave could reach the star's photosphere. [19:52:36] Deddly: The deadly distance for Neutrino out of a supernova is 2.3AU [19:53:06] ... but at that distance you are already INSIDE the star... [19:53:59] ve2dmn, I think UmbralRaptop has metaphasic shielding [19:54:02] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v RyanKnack' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:54:23] and the time machine emits chroniton particles :9 [19:56:49] Only an RSG. Blue supergiants are <1 au in radius. [19:57:23] Deddly: btw, I like the comparison in that article about Supernovea and hydrogen bombs [19:57:27] Action: UmbralRaptop quietly ignores that they would get cooked by the photons anyway. [19:58:18] ve2dmn, yeah, nothing beats xkcd for helping a reader visualise something :) [19:58:24] Which of the following would be brighter, in terms of the amount of energy delivered to your retina: [19:58:25] A supernova, seen from as far away as the Sun is from the Earth, or [19:58:25] The detonation of a hydrogen bomb pressed against your eyeball? [19:59:12] Answer: The supernova. By 9 orders of magnitude [20:14:14] Hm, found something interesting near the south pole while exploring with the hoverjet: https://puu.sh/zQ5Ja/15da7049f9.jpg [20:14:29] hmm [20:14:29] That's on a small mountain plateau 5.4 km above sea level [20:14:41] Lyneira, cool, one of the relay stations [20:15:02] Nice landing [20:15:09] do you have any mods with relays or vanilla? [20:15:23] This is vanilla with just kerbal foundries and some QoL mods [20:15:42] Those relay stations are in stock [20:15:46] Can't really claim there was all that much skill involved in the landing because my hoverjet has antigrav motors which makes the touchdown a bit easier [20:15:49] Since 1.2 I think [20:15:57] Won't say it's easy either though [20:16:15] you still have to disable the antigrav motors quickly and hope your wheels can stop you in time [20:16:25] without bumping and crashing [20:17:31] aren't Anti-gravity engine implemented as simply giant invisible wheels? [20:18:01] Yeah, think of them as invisible, frictionless shopping cart wheels with suspension [20:18:15] And power drawn based on how much the suspension is stressed [20:18:42] Also, I have the perfect anti-gravity engine. Requires no energy: it's called the ground :D [20:18:45] Lyneira, nice dish :) [20:19:20] ve2dmn: Problem with "ground" as antigravity is that it's not very good for traveling 300+ m/s over [20:19:31] details, details [20:20:05] So if we replace actual ground with effective ground& [20:21:32] UmbralRaptop: if you want to move it, you can use grinded ground [20:21:50] just spray some on the ground and BAM, you are higher [20:22:16] Unless I bury myself. [20:22:38] in that case, I suggest coffee grounds [20:22:50] at least you'll be able to eat your way out [20:30:04] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v nasonfish' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:01:53] The most massive of 13 asteroids had 7.22740 t. The most valuable had 6.59504 t ore. Interestingly there were two asteroids with 7.22740 t. The asteroid mass quantum must be large. [21:02:00] class A [21:45:20] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [22:28:01] Hello everyone i got a question is there a mod where i can add breathble atmosphere on Lyathe and Eve ? [22:30:40] Have a look at the modulemanager documentation. You can easily mod this yourself [22:31:17] How do i do that ?? [22:31:35] I thought large had a breathable atmosphere [22:31:44] laythe [22:31:57] Not in 1.4.1 [22:31:59] I think he means for kerbals [22:32:05] not jet engines [22:32:36] Yes sorry forgot to add kerbals :p [22:33:01] that's dumb [22:33:08] ?? [22:33:11] squad is dumb [22:33:20] Why wuold it be dumb ? [22:33:39] because it's been a long held assumption that laythe is breathable [22:33:40] Wait nevermind [22:33:53] and then they've gone and thrown it out [22:34:00] Well [22:35:14] I thonk that squad is trying to mimic our real solar system by adding planets and moons that have some similaritys [22:35:37] I think they have been messing up the game for a while now is what I think [22:35:55] I've fallen far out of love with squad and their changes to KSP for a while [22:36:12] In other words imagine titan in real life an lyathe [22:36:15] their rewriting of wheels screwed up landing gear a ton, especially for RO/RSS [22:37:12] MARS2018: but yet it still can operate a jet engine? [22:37:32] Speaking of RSS is there any update for it to 1.4.1 [22:38:09] no [22:38:12] Yes but jet engines compress the thin cumbustible gasses [22:38:29] But the air isn't that thin [22:38:41] That are on the jool moon [22:38:50] Gasses [22:38:51] the issue would be the percent of oxygen [22:38:57] which engines can't get around [22:39:07] nothing about this makes logical sense [22:39:16] True [22:39:58] Anywaythe [22:40:53] Sorry im writing on my cell the keybord anoys me when i write [22:41:00] Anyway [22:42:04] On Lyathe and Duna jet enginea seem to work fine it depends on which jwt engine you use [22:43:37] I use the R.AP.E.I.E.R.S engines for small 1 kerbal aircrafts on duna [22:45:53] There are some nuclear jets engines mod that i used before in the 1.2.2 [22:47:30] Im boring anyone in here ? [22:50:38] Well anyway guys i gotta go bye [22:50:42] bye [22:50:49] (I just got back) [22:51:16] Well that was the fastest response here lol [22:51:52] Ok then bye [22:54:20] by [22:54:23] bye* [22:59:04] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:00:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/427964512130301962/DSC_8606.JPG [23:09:31] Fluburtur: hm. [23:09:36] time for sleep [23:09:44] yeah [23:13:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/427968355199090698/DSC_8607.JPG [23:13:43] 42 grams so far [23:13:50] for a tail of this size it really isn't bad [23:24:41] https://i.imgur.com/KFKdIya.png [23:24:45] Kerbalism is doing good [23:56:20] Question [23:56:32] why would anyone use -force-glcore over -force-opengl or -force-d4311 [23:56:35] d3d11*