import cherrypy # <3 import hashlib import chevron import lmdb import time import pickle def page404(**kwargs): return "Welcome to Neverland!""before_handler") def auth(groups): sess = cherrypy.session if sess.get("login") in groups: return else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/login") class PicoSocial: def __init__(self, env, admin): self.env = env self.admin = admin self.users_db = env.open_db(b"users") self.msgs_db = env.open_db(b"msgs") @cherrypy.expose def index(self): template = """ {{#messages}}


From {{name}} at {{date}}
{{/messages}} """ result = [] with self.env.begin(db=self.msgs_db) as txn: for t, d in txn.cursor(): t = pickle.loads(t) d = pickle.loads(d) result.append({"text": d["message"], "name": d["name"], "date": time.ctime(t)}) return chevron.render(template, {"messages": result}) @cherrypy.expose def login(self, username="", password=""): if username == "" and password == "": return """

""" password = hashlib.sha512(password.encode()).digest() if username == self.admin["username"] and password == self.admin["password"]: cherrypy.session["login"] = "admin" cherrypy.session["uname"] = username raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/send") with self.env.begin(db=self.users_db) as txn: password_ = txn.get(username.encode()) if password_: if password_ == password: cherrypy.session["login"] = "user" cherrypy.session["uname"] = username raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/send") else: return "Incorrect username and/or password" else: return "Incorrect username and/or password" @cherrypy.expose"admin", )) def adduser(self, username, password): with self.env.begin(db=self.users_db, write=True) as txn: password = hashlib.sha512(password.encode()).digest() if txn.get(username.encode()): txn.replace(username.encode(), password) return "This user's password has been updated" else: txn.put(username.encode(), password) return "User has been added to system" @cherrypy.expose"admin", "user")) def send(self, message=""): if message == "": return """

""" with self.env.begin(db=self.msgs_db, write=True) as txn: t = pickle.dumps(time.time()) msg = {"message": message, "name": cherrypy.session.get("uname")} msg = pickle.dumps(msg) txn.put(t, msg) return "Your message has been sent successfully." @cherrypy.expose"admin", "user")) def logout(self): cherrypy.session["login"] = False raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/") env ="/tmp/picosocial081", max_dbs=2) admin = { "username": "admin", "password": hashlib.sha512(b"1234").digest() } conf = {"global": {"tools.sessions.on": True, "request.show_tracebacks": False, "error_page.404": page404 } } cherrypy.quickstart(PicoSocial(env,admin), "/", conf)